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musings on a future dex...


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I guess you missed the fact that Eldar got Dire Avengers moved to Troops, so you could have an all-Aspect army, you know... like a Biel-Tan army.


I was thinking more of the Court of the Young King. Were Dire Avengers an Elites choice in the 3rd ed codex?

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Imagine if you had to use the current Codex Space Marines with no viable elite options, FA choices, and had 1 viable HQ slot, plus added rules sprinkled throughout the book that either break or overcost 50% of the units.


Yeah that would bother me if I was only in the game for tournaments However I like the game for the Ability to hang out and have as the American term "Beer and pretzel games" Because winning is not everything Games like this are Ment for Fun sure some people get enjoyment by crushing their opponents ect I like to get togeather and Push little plastic Spacemen around and fight my mates little plastic Spacemen.


Now imagine that Codex: Blood Angels did not exist anymore because it was lumped into the aforementioned C:SM, would you like that?


My guess is you wouldn't.

Do these Rules state I can no longer have my army painted as Flesh Tearers? and that I am no longer allowed to like the Fluff of my Chosen chapter? I like my armies back story Its just Plain bad luck My army happens to be in the BA codex Hell I have been Known to run My Tearers under the Chaos Codex its fun to do to change things up every now and then (HA someone using the Chaos codex to represent a Near brand new codex)


Now imagine some smart alec coming along after you've been trying to "make it work" for 2-3 years now, trying to field fluffy lists and still do well on the tabletop only to hit the same brick wall over and over.


Heh I also Play Necron and Tau both of these are those Down to a single list to not loose as fast Sure getting my squishy fireWarriors Rofl stomped by anything any other codex throws at them always leads to huge laughs.... :down: but ultimately would not be fun to those WAAC types or the Tourney goers because well Tau and Necron Do so well these days. :D


Would you enjoy that?




My guess is you wouldn't.


Oh but I do its a game designed around fun Some people like to suck the fun out of it by OMG its not points efficient ect ect We play a game of Toy soldiers and in the Greater scheme of things has no real effect on the outside world and If you are in the game to make ends meat I think your not going to get a nice Fluffy Army that is perfectly competitive the rules do and don't reflect the fluff in the way that the whole galaxy is at a stalemate in some way If a army had a way of feilding a Fluffy army that constantly ranks top 3 in tourneys it sucks the fun of what will happen in the Future.


Other than that I worded my other post badly but in these days of the "counts as" rule there must be some way of making whatever Army you want to work work And IMO your codex is not that Void of Horrible options hell at least it has Options even if they are Horrible. In fact Give me a army that is no longer useable(due to rules ect) And I will either find a soulution to it or I will withdraw my comment about such BUT these would be more Fluffy lists than anything because I am of the Under Standing there is nolonger any Fluffy Tourney lists what so ever.

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Hmmm yeah I think Dire Avengers = Troops in the old Eldar dex... They were just rubbish and guardians came out on top... so that is what people took...


Anyway back on topic... the problem with the dex isn't that the units are bad... just it lacks flavour and internal balance...


You can do Black Legion and you can renegade warbands and mono-god warbands but you have no flavour if you want to do one any of the other legions (including the cult legions).


Would I like a codex that provides good internal balance and the flavour to do real themed armies... Yes! Would real daemons and lost and the damned style units also be great? Yes! However I wouldn't get your hopes up!

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Nope, they were only Troops in the Biel Tan list, not the main.


Incorrect, I just dug the old dex out and they are troops in it! As I said no one took them because they sucked... Now they at least compete with guardians if not better overall.

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Huh. Strange, I remember reading that they moved them to Troops to allow Biel Tan armies... Anyways, we'll just leave it as GW integrated the various Eldar factions better than they did Chaos factions. Of course, there were less Eldar factions, but whatever.
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Do these Rules state I can no longer have my army painted as Flesh Tearers? and that I am no longer allowed to like the Fluff of my Chosen chapter?


Yes thats almost exactily what happened... I run two armys from codex chaos, a mono god bezerker list, and a Night Lords undivided list...

My bezerker list lost termies, marked dreds, Bezerker Lords, deamons (greater and lesser) and useful posessed- all of which were made into pale versions of their former selves.


Now I have a red painted CSM which play very much like my dark blue painted CSM. So while I strive to play my bezerkers in a fluffy way the actual ruleset and codex resists this... and Bezerkers were not the worst hit by this (Lost and Dammed or cult heavy Alpha Legion).


Oh but I do its a game designed around fun Some people like to suck the fun out of it by OMG its not points efficient ect ect We play a game of Toy soldiers and in the Greater scheme of things has no real effect on the outside world and If you are in the game to make ends meat I think your not going to get a nice Fluffy Army that is perfectly competitive the rules do and don't reflect the fluff in the way that the whole galaxy is at a stalemate in some way If a army had a way of feilding a Fluffy army that constantly ranks top 3 in tourneys it sucks the fun of what will happen in the Future


I wouldnt mind having an army that is challenging to play with and I very rarely play in tournies...codex chaos is far from an "Auto lose" button...

we were complaining more that a fluffy army cannot be created (sure I can paint my termies red and give them an Icon) but this does not a

bezerker make.


Other than that I worded my other post badly but in these days of the "counts as" rule there must be some way of making whatever Army you want to work work And IMO your codex is not that Void of Horrible options hell at least it has Options even if they are Horrible. In fact Give me a army that is no longer useable(due to rules ect) And I will either find a soulution to it or I will withdraw my comment about such BUT these would be more Fluffy lists than anything because I am of the Under Standing there is nolonger any Fluffy Tourney lists what so ever.


I am not 100% certain of your point, are you suggesting we use another codex to proxy codex chaos using "counts as"? If so you have somewhat invaldidated your earlier arguments. Or are you suggesting that there are "counts as" options in codex Chaos that we have not yet explored?

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