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Seduced by Gold


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So I'm about halfway through painting my Dante and I must say the gold recipe I'm using is beautiful, it makes me want to paint more gold armour, maybe when I decide to run a DoA list I'll take Dante and have a SG heavy list so I get to paint more of this gorgeous colour.


My recipe for anyone who would like to try it is as follows...


Undercoat with chaos black spray

Base with thinned calthan brown

Paint with thinned shining gold (I found 1 layer covered enough)

Was with generous amounts of leviathan purple getting right into the all the details which will give a really rich almost bronzed colour.

Paint with thinned shining gold all of higher areas of armour and where the light would touch.

Highlight with burnished gold.

Fine highligh with a 1:1 mix of burnished gold and mithril silver.


I haven't got as far as the highlighting yet but I'm in awe how magnificent the gold armour looks on our chapter master.


What recipe have you guys used for your gold armour and had you heard about using leviathan purple to bring a rich depth to the armour?


When I see my brother later I'll use his camera to get a pic of my Dante at this stage then I'll take more when I ad the highlights and then again when he is finished... A little WIP thing if I can.

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I'll have to wait till I see my brother later and use his camera cos I only have the one on my iPhone and it's rubbish!


I wanna take a one of just the gold look I've achieved before the highlights as I want you opinions on it, I don't think it needs much highlighting at all really!

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