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WIP: Gabriel Seth Now Finished!


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Mi senorita was over this weekend so I haven't had much time to paint much further as this model was in hiding so she didn't spot it. Just before she landed however I managed to start getting the horrifying task of painting the face and eyes started, and here is how it looks so far. I am fairly happy with how it's shaping up since I was never keep on painting flesh and always dreaded eyes in the past!





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  • 3 weeks later...

More progress...Again I'm not keeping as close updates on this just because I want to finish the thing. I am still doing all the little details so it doesn't appear to be much of an update. Purity seal papers/parchments just need final highlights, face needs a mid highlight in some areas or the top most highlights toning down. Skin was always a bane of my painting! The eyes are also needing pupils... This is something I am dreading!








Will next work on bringing all the white areas up to pure white. Anyone have any suggestions on how to paint the purity seal wax and or leather pouches?

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Very nice IK; your girlie will be most chuffed! What colour are you going for with Blood Reaver? If you stay with really dark tones on the armour might I suggest yellow/black hazzard stripes to make it stand out? With a nice splashing of gore, you know I like gore :)
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Cheers guys! I was hard at work on this this morning taking the whites up more...Still another 2 layers to go then getting into the red, which I am going to take up. Main colour will be scab red with probably a scab/khaki highlight and washed with baal and purple. At least in my mind that looks like it should work.


My biggest problem right now is the freaking eyes! The whites look fine to me, the eye ball is pretty well blocked with colour and is dark enough around the edges so that he doesn't look like is on space marine smack but I cant for the life of me paint in the pupils! I spent about an hour earlier trying to put them in. I know that I need to paint a line that goes from the top of the eye ball to the bottom so at to not look like a crazy loon but I just couldn't get the paint off the brush as I wanted it. In fact every brush I have just would not apply the paint as I wanted it.


Any one have any tips for painting eyes?

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What colour are you going for with Blood Reaver? If you stay with really dark tones on the armour might I suggest yellow/black hazzard stripes to make it stand out? With a nice splashing of gore, you know I like gore ;)


Haha, thanks Midnight, I am all too aware of your rather worrying (in a good way) fascination with gore. But you do apply it very well to your mini... I wonder how long you took to study its visceral form and then hide away in my 'No Midnights Allowed fort' for fear of an inspection of my own!


I am going to go with regular black blade I think. I think the last thing Seth (or in this case myself in power armour) wants is to warn anyone of the impending hazard that is on approach :D

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I tend to do the eyes first when starting on the face. White eyeball obviously, then a wash of Badab Black or something that has a dark tone depending on the model. I then redo the eyeball in white, the wash providing the initial shading for later. Then it's just a case of black for the pupil, but I paint upwards in a line from roughly just below the centre of the eyeball, all the way up onto the eyebrow (just because the motion is easier for the stroke if that makes sense). As I've done all this first, it doesn't matter whether there are any discrepancies on the flesh areas as that's the next bit to paint and errors can be easily rectified.


Just my take on it anyway, and I realise not overly helpful in this instance, sorry...

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I have decided to start the face again from undercoat up. Given it another application of black. Going to try @Angelus Mortifer suggestion of doing the eyes first. And I wasn't overly impressed with my work on the skin anyway. I can do better :P


Also got the first layer done of the armours base coat. A mix of about 2:1 scab red to dark flesh. Looking quite good in my opinion :P Will try and throw some pics up later this week once I layer up the nest stage of the white.

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Mort has the right of it. Painting the eyes first gives you a lot more control over their shape. For eyes though I'd choose a slightly off-white color like Space Wolves Gray, because I feel pure white kind of gives them a more cartoony kind of look if you'll forgive me saying. For the pupils I use a .005 black micro-art pen. You can pick one up for a couple bucks at an art supply store. Even if you can't get your hands on one just get your fine detail brush and use the useful trick Mort mentioned. After you get the whites of the eyes on and you're ready to do the pupil, don't try so hard to just make a DOT, take your brush/pen and draw a vertical line down across the eye where you want the pupil to be. After you clean up the area around the eye nobody will tell the difference and your eyes will look great. I've even used blue or green paint instead of black when I wanted to give my helmless Astartes colored eyes! It makes for a cool effect.
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Mort has the right of it. Painting the eyes first gives you a lot more control over their shape. For eyes though I'd choose a slightly off-white color like Space Wolves Gray, because I feel pure white kind of gives them a more cartoony kind of look if you'll forgive me saying. For the pupils I use a .005 black micro-art pen. You can pick one up for a couple bucks at an art supply store. Even if you can't get your hands on one just get your fine detail brush and use the useful trick Mort mentioned. After you get the whites of the eyes on and you're ready to do the pupil, don't try so hard to just make a DOT, take your brush/pen and draw a vertical line down across the eye where you want the pupil to be. After you clean up the area around the eye nobody will tell the difference and your eyes will look great. I've even used blue or green paint instead of black when I wanted to give my helmless Astartes colored eyes! It makes for a cool effect.


Yeah this was the direction I knew I had to go with but was made very difficult in painting the face first, but after much toiling last night I did finally manage to get the eyes in! Pupils and all ;) they are by no means amazing but I have a deadline of a week today so I'm going to have to live with it for now, but I am fairly happy with them. Not quite as outstanding as lots of work I see but somethings only get better with practice. I have base coated all the face again.


Pics will be coming soon

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Ok...Home straight is in site! Few little things to tidy up... And varnish, picked up some vallejo airbrush gloss and matt to keep it safe on the plane ride.









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Thanks man :P


This is not the final product. I have gone back around and fixed some little bits. and I have some little extra touches to do tonight. Matt varnish, then re gloss the gems and add a touch of static grass.


I doubt I'll have time to get a proper photo up but I'll get the lady friend to take some pics for me... She'll have better light anyway and definately has a better camera ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Big news everyone... I FINALLY FINISHED SOMETHING!!! ;)


Well, this is the completed Gabriel Seth I did for my girlfriend as he looks alarmingly like myself in power armour according to her. This was a great model to paint and I have certainly learned a fair bit about detail work! C&C welcome.












Now she has a much better camera and light living in Spain so there may well be some new photos of this up soon.

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Excellent stuff mate! I love the FT-red you got going on, and the wings look crisp and clean. Nice blending on the inner side of the cloak and the overall appearance is great! :lol:


I bet she'll be very satisfied with this, and so can you! A great piece indeed. :P




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Cheers guys! I am very pleased with it myself. She was very pleased with the gift :D


Part of me likes it so much I wanna do more Flesh Tearers haha. But I must carry on with my Lemartes now. Hopefully I'll get some better pics from her digital cam of this soon.

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tbh the more I look at this thread the more I want paint a 'me' for my army. Maybe we should run "If I were a Blood Angel this would be me...." competition??? ^_^


To be fair mate your Seth would win, uncanny likeness.


Haha a case when male pattern baldness actually yields something remotely positive B)


Thanks a lot guys! Much appreciated from all the good folks on this forum! Especially coming from painters I admire so much myself ^_^

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Hey Kobra have you started with your airbrush yet? I think you will be so happy once you get it into service. We (you is what I really mean) should start the blood angels airbrush thread so we (this time I mean all of us new to airbrush) can learn from the many mistakes we (mostly me) will be making in the near future. Cheers on your Seth model, he looks really good. I like the darker red. Just think how fast your slow self will be once you start airbrushing! I did a squad in a little under 3 weeks-That's slow for most but really fast for me. I know another slow painter as well...
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Hey Kobra have you started with your airbrush yet? I think you will be so happy once you get it into service. We (you is what I really mean) should start the blood angels airbrush thread so we (this time I mean all of us new to airbrush) can learn from the many mistakes we (mostly me) will be making in the near future. Cheers on your Seth model, he looks really good. I like the darker red. Just think how fast your slow self will be once you start airbrushing! I did a squad in a little under 3 weeks-That's slow for most but really fast for me. I know another slow painter as well...


I have tried it out to see what it is like to work with on an old battered tank and I have used it to varnish this model and I am really looking forward to getting into using it more regularly for painting.


I will be first properly breaking it out I would think in the next few weeks. I haven't had a squad or anything ready to try it with just yet but I will have a 5 man DC and Storm Raven that I will be breaking it out for in my Lemartes thread. Will be be using it for the Blue/black basecoat I like so much it probably won't be a great example of an airbrush thread since that colour is so dark it will not be really noticeable that an airbrush has been used at all. But in time I'm sure I'll have something red to try it out on. I have been watching airbrush threads/vids on youtube, coolmini and of course here and what I have noticed is that well really mistakes ARE going to happen in the beginning :lol:


I have seen your airbrush assault/tacticals and you seem to have a good grasp already and getting those red basecoats on quick and smooth makes me excited to start doing the same ^_^

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