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"Static Grass"


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I was about to shave today... then I realised that... well that after it gets a bit of length to it, well it looks like static grass, kinda.


So, has anyone saved their shavings and added it to static grass or used it in place of static grass?


Thanks in advance. If no one tries it out I'll give it a go.

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So your facial hair grows green, eh? Might want to get that checked out.

well actually, hair is really absorbant to paints. A lot of the most expensive brushes are made from hairs from animals. So you could paint it green ;p Or find a ginge and now you have some red autumn season grass.


But not painting it, you could mix it with some green flock, now you have some darker flock. Or put it on some chaos marines and now you have some hairy marines...

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Haha I was wondering how people were going to react to this! Guys seriously though it's not that gross, get over yourselves. It's literally just hair. As in what your paintbrushes are made of?


Dunno how well it would work though. Give it a try, be original!


And stuckinbermuda; The irony is your signature.


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nurgle/fly mutant marine.


Hmm....a Fly themed Nurgle army. Led by Plague Lord Brundle. :) I could totally see that being an awesome conversion: Have a Plague Marine or Chaos Lord that looks like his skin is sloughing off and revealing a monstrous fly underneath. (Perhaps his ascension to Daemonhood?)


WHY must I get these conversion ideas in my head when I'm rather conversion-impaired!? *laughs*

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If you want cheap static grass, just dry some (you can pick up some from the local park for example) and cut with your hobby knife

I wouldn't try that unless you're basing a Titan, real grass on a 40K base is just too darn big. It might work as something other than grass, some sort of jungle perhaps, but not as 28mm scale grass.


Even the Mods are joining in...

And the Admins ;)


But that's OK, we're actually members of the B&C community and Space Marine fanatics first and staffers second, we're supposed to join in, even in the dafter threads <_<

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Well there is no issue with "sanitary". As mentioned hair is used all the time for things from wigs to brushes (hair isn’t degraded by bacteria so it won’t rot or get stinky on its own). The problem with the hair would be what’s attached to it, so unless you aren’t showering that often, it shouldn't be a problem.


The reason I bring it up, is that there seem to be very few choices for static grass. This would give it a lot more texture (though it’s the title the key purpose isn't really to save money), the ability to control the color (dyeing, bleaching, peroxides, staining; a lot of these don’t work on static grass but work on hair great). The reason facial hair over head hair or even armpit hair, would be the length (at least the hair in my pits and on my head are to long), my facial hair is mostly straight and firm, just like static grass. I am sure there are other reasons that I am forgetting.


Well due to the responses in this thread, I will do this tomorrow (Saturday, and I am on EST time) I will post lots of pics from the hair on my face, to comparisons with static grass, and finally versatility of the hair (if I have enough), like bleaching and painting.

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Ok, so here is my face...


Here is a close up to get a better estimate of how long my hair is





Here is the amount of hair I collected (not much)



Little bit of glue on cardboard. Starting from the top left; My own make up of static grass mix, dark green static gras, citidal static grass, arid static grass.

Bottom row, hair, hair and arid static grass




I am currently bleeching some hair in peroxide. May take some time.

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