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Kill Teams!


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What do you guys think would be good for a Blood Angels Kill Team?


There's a Kill Team tournament happening at my local games store in a couple of weeks and being a novice I was hoping to get some ideas and inspiration from some more experienced players.

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400points or?


If you write up the rules, it would be easier to help :lol:


Oh yeah, that might be helpful!


Ok, Kill Team from the Battle Missions Book


200 points.

Force organisation chart is:

0-1 Elite

0-2 Troops

0-1 Fast Attack

I'm guessing I'd only have to choose one from these three with a maximum of the numbers indicated.

Everything starts on the table, no reserves.

Lots of terrain is also recommended. (Well, that's what it says in the book :P )


I was thinking a Baal Predator with 4 Death Company.

Flamestorm cannon, otherwise I'd have to buy that 2nd Baal Pred earlier than I wanted.

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Isn't there an armour restriction in Kill Team games? I might be mixing it up wih the alternative Kill Zone rules though so forgive me if I'm wrong.


As for D.C as the rest of your guys I wouldn't do that as, with such a small team, surely you want to be able to send them where you want rather than have rage dictate it to you (though if they do have a lot of terrain it'd be less of an issue). Also, with only four men, they'll be dead quite fast I'd expect - other races can pack in a lot more models or 200 points, meaning a lot of shooting coming at four men - you're not likely to get them across the table.


Also, remember that you can assign a few of the guys an additional USR - i.e a relentless heavy weapon or a scouting marine etc.


If you are allowed armour I'd look at taking 5 RAS with out jump packs with a cheap heavy flamer razorback instead, thats more men plus a (admittedly not quite as good) tank for 120 instead of 195. That leaves you points for a Sanguinary Priest to up their combat and survivability and a couple of power weapons of a fist (remember if you're allowed a tank chances are you'll need something to have a chance of taking out someone else's.


Hope that helps a little

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Lots of cover you say?


10 Scouts with camo cloaks


Assault section

Sergeant with power weapon and melta bombs

4 Scouts with BP + CCW.


Support Section

Scout with missile launcher

4 scouts with sniper rifles.


200 points on the nose.

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Step one get some Tac's


Step two Run them as SternGuard


Step three abuse the hell out of their ammo and that they can take all sorts of weapons


And if it has the Special rules for 3 guys you want at least one relentless Missle launcher :)

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I'd totally go with a SP with JP and a 5 man Assault squad with a meltagun and a PW on the srgt. Kill team with FNP and a meltagun just in case? Yessss.
Don't forget that the FNP bubble gets a lot smaller in kill team.
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Isn't there an armour restriction in Kill Team games? I might be mixing it up wih the alternative Kill Zone rules though so forgive me if I'm wrong.


As for D.C as the rest of your guys I wouldn't do that as, with such a small team, surely you want to be able to send them where you want rather than have rage dictate it to you (though if they do have a lot of terrain it'd be less of an issue). Also, with only four men, they'll be dead quite fast I'd expect - other races can pack in a lot more models or 200 points, meaning a lot of shooting coming at four men - you're not likely to get them across the table.


Also, remember that you can assign a few of the guys an additional USR - i.e a relentless heavy weapon or a scouting marine etc.


If you are allowed armour I'd look at taking 5 RAS with out jump packs with a cheap heavy flamer razorback instead, thats more men plus a (admittedly not quite as good) tank for 120 instead of 195. That leaves you points for a Sanguinary Priest to up their combat and survivability and a couple of power weapons of a fist (remember if you're allowed a tank chances are you'll need something to have a chance of taking out someone else's.


Hope that helps a little


You are right on the limit to armour. There is no armour in a Kill Team game, even though this isn't stated in the book and to make it even more confusing the book uses the "tank hunter universal rule" as an example when describing the Specialist Trooper. Giving the impression that since a Specialist Trooper might take tank hunter universal rule then there might be armour on the table.

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You are right on the limit to armour. There is no armour in a Kill Team game, even though this isn't stated in the book and to make it even more confusing the book uses the "tank hunter universal rule" as an example when describing the Specialist Trooper. Giving the impression that since a Specialist Trooper might take tank hunter universal rule then there might be armour on the table.
How is there no armour in kill team? There are a) dedicated transports b)vehicles in the Fast Attack (Baal Predators) and Elite Slots (Venerable/Furioso Dreadnought)


Interesting though that most of the restrictions from Combat Patrol are not present in kill team.

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I saw a really effective BA kill team played using Sternguard.I don't remember the exacts of what he fielded, but he had some long range support, lots of up close ability with the combi-weapons.
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You are right on the limit to armour. There is no armour in a Kill Team game, even though this isn't stated in the book and to make it even more confusing the book uses the "tank hunter universal rule" as an example when describing the Specialist Trooper. Giving the impression that since a Specialist Trooper might take tank hunter universal rule then there might be armour on the table.
How is there no armour in kill team? There are a) dedicated transports b)vehicles in the Fast Attack (Baal Predators) and Elite Slots (Venerable/Furioso Dreadnought)


Interesting though that most of the restrictions from Combat Patrol are not present in kill team.


I don't know, I was just told by the store running the event that the Kill Team scenario doesn't allow models with an armour save. Sucks I know because I wanted to use either my Flamestorm Baal or my Frag Cannon Furioso.


I saw a really effective BA kill team played using Sternguard.I don't remember the exacts of what he fielded, but he had some long range support, lots of up close ability with the combi-weapons.


Sternguard is my top choice at the moment.

That or some Death Company seeings as I'd have to make up an entire Sternguard unit before Sunday, lol.

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I did DC KT. Its a lot of fun, but won't last long on the table. Though it is fun to watch each guy rage off in different directions.
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I don't know, I was just told by the store running the event that the Kill Team scenario doesn't allow models with an armour save. Sucks I know because I wanted to use either my Flamestorm Baal or my Frag Cannon Furioso.
Huh? What now? I hope you used the wrong word there. Only models without an armour save would mean that no PA armies would be allowed to field Infantry. Vehicles actually don't have an armour save, so vehicles should be fine, at least from what you wrote. And it would make a weird kind of game. Car Wars?
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I don't know, I was just told by the store running the event that the Kill Team scenario doesn't allow models with an armour save. Sucks I know because I wanted to use either my Flamestorm Baal or my Frag Cannon Furioso.
Huh? What now? I hope you used the wrong word there. Only models without an armour save would mean that no PA armies would be allowed to field Infantry. Vehicles actually don't have an armour save, so vehicles should be fine, at least from what you wrote. And it would make a weird kind of game. Car Wars?


My bad. Armour Value.

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