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Knights of Blood questions...

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Does anyone play this army? I have only seen one or two examples online.


How did you paint the symbol on? Did you simplify it (ex. just painting the shield and blood drop) or use decals?


Do you enjoy it? (I know it is just a BA army but they are renegades)


What is you overall opinion on the army?


Thanks guys for any and all comments and opinions.

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Well, I don't personally play KoB, but my friend recently chosen torun them. He uses Seth as Chapter Master (or a captain, can't tell for sure), and he's pretty successful with them (he won a local tourney recently). He says, he wouldn't have done it if he chose Lamenters (he considered them for some time). All in all, KoB turned out to be his lucky army. And they look good on the table.
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