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VV's & Sang. Priest

9K Painting

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Just completed my first VV squad, and a sanguinary priest.


How'd you like it?

I usually run 2 identical VV squads.



1 Sgt SS/PF

2 VV's Chainsword/SS

2 VV's LCx2



1 Sanguinary Priest PW

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a nice, yet very expensive unit there. i say consider dropping a storm sheild as currently if you get a wound where will you put it? and your as likely to fail a normal save as an inv one... And it may be worth while hnking about taking a lightening claw off each guy and giving it to a storm sheild guy. costs the same but ups your killyness...( though of course dosent look as cool)

great looking unit though... :D

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Yea, I have run this configuration the last 3 games, and they are just a machine at killing and enduring stuff, BT assault termies and all sorts of stuff, so atm I'll keep them as they are.

As they say, never change a winning team :D

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