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5 Tacticals and a Drop Pod


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I've got a unit of five tactical marines I've painted, like, 10 years ago, using inks and whatnot so they look kind of out of place in my current army, and I will NOT go back to the hell that was painting with inks to update them to 10 models..


So my question basically is, can I make use of these guys? Would they be fun to just stick in a Drop Pod and hold in reserve to claim late game objectives, possibly arriving AFTER my DC in a pod clears an enemy objective? Possibly adding a naked Sanguinary Priest to them?


They cost 125pts with just the pod, 175 with the Priest (I suppose the Priest isn't that hot an idea to start with..)


I run a Mech Earth list with lots of Rhino Tacticals, Devastators, Dakka Preds and Dakka Dreads, Tactical Terminators and whatnot.. Oh, and a Drop Pod DC :o

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They could be used for objective sitting, but they will only have bolters and most likely PW on Sarge. 5 men RAS should do better, as they can take meltagun.

For 5-men TACT in Pod you pay more than they can contribute. If you had combat-squadded TACT with RB, then it would make difference. With 5 men in Pod, it's just not worth it.

Note, that I'm a fan of TACTs myself, and still I'm mostly against this idea ;)


P.S. How do DC in Pod perform? I've tried them myself and wasn't very impressed with them. Rhino or Raven seem much better to me.

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I run 10 in a pod with 10 Bolters and 2 PF, I just drop it next to an occupied enemy objective in objective games, or their backline long range support and open up, then obliterate.. It works wonders, and usually really slows down their approach on my gunline - nobody wants to leave their softer units behind and charge forward when the black mad men are eating through their fire support like butter :D


I want them in a pod because that way I can just bring them in after the DC are in, and claim enemy objectives and possibly lend some fire support to the DC.


The RAS are probably more point effective, but they can't lend much fire support that a Tac squad with a Combi Plasma can.. Not that I have any combi weapns on this squad, just 4 Bolters and 1 Sergeant with BP/CCW..


I don't know I should probably try it out, but I don't want to shell out for a Drop Pod on a whim ;)

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The RAS are probably more point effective, but they can't lend much fire support that a Tac squad with a Combi Plasma can.. Not that I have any combi weapns on this squad, just 4 Bolters and 1 Sergeant with BP/CCW..

Tac with combi-plas may be effective. But then you risk overheating and losing Sarge. I'm testing Tact with combi-plas as well, along with meltagun and Missile launcher. Two plasma shots and melta are useful against MCs or dreads, but combi-plas is more an emergency weapon, so I don't rely on it. Anyway, I'd give the Sarge a PF and Bolter, to increase the amount of shooting and have something against high T or armor.

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