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Just played a game against my mates new revised ork list and it didnt exactly go to well, he pretty much tabled me!


Playing 1500 point game, my list was


Librarian (Rage, Shackle Soul)


Furioso Dread (Talons, Heavy Flamer, EA)

5 x Assault Terminators ( 2 TH, 3 LC)

Chaplain (Terminator Armour)


10 x Assault Squad (2 Melta, PF)

10 x Assault Squad (2 Melta, PF)



Stormraven (TLAC, TLMelta, Hurricane Botlers, EA)


His list


2 x Big Mek


3 x 30 boyz ( 2 rockets, Nob)


11 x lootas


9 x Killa Kans ( 6 rockets, 3 grotzookas)



Game was objectives, he sat 60 boyz on the 1 objective and came after mine with the 9 kans and 30 boyz with his lootas at the back.


I mean the dice were not kind to me today I rolled 4 double 1's! but with the list I have at the moment I cant see me winning against those numbers.


Any ideas???

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That furioso with talons should be able to shred some of those boys to ribbons. I would have said a DC dread with talons and a nice size unit of dc on the charge with lemartes will make short work of them, a couple of Baal predators too would help out alot! You could 1, 2 combo them with your vindi, blast them with your vindi then mob up with the Baal and use you SR to drop a dc dread, DC and lemartes in and that'll mess them right up!! And melta the cans, multimelta attack bikes are quick so you should be able to zip about and destroy them.
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Your vindicator seems a little out of place in your list. Everything else seems to be mobile, and vindicators usually end up moving once or twice and either get shot down or become useful. Maybe throw in a baal predator to help thin out some of those boyz, or MM attack bikes like 1Drop said to take out those kans. Even a TLLC predator with LC sponsons can take out a squad of kans on it's own with some luck, I've done it before with my Dark Angels army.
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Well if it had of done I think you would have done alot better. I guess what you need to do then is take the heat off your SR, some baal's are good for that, by the way what shot down your SR? If it was a heavy weapon troop type unit the. Set it on fire with a flamestorm Baal or if it's mech use melta attack bikes (2 will be enough and it's only 200 points) and melt the son of a bitch. I think that baal's and bikes are they key here, not too pricey and both are quick and one will take care of the troops, the other those tin can things.
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I'm not really sure, I don't think I'm experienced enough to say what you should take out, maybe the terminators but I'd hate to take them out if it was my list.. Could try halving the assault squads and putting them in RB's, I dunno what that'll do as far as freeing up points but that's some extra fire power on the board for starters, could sit back and blast them with TLLC.
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This looks like the woes of the Storm Raven. I don't believe it is as good as Deep Striking for delivery or as a Crusader for sitting on the board.


But, as you have it, I'm surprised you haven't got a sanguinary priest to bolster those assaulting units. Drop the Chaplain or field him as a counts as priest.


Also, are those jump-packed assault squads?


The vindicator looks the oddest thing on your list. Most of us I think would have a Baal instead. It has side sponsons instead of that one big gun, so can effectively take more hits as well as inflicting them. it can take al the other wargear options except siege shield and it gets Scouts special rule for free.


or ( a wild card, might not be your style). Knock one of the assault squads back to 5 plus melta, replace with 5 DC and infernus, so you can replace the Furioso with the DC dread and save on the extra armour. It wouldn't have helped this time but next time will surely chew up orks for breakfast.

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60 boyz round 1 objective? They must have been packed so tight they couldn't breathe! You need more blasts and templates, preferably ones that don't get tied up in combat. Plasma cannons? probably killing 4 Orks per shot if they're thickly bunched.
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id take out the stormraven if i was you and field a LRC or a LRR with the assault termies inside, then lose the Chaplin and put in a priest with a jump pack and give the liabrarian a jump pack and shield power instead of shackle soul


Looking at it id probably take out the dread and the vindicator and maybe field VV with jump packs and use HI if those lootas are going to sit at the back then you could deepstrike them and take them out and then pincer in a second unit

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Hey all, thanks for all the replies so far.


All my troops have jump packs including the librarian just forgot to mention it. I did have a baal in before the vindicator then I won a few games with the Vindi so it stayed, I did used to drop pod my dread in with a frag cannon maybe I should go back to that tactic??


With the VV's what sort of squad size and loadout should I go for??

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