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I've been working on creating fluff for my army and my lord I currently play with is a Khârn counts as. As such I'm having difficulty with blessings of the blood god. I have one idea and I was wondering if it would seem feasible if a chaos marine was also a pariah or a blank? The only one I've ever read of that chaos used was Spear so I keep wondering if it would make sense fluffwise to use that as an explanation for blessings of the blood god. What do you all think?
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You can if you like but I wouldn't. No marine has been mentioned as a pariah.


Personally I don't think anyone will care if you don't justify it.. He could have some xeno trinket/trophy that confers the same thing. Or he could just be too awesome for psychic powers, like draigo is too awesome for the chaos gods.

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The problem with Pariahs is that noone likes them, and they find it very hard to fit in, due to people unconsciously wanting to shun them. In an organisation as dependant on squad coherency and cooperation as a Marine/Renegade Chapter, this is a very, very bad thing, and a Pariah probably wouldn't make it through neophyte training before being failed.
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When chaos marines recruit slaves to turn into more chaos marines, I'm pretty sure they don't care who they recruit into joining them.

Plus its often very important to make the distinction between a pariah being unconsciously disliked by everyone and them having horribly bad luck.

Failing neophyte training would count as just bad luck. If a pariah managed to get through chaos marine training then he must be really good at both surviving and making people do what he wants (aka (fear of him killing you > hate for him) = obedience). As a result, he'd make a good lord in no time, especially if he's got Khorne on his side.

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No, in an "organisation" as ruthless as a Chaos warband, being instinctively hated by everyone is going to get you killed, and when trained in squad-based tactics, not being able to work together as a squad is going to get you disallowed. Military organisations don't work like movies, where the plucky rogue who disobeys orders and doesn't work as a team rises through the ranks because even though he's unorthodox, he gets the job done, he either gets he and his squad killed because they couldn't work together properly, or he gets kicked out. Failing neophyte training isn't just marked as "bad luck" and then you're let in, it's marked as "too bad, you weren't good enough, and you're out". That's what failure means. He didn't do what he needed to do, and thus didn't succeed.

They want every Marine to be the utter best. They sure as hell aren't going to let the guys in who repeatedly can't work in a squad. If an applicant fails neophyte training, it means he isn't good enough to be a Marine.


Plus, in a Chaos warband, when you want to gain the blessing of the Chaos Gods, you don't want a guy around who makes them blind. That's the opposite of what you want. The other part you're ignoring is the fact that people instinctively not liking you means you sure as hell aren't going to have any allies or "friends", so when the inevitable coup led by underlings who all hate and dislike you comes along, it's going to be everybody that hates and dislikes you, so you're going to be a dead pariah.


Personally, if you really want an explanation for it, look no further than the original World Eater Librarians, who didn't have the ability to manifest powers, but were granted the ability to nullify psychic abilities by Khorne. Perfect explanation for the Blessings.

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the problem is also the fact that they are more or less cut off from the warp . So marking , getting boons from gods would be hard.

Impossible, actually; a Blank/Pariah can't receive any gifts from the Chaos gods. Needless to say, not being able to have any interaction with the Chaos Gods is yet another big problem any Pariah Marine would, and by itself would be a deal-breaker for most of the Chaos Legions.

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the problem is also the fact that they are more or less cut off from the warp . So marking , getting boons from gods would be hard.

Impossible, actually; a Blank/Pariah can't receive any gifts from the Chaos gods. Needless to say, not being able to have any interaction with the Chaos Gods is yet another big problem any Pariah Marine would, and by itself would be a deal-breaker for most of the Chaos Legions.

Actually, the Warp can affect Blanks, but only as much as it would any rock. But I don't remember ever hearing about a Khorne-marked rock (sand for the sand god?).

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the problem is also the fact that they are more or less cut off from the warp . So marking , getting boons from gods would be hard.

Impossible, actually; a Blank/Pariah can't receive any gifts from the Chaos gods. Needless to say, not being able to have any interaction with the Chaos Gods is yet another big problem any Pariah Marine would, and by itself would be a deal-breaker for most of the Chaos Legions.

Actually, the Warp can affect Blanks, but only as much as it would any rock. But I don't remember ever hearing about a Khorne-marked rock (sand for the sand god?).

I thought that the entire point of a Blank is that the Warp does not effect them at all. If the warp can still effect them, then they wouldn't have total immunity to psychic abilities.

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Actually, the Warp can affect Blanks, but only as much as it would any rock. But I don't remember ever hearing about a Khorne-marked rock (sand for the sand god?).

way way way back in the past the greatest champion of khorn was a huge bronze cube that crushed khorn enemies and followers . Some khorn worshipers even traveled the northern wastes just to be crushed by him , because everything that got crushed was automaticly imrinted on the cubes shell. Silly old fluff .


Actually, the Warp can affect Blanks, but only as much as it would any rock. But I don't remember ever hearing about a Khorne-marked rock (sand for the sand god?).

yes , but it is not that they get affected by the power of the warp , but by the changes[like an explosion , heat change etc] of the real world . a pariach has no warp presence , gene makes then soulless[so he or she has nothing to trade for a mark] , it would be very very hard for a chaos follower to worship or get directions from a chaos god [he would had to be informed in person , which makes it kind of a tricky because a god wont do it and demons hate the presence of pariachs] .


But then again the new fluff gave us chunks of eldar gods possessed by normal demons . So who knows.

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You can if you like but I wouldn't. No marine has been mentioned as a pariah.


Personally I don't think anyone will care if you don't justify it.. He could have some xeno trinket/trophy that confers the same thing. Or he could just be too awesome for psychic powers, like draigo is too awesome for the chaos gods.


Alright yeah with all the arguements against it I think I'll go with a xeno artifact, maybe a necron trinket or something he acquired while fighting them. He's got alot of mutations so maybe if he was still pure and mutation free the pariah idea would work but that isn't the case.

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Alright yeah with all the arguements against it I think I'll go with a xeno artifact, maybe a necron trinket or something he acquired while fighting them. He's got alot of mutations so maybe if he was still pure and mutation free the pariah idea would work but that isn't the case.

Blessing from Khorne could work too, assuming that matches the character's fluff; after all, there's precedent with things like Khârn's immunity to all things psychic and Khorne Daemons getting a 2+ save vs any psychic-caused wound.

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Actually, the Warp can affect Blanks, but only as much as it would any rock. But I don't remember ever hearing about a Khorne-marked rock (sand for the sand god?).


That isn't quite true, as rocks simply don't have a warp reflection, or at least not a large one (they could have psychic imprints, for example). This is very different from a blank or Pariah, which are both "holes" in the Warp, unable to even be imprinted, as there's nothing there to be interacted with. The only way to affect Blanks with powers is if they're a very low-level pariah, say just below human-level, or if you affect them indirectly. No amount of Pariah-dom is going to protect you from a boulder hurled at you with telepathy.

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Previous editions, all the way back to Slaves to Darkness, made Khârn's special rule available for Chaos characters in the form of (note the name, the same as Khârn's rule.. :)) the Collar of Khorne.

Have your Champion/Lord be blessed with a Collar as well, problem solved.

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