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Lamenters Captain Angelo Gabriz

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Well ladies and gents, I finally finished up my Gabriel Angelos homage from Dawn of War II: Retribution. He was incredibly fun to build and paint, he'll be seeing a whole lto of battle in my Lamenters army from this day on.


Hope you like him and his mary-sue(Gabriel Angelos based) fluff. :)






1st Company Captain Angelo Gabriz, Honor Of The First


"Angelo Gabriz is a dark horse legend among the Lamenters. Having now hit the age of 750, he has seen a lifetime of war amd intertwined politics. His large amount of bionics only came about recently in the past century, and his Thunder Hammer; “Demon Bane”; could perhaps be said to be the tool that brought him to where he is today. Taken by Gabriz upon Inquisitor Javin's death upon the cleansing of the Chaos stronghold that was Vidyaz IV, the hammer spoke volumes of the Captain’s fury. He scattered heretics and xenos alike, all knowing the taste of his anger. It was only when the Captain smashed apart the demonic Jewel of Agg’nash did he unleash his greatest foe to date. In the next few years after that event, Gabriz and his Strike Force became involved in a protracted campaign against a mixture of traitor forces that eventually led to a titanic duel between the Captain and the mighty Demon Prince Ar’kurlath of the Black Legion. Unable to land the final killing blow, Angelo Gabriz summoned his Battle Barge’s lances for a close range Orbital Bombardment. The blast utterly annihilated the sorely wounded demon, but also nearly killed the exhausted Captain as well. Upon clearing the battle zone, the Lamenters discovered their Captain to be alive, albeit missing both legs, half of his face, and placed him stasis. The campaign was considered to be a resounding success despite the terrible casualties.


Upon returning the main Chapter fleet, Gabriz was removed from stasis and put into the care of the Calix Brotherhood of Apothecaries. Organs repaired and replaced, skin grafts here and there, and a measure of work from the Techmarines saw saw extensive work. Weeks later, Gabriz emerged, shaken, but resplendent in repaired armor and shining bionics.


Now, Gabriz involvement in the Badab War could also be said to be exemplary, for one of the Secessionist forces. Commanding one of the many squadrons of ships patrolling the sector, Gabriz led hit and run attacks against forces who dared threaten his defensive grid, and it was only during the total recall of all available forces to regroup did the Captain fall back, his honor taking a blow upon such a request. In the span of three weeks he had destroyed fourteen warships, one of the largest tallies of ship kills in the Lamenters long history. Needless to say, his own ship had taken horrendous bouts of damage itself. He arrived just in time for the final battle of the Lamenters in the Badab War, and Gabriz gave the Minotaurs Chapter holy hell before the Lamenters were forced to surrender, lest they be destroyed.


The final order for standing down came right as the Captain had smashed his way through a Minotaurs Terminator Assault Squad and was drawn into an honor duel with Minotaurs’ Captain Zanthos. Both combatants had forces standing side, and rained blows upon one other, both warriors bleeding and armor rent in multiple locations, and both were forced to stop as the order for surrender came. Setting ‘Demon Bane ‘head down, Gabriz knelt, hands rested on the haft’s end, his own head bowed. Zanthos did no such thing, and rushed forward. His own hammer's fall was only stopped stopped short by a bark of anger from none other than the Minotaurs' Chapter Master himself, Asterion Moloc. Angelo was incarcerated with the rest of the Lamenter's forces for the remainder of the war.


He continues to lead the Lamenters 1st Company to this very day."


-Matt :cuss

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That is a sweet model, are both legs actually bionic, or just one? A shot from the other side would be nice.


Everybody loves a mary-sue, but I'll let you off because it's such a good model! ;)





Hah, it's the Iron Hands set of legs, where just under the Hammer's haft, you can see it being fully bionic.



And he's a sue...simply because he's based of Gabriel Angelos' background too. :)

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Hah, it's the Iron Hands set of legs, where just under the Hammer's haft, you can see it being fully bionic.



And he's a sue...simply because he's based of Gabriel Angelos' background too. :lol:

Ah, cheers for that.


Wow, big thunderhammer. I like him, even if he's a little sueish. It's almost a shame he's not on a larger base. :)

Think he's compensating? ;)

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I like him but as someone said it needs a bigger base and I think a more dramatic pose. Maybe standing on a rock holding the hammer high above his head while pointing down at the fools that he is about to slay.
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