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Buying Chaos army, need some advice, please!


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Hi, i'm not sure where to put this - my mate's work collegue is selling their Chaos army and my mate wants me to get back into 40k.


Hes selling, only a few guys basecoated black, most unpainted :


Chaos codex


Daemon prince - metal version (i like this version personally)


Terminator lord


Khorne lord


Skull taker character


5 Chaos Terminators


10 possessed


15 chaos marines


1k sons unit


20 beserkers


10 bloodletters






Landraider (box unopened)




Soul grinder


Baneblade (dont know why thats included)


GW carry case


And a GW Battlemat



The lowest they will sell for is £145



What do you guys think - is this a good price or is it overpriced considering chaos are supposedly extrememly gakky in game :)


If I were to sell it on Ebay in a few months would I at least get my money back?? I mean I dont want to be lumbered with it becuase I paid too much.


I'm not very confident about chaos - never collected them and have read alot on the net they are badly written.


Can anyone offer any advice, please??


Thanks everybody



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Daemon prince - metal version (i like this version personally)
Mine as well, it is a nice model.


Terminator lord
Beautiful kit with many options, but is a sub-par unit on the tabletop.


Khorne lord
Sub-par unit, but fun to field.


Skull taker character
Cannot be used in a CSM army as he is a Codex:Chaos Daemons special character.


5 Chaos Terminators
Great kit, decent unit.


10 possessed
Overpriced unit with no options, great bits for converting though. Truly outstanding models.


15 chaos marines
I'd say that 20 CSM minimum is a good core to build on, this is a good start.


1k sons unit
Overpriced overspecialized unit.


20 beserkers
Solid unit.


10 bloodletters
Can only be fielded as generic daemons now. Decent as a tar-pit unit.


Must have for most Chaos builds. I suggest getting 1-2 more eventually.


Subpar unit.


Landraider (box unopened)
Overpriced and subpar unit unless you are playing a LR rush list, in which case you'll need another LR.


Decent unit, best fielded in pairs. Obliterators give you more back for the buck though.


Soul grinder
Cannot be used in a CSM list, but you can easily convert it to be a more daemonic looking Defiler.


Baneblade (dont know why thats included)
Lovely kit, you cannot use it outside of Apoc games though.


GW carry case
Always good to have.


And a GW Battlemat
I've only tried playing on one once and sadly it was easy to wear out.


The lowest they will sell for is £145



What do you guys think - is this a good price or is it overpriced considering chaos are supposedly extrememly gakky in game :)

All of that would cost you in the ballpark area of 550£ if you were to buy them new, in a store. So based on the condition of the models I would say it was a good deal. You will end up with a few units you won't be able to use in club/store/tournament games and with a few units that aren't very good. If you are into the hobby aspect more than the gaming aspect, then by all means go for it.


If I were to sell it on Ebay in a few months would I at least get my money back?? I mean I dont want to be lumbered with it becuase I paid too much.
No definitive answer on this one, depends on the demand of each individual item and what they want to pay.


I'm not very confident about chaos - never collected them and have read alot on the net they are badly written.
We are bland, with butchered and missing fluff. Rules-wise we are at a medium to high power level on the tabletop but over half the units in the Codex are junk/badly written. We are however still one of the most fun and engaging armies out there for the painting and converting enthusiast.



My 2 Kraks

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Its a steal, go for it now.


Even if you dont use it now, the prices for all of thats just going to go up, and the models are all nice model to have. Gettem while theyre hot.

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Second just check Ebay values on all that stuff. Flog the baneblade. Unless you want for for APOC......


Mix possesed with CSM. Khorne lord becomes KB champ. TDA lord goes in TDA squad split them into 2 termicides. Pred gets hacked into a rhino. Grinder as mention above gets a gun add on for a defiller convertion. Happy days.


Or go on ebay now and pcik up some deals yourself

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And I disagree about the T-sons being overpriced. I find they make a great anchor for the army. AP3 rapid fire weapons? With a 4+ invulnerable? Drop those guys on an objecitve and watch someone try to push you off.


I'd push them off with a single Dreadnought, since no one in that squad can hurt it once it reaches CC range. ;)

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And I disagree about the T-sons being overpriced. I find they make a great anchor for the army. AP3 rapid fire weapons? With a 4+ invulnerable? Drop those guys on an objecitve and watch someone try to push you off.


Squad of brzrkrs (or orks, or lots of other things) could wipe them out in 1 turn. When it comes to massed attacks, TS's are no harder to kill then reg marines. But you don't even need to push them off or kill them, almost any squad could contest it since TS's don't have alot of hth killing power.

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You also pay out the nose (70+ pts) for a guy who doesn't really help them with their greatest weakness, hand to hand combat.

Compare a 5 man TSon unit to a 5 man Sternguard unit (who can be made scoring), or a 3-creature strong Hiveguard unit and you will see why TSons are overcosted.


But lets start a new thread on the viability of TSons instead of dragging this one off-topic.

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Heh... you buying it to play or make money? You can do both as your friend really is cutting you a deal. But he may decide to sell it on ebay himself if you waver to long.


If your shaky on your painting, you can probably find a pro to paint them up. I suggest sticking to original traitor chapters as the more popular the chapter, the more people would be willing to buy it if you decide to sell them. Painting them will increase their value if you do re-sell them, thus paying a good painter do them (even an award winner) will pay off in the long run. Alot of the good painters are willing to ship internationally as long as you pay for it. Also you can have unit by unit painted to spread out the costs. Poor paint jobs detract from the value because now people have to put in extra work to strip them. Worse comes to worse you can have an army your proud to play with.


I wouldn't hack apart anything unless your good at it or your never going to sell it off. Spring some cash for a extra Rhino or two or use what your have. You have the good core of an army and only need some long ranged support. If anything you can always play them unpainted if it is just you and your buddies. Who knows, maybe you will find you have a talent for painting and you will enjoy it and be good at it. The Demons are a start to a Demon army, so you might be able to expland on that or just sell off some things like the Baneblade and the Soul Grinder and focus on the Chaos Marine aspect (the bloodletters can actually be used as Lesser Demons by Chaos Marines).


Either way, enjoy!

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