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My HG that I am making well counts as HG really my AOD, I want to write fluff for them but I want them to be a special unit that only ever accompany Dante to battle (as fluff-wise they need to use his special rules) as a sort of stealth, hit and run unit.


So all I wanna know really is would it be ok to make this unit and say they are dante's own squad or something like that? I am a total novice when it comes to fluff so I thought I'd ask you guys what I can and can't do here!


They are going to be a very special looking unit that I wanted to be dantes retinue anyway but I've decided from a fluff point of view I wanted to take it further in writting Dante into the fluff! I hope what I want to do is fine as I'm pretty excited about it. Also I'd like to mention that they are going to be a covert unit so not many people know about them.

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You'll get the common answer from me here. They're your toy soldiers, do what you like.


I see nothing wrong with the idea that he has a small group of like minded fellows that do the hard stuff with him but don't crow about it.

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Thanks man.. I just hope I don't get people saying 'you can't do that, Dante doesn't have his own unit that he has tailored for his own style of hit and run tactics' I suppose I can do whatever I like but I just don't want to upset anyone on here as what you guys think means alot to me as you are my brothers (and sister -_- )
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rules wise- dante is an hq choice and therefore can take an hounour guard unit(which your using count as rule to your AOD) which is 100% ok. fluff wise dante is known for doing things most wouldnt.


the only thing i see is your going about it the harder fluff way. wouldnt it be easier for you to do a count as dante too and be done that way? im sure theres many ways you can represent artificer armour a power weapon and an infernus, with something different for his mask rules thats still plausable... that way you dont risk anyone whos possibly a die hard 'dante is the greatest and would never act like that' person... it could happen...

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rules wise- dante is an hq choice and therefore can take an hounour guard unit(which your using count as rule to your AOD) which is 100% ok. fluff wise dante is known for doing things most wouldnt.


the only thing i see is your going about it the harder fluff way. wouldnt it be easier for you to do a count as dante too and be done that way? im sure theres many ways you can represent artificer armour a power weapon and an infernus, with something different for his mask rules thats still plausable... that way you dont risk anyone whos possibly a die hard 'dante is the greatest and would never act like that' person... it could happen...


Actually I did think about a counts as Dante for this purpose. But, I'm currently painting Dante and I'd like to use him! I may make a counts as Dante character too. But, I'd like to write the fluff for Dante and maybe alter it if need be and just change the name from Dante to x character.


EDIT: in fact I'm starting to warm to the idea of making a counts as Dante more now, I'll have all the bits as of Monday so I may go ahead and do it. I could even run both Dante and the counts as (is that aloud?) at the same time, that would be awesome.

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ot using the same rules you cant as hes a special charater and therefore unique...


Yeah... I thought as much :wacko: well I love Dante and saying as I've just painted him up and he's nearly finished I think I'll just use Dante and make the unit for him like was first intended. Although, making my own counts as does seam really fun.

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id say make a count as too. dante in his big flashy armour dosent quite seem to suit the style you intend, but im sure he can do it. so having 2 models and switchng round when you feel like it could be a nice idea.
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