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Land Speeders


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The Blood Angels Codex describes land speeders as being " ... in almost constant demand."


I really like land speeders. I want to add them to my army on rule of cool.

I was thinking of running land speeders with my Stormraven for an all skimmer attack force for the blam blam!

I want to run them with multi-meltas and something else that will compliment the multi-melta.

My Stormraven is equipped for long range anti-armor with the twin-linked lascannon and Typhoon missle launchers, both having a range of 48".



Are Land speeders any good and will the set-up I want compliment my Stormy?

And what formation is a good recommendation to run land speeders? 2 squads of 2 or 1 squad of 3?

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I tend to run 2 typhoons w/ hvy bolters in most lists. If the fast attack slots are available I deploy them as seperate units, otherwise both in one slot. They pop tanks from 48" first couple turns then go to frags and Hvy bolters later in the game. Remember frag missiles are treated as defensive weapons.
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Ok, I'm off to get a Land Speeder Typhoon or 2.

I'm thinking two of these with heavy bolter and 2 with multi-melta and heavy flamer.


Would this work or am I best off running them all with the same set up?

I like the typhoon/heavy bolter set up, it has a nice range. But I'll then need to make up the lack of melta in other areas of my army.


Or, could I possibly get away with having no melta and just using up to 5 Typhoon Rocket Launchers? (including the Stormy)

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A lot of folks rate the Attack bike over the Landspeeder. It has the possibility of FNP and can be a bit more durable and a but cheaper. For an army with Stormraven and the 'rule of cool' I think Landspeeders would be great. I personally like the MM/HF combo and generally fork out for 2. Others like the Typhoon combo. More Expensive but longer ranged. One of the things I like about speeders is the fact that they can multi task. Armour and infantry.
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2 of them, heavy bolters and typhoon launchers.


either shooting 4 krak missiles at transports on the move, or 6 heavy bolter shots and 4 frags on the move.


Wonderful unit.

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2 of them, heavy bolters and typhoon launchers.


either shooting 4 krak missiles at transports on the move, or 6 heavy bolter shots and 4 frags on the move.


Wonderful unit.


Nice unit. Can be nice to also move 6 inches and fire the kraks and heavy bolter (depending on the target, most transports can be hurt by heavy bolters, and shooting kraks and heavy bolters into Marines works well)

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2 of them, heavy bolters and typhoon launchers.


either shooting 4 krak missiles at transports on the move, or 6 heavy bolter shots and 4 frags on the move.


Wonderful unit.

Agreed, this is a very versatile and agile unit that can be either a specialist or just add oomph to an army in general. 4 S8 shots from the backfield can handle most non-Land Raider armor and 4 S4 blasts with 6 S5 shots can put wounds on any infantry unit in the game. Just remember to keep them behind the rest of your army, a rapid firing 10-man tactical squad can easily take out a 2-Land Speeder squadron, but it takes several turns to whittle them down with single-shot long range weapons.

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Thanks for the replies, looks like it's definitely Typhoon/Heavy bolter combo. This will compliment my Stormraven nicely I think.


I like MM Attack Bikes or Baal Predators more. I run a mech heavy list though so it works out pretty well that way. For your list I think it would be ok..


Oh, I'm getting some attack bikes for a mech list later on.

Actually, I'm thinking of a bike heavy list.

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Me myself I love my MM Attack Bikes. But, I like the idea of the

Complimenting the SR with typhoon/HB loadout, I might have to try this myself sometime but my fast slots at the moment are reserved for attack bikes and baal's.

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Granted, this is coming from a Black Templar perspective, but I love speeders. Lately I have been running four. Two typhoons with heavy bolters in a single squadron, and two mm/hf as two squadrons of one each. The typhoons hang back and use their range to stay out of harms way while dishing out their not inconsiderable firepower. For the mm/hf speeders I keep them in reserve so that they can deep strike where needed later in the game. This works well for me, but does take up all of the fast attack slots. Also Blood Angel assault squads with melta can fill the same role as the mm/hf speeders.


I guess what I'm saying is I agree with the above. Go with the typhoons. I think you'll like them.

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Well, I've got 2 Land Speeders now. All the parts come in one box now and there's these little Blood Angel insignia bits to put on the wings. That's awesome!


Go with the typhoons. I think you'll like them.



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I've used a SR-Landspeeder list with 2 squads of 3 MM/HB speeders.

Fast skimmer space marines is tons of fun and really annoys my Eldar friends who now can't outrun me.


The biggest problem with speeders in your list is they're so friggin expensive ($$)

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Thanks again for all the replies, very helpful.

I'm reviving this thread for one more question.


The Assault Cannon is still in the sprue and it's saying "use me, you have no assault cannons. use me!"


So, can I have a land speeder with typhoon rockets, a heavy bolter -and- an assault cannon?

I know it will be expensive but it will be awesome!

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Don't do it!!!


Save those Assualt Cannons for converting a Razorbacks hvy bolter turret. You will thank me later :tu:


I'd do that, but the two spare assault cannons from my Stormraven would work better. Also have the assault cannons from my Baal Predator. All I need it to do is work on it a bit with green stuff and I'll have an Assault Cannon Razorback.


But what I want to know is, can I put the assault cannons on the land speeders along with the heavy bolter and typhoon rockets? Or is that illegal?


~EDIT~ Nevermind, I've been told that that would be illegal.

So, heavy bolters/typhoon rockets. Yeah!

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I'm afraid you can't anyway. The codex says "any land speeder can be upgraded with one of the fallowing"


I think it was possible with the old pdf, but not with the new codex.

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