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Having a fluff issue, lacking resources...


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Basically, I'm trying to either confirm or deny much of the fluff in this site here: Sons of Malice / Malal Lives! The resources I'm specifically missing to confirm or deny the info on this site is UK WD 287, and UK WD 303 (US 302?), mainly concerning the combat doctrine and organization of the Sons of Malice. Anybody out there have these copies of WD, any help would be appreciated, thank you in advance.

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Basically, I think the combat doctrine and organization of the Sons of Malice that was posted in the Malal Lives website (link in the first post) is a pile of bull crap, and he cites those two WD issues as the 'source' of the info. I think it's fishy, and I want to prove it. Kinda like 'Mythbusters 40K"...
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Hmmm, to be quite honest I think for the most part he's kind of adding fluff where it seems to go missing like,


"Long before the Sons of Malice revealed themselves as traitors they were noted as being an obstinate Chapter, flaunting the teachings of the Codex Astartes in favour of their own military organisation. Regarded by many as distrustful thanks to a number of misdemeanours, from the Chapter’s unwillingness to fight alongside other imperial forces to an unperceivable yet ‘discomforting aura’, it is alarming that the Sons of Malice were not sooner brought to the attention of the Inquisition, especially due to their widely reported displays of consuming their defeated foes."


That sounds too fishy to me because I don't think GW has ever stated anything concerning them before the fall other then the Cilix 225 campaign where they talked about them being cannibals and such. Everything he listed from my issue is fine, I'll check for the other one after I get back from work in the afternoon, I may have it downstairs on my bookshelf. I don't really regard his site much because I think its mostly fan-made, which is like saying everything I've come up with is "official" Sons of Malice fluff.

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I do remember that they were declared heretical after a Canoness witnessed their cannibalistic victory rites, at which point they attacked and killed (and presumably ate) her, but obviously not before she got the message sent. Althought, I never remember reading the section you posted above.
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@chaplain belasarus: to be quite honest, you can have them however you wish. GW was never been restrictive with Sons of Malice. Their fluff has only really described the fact that A) they worship a renegade god named Malice B)they are cannibals to the extreme and C) they fight in eerie silence which apparently unsettles their foes. Your free to go nuts with them, except keep in mind Malice is not an uber-powerful god. He's been weakend severely after being cast out of his seat of power by the other gods, so his blessings won't be so dramatic.
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Thanks for that! i am gonna have them led by a daemon prince then...(i like the plastic model so much that it has to be used!)




I have a 1k list in mind but might post it in the labyrinth and see what my fellow malal followers think of it...


sorry if i derailed your thread heathens! :)

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