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Deathwatch Models as Sternguard..


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I'm sort of bored of painting red, so if I wanted to paint a squad of Deathwatch marines with Bolters, Heavy Bolters and Combi-Bolters, could I field them as a unit of counts as Sternguard? Is there any rule against that?


Failing that, are there any rules for Deathwatch that the Blood Angels can use?

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There aren't any current Deathwatch rules. There are some very old ones in a Chapter Approved book but they are hard to find.


I doubt anyone will care if you have Deathwatch marines using Sternguard rules.

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For my Lamenters, Death Spectres, and Carcharodons, my Deathwatch Kill Team sees some action every so often just by using them as Sternguard. For added fun, make a Deathwatch Captain/Librarian and attach him to the squad for some added awesome.


It's that simple! But, if you feel like wanting to use the old Chapter Approved Deathwatch rules, ask your opponent if you can, and if they're willing, try and keep the unit in-line with 5th Edition rules and such. You're still much better off running them as Sternguard though. :tu:

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I think that's fine... in fact for example the Space Marine codes seems the actively encourage such things. i.e. a chapter champion being "counts as Lysander" etc. I like to see such creativity on the table not restricted to just having every chapter master being Kantor or Vulkan etc..


I've always toyed with having a Shrike counts-as captain of a Deathwatch kill team with a squad of vanguard veterans as an assault addition to my defensive ultramarine list.

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Been pondering this for quite some time to be honest. For me it makes sense it gives me a chance to grab some models whose background I love and use them in a up to date manner without losing their role. Bonus points if you put a DW librarian in with them. :)
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What do the 'deathwatch' look like, any pics?


Also what will you paint them up like for your CA stens, red armour with golden helms?

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What do the 'deathwatch' look like, any pics?


Also what will you paint them up like for your CA stens, red armour with golden helms?







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What do the 'deathwatch' look like, any pics?


Also what will you paint them up like for your CA stens, red armour with golden helms?








These are some great minatures and a super way to add some flavour to your BA. I think it is fine to include Death Watch (fully painted) as a Stern Guard counts as. SHould look great on the table.

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if you're getting bored, try painting in some other random BA successor chapters. I'm doing a couple sprinkled around my squads - sort of how the current military will have a position open for exchange troops. I've got a Lamenter in a tac squad and a Angels Sanguine in an assault squad.
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What do the 'deathwatch' look like, any pics?


Also what will you paint them up like for your CA stens, red armour with golden helms?








I'd never heard of any death watch when I last read any marine fluff! I'm old school and only did imperium marines in the 1st edition, I did chaos in the 2nd and I'm pretty sure I missed the 3rd and 4th!


And I ment will you be painting them up in BA elite colours (you said you wanted to use them as counts as stenguard)

They are awesome though, do they sell them in GW stores or online?

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What do the 'deathwatch' look like, any pics?


Also what will you paint them up like for your CA stens, red armour with golden helms?








I'd never heard of any death watch when I last read any marine fluff! I'm old school and only did imperium marines in the 1st edition, I did chaos in the 2nd and I'm pretty sure I missed the 3rd and 4th!


And I ment will you be painting them up in BA elite colours (you said you wanted to use them as counts as stenguard)

They are awesome though, do they sell them in GW stores or online?



The deathwatch are part of the ordo xenos,tied to the inquisition. The squads are composed of marines drawn from various chapters, and charged with hunting down and wacking alien baddies (think special forces type stuff.) GW sells some dw upgrade bits on their site. Anyway, the marines are painted black, save for the left arm and shoulder (silver and dw pad) and right shoulder has individual chapter symbol. Players get to pick whichever chapters they like to use. Black library has some great books and short stories about the dw as well. Hope this helps.


-Also, to the op, I say go for it. I use mine all the time. In fact, I started mine because I was tired of painting red as well... :tu: Use em well.


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So do BA not get to use DW cos we already have a ton of cool stuff or can we use them and I'm missing something?


EDIT: right I get it now, you want to paint up deathwatch and use them as counts as stenguard, lol, sorry about that.


I think that's a really good idea actually, I wouldn't mind doing that myself instead of using stenguard, I want to add some stenguard to my army but I'm not a huge fan of the gold helmet contrast with the red armour... Using DW is a really cool idea and they look amazing too... Hope you don't mind me stealing it.


Also will you paint all your DW as coming from BA or different chapters?

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OK this idea is better than my original idea about 8 combi flamers and 2 heavy flamers in 1 squad, but then again there's a lot of ideas better than that. consider the idea stolen (but that might be to soon, darn girls :P )
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Also will you paint all your DW as coming from BA or different chapters?

Theoretically speaking, it's damned rare to have two members of the same Chapter in the same Deathwatch Kill-Team, so it goes without saying that it's near next to impossible for all the team members to be from the same Chapter. The Deathwatch prides

itself on being a plethoric mix of Chapters with different forms of

experience, background, and basis with each member of the team

bringing something different to the table(no pun intended). For

example, in the RPG of Deathwatch, our team of five people consisted of a member of the Raptors Chapter, Lamenter, Doom Eagle, Storm Lord, amd Death Spectres. Needless to say, this gives you an excuse to paint up any Chapter shoulderpad and icon as well as giving your marine a ton of personality.

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Considering that the Baal system is apparently under threat from the 'nids and has a Deamon playing around in the back garden why wouldnt the chapter assemble a unit with all the members being ex-deathwatch to slap around the 'nids some so the rest of the chapter can do other stuff?
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Because then that valuable experience is not spread out amongst the maximum number of other units...


whats better - 10 squads with someone who knows all sorts of tips and tricks to deal with Nids, or 1 squad? A little hint - it isnt the latter. ;-)

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Considering that the Baal system is apparently under threat from the 'nids and has a Deamon playing around in the back garden why wouldnt the chapter assemble a unit with all the members being ex-deathwatch to slap around the 'nids some so the rest of the chapter can do other stuff?


Not like the rest of the Imperium is currently under attack or anything. Oh no~ :(



See, I could see maybe one, two, or even three(very rare) ex-members of the Deatwatch from the same Chapter coming together in a time of need for a council of sorts, but they would split their expertise across the Chapter instead of being an ad-hoc squad of sorts.


For full Deathwatch background and the like ,I heavily suggest you purchase or download the Deatwatch RPG produced by Fantasy Flight games.

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IIRC, the Command Squad box comes with a few DeathWatch shoulder pads. I have a few and have been thinking about making some former DW members to put into my elite squads.

I'm pretty sure that former DW members have their chapter icon on the opposite shoulder and have the silver DW pad on the other shoulder. They also have their armor painted back to the original chapter colors.


Any corrections here?

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IIRC, the Command Squad box comes with a few DeathWatch shoulder pads. I have a few and have been thinking about making some former DW members to put into my elite squads.

I'm pretty sure that former DW members have their chapter icon on the opposite shoulder and have the silver DW pad on the other shoulder. They also have their armor painted back to the original chapter colors.


Any corrections here?


If by meaning you have them back in full Chapter colors, save for their Deathwatch pad now being on the shoulder, then yes, you are correct. I'm sure some are fine with keeping it on the same shoulder though, and some may even keep the arm silver. It all depends on the individual. Though, they all return the rest of their armor to the Chapter colors.

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if you're getting bored, try painting in some other random BA successor chapters. I'm doing a couple sprinkled around my squads - sort of how the current military will have a position open for exchange troops. I've got a Lamenter in a tac squad and a Angels Sanguine in an assault squad.



This is what I intend to do.. Although I was going to go with whole squads to go side by side with my BA.. For example. A Flesh Tearer assault squad. A Lamentor's scout and Terminator squad. An Angels Sanguine Sternguard squad etc etc. If I make enough of these other squads of a particular chapter, I may even add a matchin special character.



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Considering that the Baal system is apparently under threat from the 'nids and has a Deamon playing around in the back garden why wouldnt the chapter assemble a unit with all the members being ex-deathwatch to slap around the 'nids some so the rest of the chapter can do other stuff?


Not like the rest of the Imperium is currently under attack or anything. Oh no~ :HQ:



See, I could see maybe one, two, or even three(very rare) ex-members of the Deatwatch from the same Chapter coming together in a time of need for a council of sorts, but they would split their expertise across the Chapter instead of being an ad-hoc squad of sorts.


For full Deathwatch background and the like ,I heavily suggest you purchase or download the Deatwatch RPG produced by Fantasy Flight games.


true but not many have a deamon army in the system led by a greater deamon who has a vendetta against the chapter as well as 'nids comming to the tea party and unlike the ultrasmurfs we dont have our own little privert empire to fall back on


but your probbbaly right i'll have to track some one down with that book and kosh them ;)

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