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Models being close the the Storm Raven is irrelevant because they are immune to Melta anyway. They are just as susceptible to a Meltagun from 6" as they are to a Missile Launcher 48" away. Which is why if you deep strike them, they will most likely die. They will get no save from moving Flat Out, and are too big to obscure.


So unless you are looking to Deep Strike and then pop smoke, you are really flying in the face of probability that your 500 or so point flying box will see turn 3.


Putting it in reserve and then moving on from your edge Flat Out is a far better way of deploying it by many degrees.



I eventually pop shield. No smoke launchers... You don't use them do you?


But the purpose in my list is to disgorge shooty unit and shooty dread and then, all three elements shoot. This all happens in my turn, so not sure where the downside is to DS in this case. Having that shoot phase lets me cripple and remove anything that would be a serious threat to it and scoring the game.


If the OP sees benefit to his list via what I wrote, I'm happy. Even if it's to decide it's inappropriate and that a LR would serve him better by being a potential conundrum vs those with limited anti armour shots per turn.




wrong thread.

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The only advantage las' has is range, in every other respect, asscan wins.


Hmm, I don't know then. I've just had lascannons in my head since I came back to 40k cos Black Orange had said that's what he used when I was asking for advice... He does run DoA lists though so maybe I may be better off with the asscans, I don't know though, I think I'm gonna want my SR up close anyway so asscans are probably the best bet.

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Models being close the the Storm Raven is irrelevant because they are immune to Melta anyway. They are just as susceptible to a Meltagun from 6" as they are to a Missile Launcher 48" away. Which is why if you deep strike them, they will most likely die. They will get no save from moving Flat Out, and are too big to obscure.


So unless you are looking to Deep Strike and then pop smoke, you are really flying in the face of probability that your 500 or so point flying box will see turn 3.


Putting it in reserve and then moving on from your edge Flat Out is a far better way of deploying it by many degrees.


Ok. It's good to know these things before I rush into a game with an army list based around dodgy tactics.


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