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Dozers blades


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I have been running my mech list for a while now and have been looking at dozer blades for my rhinos and razorbacks.

I play mainly on boards with lots of area terrain and i have been proxying them there. They have been really useful. The fact that i Can basically just go anywhere with only a tiny amount of risk is amazing, especially when they are on transports which need to be places.


However, i have not been able to find any pieces to represent them on my models. I always pictured them as sort of mini siege shields, like the vindicator ones but smaller.

Does anyone know where i can get some?


So what do you think? Are they worth the points?

And where can you get them?

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Forgeworld so I've heard... Me, myself I'm going to start an IG 'leafblower' list soon so hopefully I'll be able to get a few from that route as I want them for my RB's too!


EDIT: what ar the FW ones like sama?

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If you can get spare plastic IG ones, they actually look superb.


The Forgeworld ones are amazing, and can also be magnetized if you have the patience. They are of course expensive, but look awesome

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I used IG ones on my RB's they are real nice. I also magnetized them too. But for me they are worth the points.









I like the Masonic touch with the back and White chequer board <_<

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