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Okay so here's the deal. I'm having a real problem finding a cool Close Combat Weapon for my Dreadnought. Now, normally when I think of a dreadnought, it's of a big, hulking mechanical monster that sort of stomps around and can barely swing its arms around to fight. Which is why big saws and powerfists work, cuz as long as you get that somewhere close to the enemy you're good, but what if it walked around with a huge hand-held weapon like a big axe? Would a dreadnought be able to use this efficiently?


Thanks in advance gents!

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I've seen a few dreads with Huge versions of weapons from 'Ard boys lineups or some such, cant seem to google-fu a picture up for you atm. If you look at the DoW Videos, however, thier manual dexterity is pretty decent. Since thier brains are hardwwired into the new bodies I feel that thier ability to use thier "Hands" should be pretty decent. As far as the different type of weapon, fluff wise, goes power weapons blades arent any stronger than normal but have an energy field that aids thier cutting skill. Or Space-Puppies and thier Frost-weapons. Each would still have considerable bulk to them; being many times larger than a normal weapon of thier type.


The venerable Dread kit has a hand that could EASILY be modified to hold a standard style weapon. the metal kit is pretty decent too.


With your considerable modeling talents, as an aside, you should be able to Maguiver something up. I demand Pics though Goose. It sounds like a good idea, could really see a DA Dread with a Sword, wolf with an Axe etc.

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I give you the Ancient Brother Zael and the Venerable Brother Alucard, formerly of the Salamanders, and their big ass seismic hammers:










I'm thinking they pick them up with one hand by the handle and smash by pivoting their upper body. Given the size of their hammer, the power field on the hammer top and the power of the dreadnought arm behind it, I think they should do fine.

Zael needed only minimal conversion of the standard dread arm, Alucard's needed some more effort, but nothing too complicated.

I also suggest checking out the Show your Dreadnought thread in the Hall of Honor for more inspiration.



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