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Articifer Armour Production, Could it work?

Rogue Pilot

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Basicly, as the name says, I'm curious on others thoughts on a counts as articifer armour (fluff wise). Basicly the "fluff" says that they discover a ancient cavern with several suits of armour covered in a previously unknown steel that the locals call angel steel because it fell from the sky. When this newly discovered steel is smelted at high temperatures and mixed with the blood of a pure soul, it forms a incredibly hard exocoat on the blood donors armour that rivals tatical dread armour.


Is this too heretical?? Give me your thoughs :)

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and exactly how did anyone discover this amazingly complicated process?


How did anyone figure out that when you put some milk in a container for a while till it gets hard its delicious? Who the hell knows but it was totally worth it :P

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How did anyone figure out that when you put some milk in a container for a while till it gets hard its delicious? Who the hell knows but it was totally worth it :P


I'm more concerned with what was going through the mind of the first person to get the milk . . .


Anyhow back on topic. Not much is really said about all the arcane practices that go into making marine armour so I say it a valid enough reason.

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what? do you even know what you just said? heck i dont, lol...(btw this is in reference to the milk quote...)


but yea, its kinda weird. how would they discover that by adding blood it makes the metal harder? also im not sure the admech ecclestical wing etc would approve. personally i think its just better to keep the productin of such materials shrouded in mystery though...

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what? do you even know what you just said? heck i dont, lol...


but yea, its kinda weird. how would they discover that by adding blood it makes the metal harder? also im not sure the admech ecclestical wing etc would approve. personally i think its just better to keep the productin of such materials shrouded in mystery though...


Yeah... I think the counts as thing is fine but if you keep it a mystery how it's made that would be better.. Maybe they just find some armour that's made of a material that is unknown and rivals TDA in toughness but is much lighter or something!?


I dunno bro but as far as counts as go's I'm pretty sure you can do what you like as long as it's similar in appearance and your opponent agrees.

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I don't understand how this is a question?


Artificer Armour is just fancy power armour. If it looks like fancy power armour then it can be Artificer Armour. I doubt anyone will really care too much about your backstory. So knock yourself out.

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Perhaps the rub here is what "counts as" TDA. Were you planing to use a regular marine fig and say he has Artificer armor? That's cool. Until the release of Sanguinary guard there wasn't much choice in that anyway. A little extra paint is all you need to be convincing. TDA on the other hand you may have trouble with since there is a model for it. If you are just asking a question about our thoughts on your fluff just be advised someone will always like your idea and someone will always dislike it.


Ocult armor under going and arcane blood ritual to gain supernatural powers? Why not? Dark Angels have their secrets. Blood

Angels play with Blood. It's all good until the one unblinking eye comes to get you!

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Hey thanks for the relpys guys :devil:


Its not for model purposes, its for my fluff writing purposes. Basicly I have a young chapter and Im trying to work out some fulff why the can have large numbers of sang guard.


Any other thoughs :P

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See that is a problem a new chapter is not really likely to have allot of Sang Guard unless you know your our Parent chapter this just ends up treading in the realms of Suedom of the Maryness I would suggest just using the Liber Astartes forum and let the lads give you feedback since thats kinda their thing.
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hmmm, well at least your going for artificer armour then. if its lots of sanguard you want then id maby take your idea and combine it with a few others too. like the chapter has low number but is happy with that as they are more elite(better armed?) per man power. they come from a sorta forge world? more artificers for the chapter than norm so more time to improve on armour. Blood angels are known for being great artificers becasue they live longer and so have more time in their live to work on fancier stuff. also close ties to the mechanicus would help as well as discovering old suits, searching hulks etc. they can even trade some stuff with other chapters for suits. like chapters that go through marines fast like flesh tearers might be willing to trade a suit of artificer armour for a few suits of normal power armour as they cant be bothered with the extra aintenance the fancier armour takes and needs more powerarmour components more often. you could also have that some of your tech marines are often asigned to be in the sanguard to help repair the armour as they venerate it in the way the iron hands do their dreadnaughts.

if you go down that route you could have that your first co and sanguary guard are a merged fighting formation, and that each company also has a squad of sanguard as well as an hounour guard etc. im not saying that theres anything directly wron with your idea but it becomes more acceptable when there are other reasons too as to why you have it the way it is... though your idea, sounds kinda more like a world eater thing to me but your army do as you will.

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