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tau question

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hi all

in the tau dex when you choose pathfinders you get a devilfish as part of the unit.. but its not listed as being a dedicated transport..

does that mean another unit can start the game embarked.., or does it count as being dedicated?



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hi all

in the tau dex when you choose pathfinders you get a devilfish as part of the unit.. but its not listed as being a dedicated transport..

does that mean another unit can start the game embarked.., or does it count as being dedicated?



It is effectively a dedicated; the Tau Codex is old codex in the old style, so it never explicitly uses the term dedicated transport, but any transport you buy as a part of the unit effectively is a dedicated transport.

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It is effectively a dedicated; the Tau Codex is old codex in the old style, so it never explicitly uses the term dedicated transport, but any transport you buy as a part of the unit effectively is a dedicated transport.


ok thanks, i guess another unit could still use it but not start embarked...

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It is effectively a dedicated; the Tau Codex is old codex in the old style, so it never explicitly uses the term dedicated transport, but any transport you buy as a part of the unit effectively is a dedicated transport.


ok thanks, i guess another unit could still use it but not start embarked...


That's pretty much how most Tau players do it. Park a unit of Fire Warriors next to it, and hop in on Turn One. The Fish is large enough to block LOS to a small squad, or give a 10-squid unit a cover save.

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hi all

in the tau dex when you choose pathfinders you get a devilfish as part of the unit.. but its not listed as being a dedicated transport..

does that mean another unit can start the game embarked.., or does it count as being dedicated?




Are you bullying some poor Xenos with an outdated Dex, GC08?

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Are you bullying some poor Xenos with an outdated Dex, GC08?


quite the opposite, i got hold of a tau army and figured id put a list together, see if i cant make them work.

ive also got a CSM army on the go..

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Are you bullying some poor Xenos with an outdated Dex, GC08?


quite the opposite, i got hold of a tau army and figured id put a list together, see if i cant make them work.

ive also got a CSM army on the go..


I see. You are really diversifying :)


There are quite a few Tau sites and advice pieces out there, if you want them, I can link them.



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I see. You are really diversifying :)


There are quite a few Tau sites and advice pieces out there, if you want them, I can link them.




:lol: variety is the spice of life, i found a couple of sites, didnt seem to be a huge amount on tactics, although ive been looking through some blogs and finding some gems..

i really dont like the whole min/maxing thing with competative play, to me it isnt a tau army without at least 2 dozen firewarriors..


anyhoo, so we dont get a slap from the mods, id appreciate any help you can give me.. probably best via pm though


thanks marshal

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