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Is it worth taking the hurricane bolters do you think? They look really good on the model but I dunno how good they actually are.
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I would take them if I am using the storm raven as an assault trasport. You are going to be getting close to your enemies anyway, so why not give them a world of hurt too. I have wiped half a squad of marines with just the hurricane bolters and then used PotMS to fire the meltas and wreck a rhino.
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I think I'll put them on my SR then, I was waiting to put the doors on till I had decided. It's am extra 30 points though, dunno if I can squeeze that on my current list.
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Ya those things are money. I dropped a whole bloodletter squad with both and the AC. They killed like 7 and the cannon did the rest. And like some one said vs SM its still good. Thats 12 dice at 12 inches that you reroll hits for. Volume of fire. ANd yes you bust it 18 inches, fire hurricanes and PotMS the ac or PC. Then you have a squad of pissed off guys running out of the thing that can assault. I have been putting Lemie with the boys and a DC dread on mine. Its like throwing a bag of rattlesnakes into someones car and then driving off.
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Ya those things are money. I dropped a whole bloodletter squad with both and the AC. They killed like 7 and the cannon did the rest. And like some one said vs SM its still good. Thats 12 dice at 12 inches that you reroll hits for. Volume of fire. ANd yes you bust it 18 inches, fire hurricanes and PotMS the ac or PC. Then you have a squad of pissed off guys running out of the thing that can assault. I have been putting Lemie with the boys and a DC dread on mine. Its like throwing a bag of rattlesnakes into someones car and then driving off.


Yeah that's what I have planned for mine too... Nice metaphor :)

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To be honest my doors and sponsons are currently held on with blu-tac. The kits fits nicely enough that it good for now. I've got the stuff to magnetise it but I finish Uni in a week for good so had a busy year so far and not got around to it.


Haha yeah, I've been thinking about just blu tacking stuff like backpacks/jetpacks, I'm sure it'll work fine.

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DS with payload. <cruising speed>

Fast vehicles at cruising speed can fire one weapon and all defensive weapons.

Asscan (one weapon) and hurricane bolters (def weapons) shoot at infantry/heavy infantry, MMelta/BM (PotMS) shoots at vehicle.


But you all knew that.


In my opinion, If you DS a SR, you will probably have some kind of target for the combined asscan and bolter declaration. Sometimes, you'll be shooting at tanks with both declares and they're wasted. Occasionally, one will PotMS the bolters on following turns. *shrug*


If they do rapid fire infantry, they'll probably 'get their points back' in that phase.

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Deepstriking StormRavens is suicide.


They get no save from shooting when moving at Cruising speed.

Wouldn't that depend on the situation?

What if there was a drop pod with a locator beacon and the pod's contents clears the area of anti-armour weaponry. Wouldn't that make it easier for a Stormraven to deep strike to that area on the next turn?

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Deepstriking StormRavens is suicide.


They get no save from shooting when moving at Cruising speed.

Wouldn't that depend on the situation?

What if there was a drop pod with a locator beacon and the pod's contents clears the area of anti-armour weaponry. Wouldn't that make it easier for a Stormraven to deep strike to that area on the next turn?


SamaNagol tends to only see things his way.




I DS my (proxy) raven in maybe 2/3 of games. I have lost it a couple of times but it's a critical piece in my list for it's ability to stay out of trouble whether by reserving it or flat out, then deliver sternies and a fragnaught and lay waste with their combined fire. I hate it when I deploy it and initiative is seized. DS doesn't mind that so much.

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Models being close the the Storm Raven is irrelevant because they are immune to Melta anyway. They are just as susceptible to a Meltagun from 6" as they are to a Missile Launcher 48" away. Which is why if you deep strike them, they will most likely die. They will get no save from moving Flat Out, and are too big to obscure.


So unless you are looking to Deep Strike and then pop smoke, you are really flying in the face of probability that your 500 or so point flying box will see turn 3.


Putting it in reserve and then moving on from your edge Flat Out is a far better way of deploying it by many degrees.

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The SR rules are in our codex? oh, and the new GK codex too.




I Have neither of these things sadly as i do not collect either of these armies . red scorpion player to the end

for now, armies other than BA/GK can not use the Raven.


The rules were in an old White Dwarf, out around February if you have it (I don't recall the issue #)

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