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The Stormraven Gunship..


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What do you think about using the Sotrmraven as a real gunship.. Something like an AH64D Apache Longbow, not a Black Hawk..


A Storm Raven armed with TL Lascannon, Typhoon Missile Launchers and Bloodstrike Missiles is what I'm talking about.. Something very maneuverable that can fly behind your gunline and dish out silly amounts of high S low AP firepower at enemy armor and or heavy infantry..


Has anyone used it as such?


I have a strange feeling that it would really rock..

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You're paying the points for it's transport capacity and Assault Vehicle rules. That's why it's hard to use it as anything other then a transport.


Its not that it would not do the Gunship thing well, it's that it's expensive for that role. Two Landspeeder Typhoons are 20 points cheaper, and provide the same effect.

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It sort of works, but the Assault-cannon if better than the lascannon against most targets. And also, you will want a squad in it.


The Lascannon has a longer range, which can be very relevant with AV12.


In most games using Stormravens as a "hammer" to deliver a nasty melee unit to the enemy is the proper course, considering their points, but in smaller games it can be fine to put some middling squads inside (like ASM) to score and just zoom around dropping shots on people. TLLC, TLMM, and HB Sponsons would be my setup here- the Typhoon is just too expensive for the bonus you get over the other choices. Bolters are there to let you chew up infantry squads once your missiles and lasers have dismounted the enemy.


Run three of them at 1500 and you're pretty brutal, especially with Typhoon Speeders alongside them or Las/Plas Razorbacks. I think it still might be functional at 1750, but any higher than that and you need to move to a different paradigm, as there's just too much shooting on the table.

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It sort of works, but the Assault-cannon if better than the lascannon against most targets. And also, you will want a squad in it.


The Lascannon has a longer range, which can be very relevant with AV12.


In most games using Stormravens as a "hammer" to deliver a nasty melee unit to the enemy is the proper course, considering their points, but in smaller games it can be fine to put some middling squads inside (like ASM) to score and just zoom around dropping shots on people. TLLC, TLMM, and HB Sponsons would be my setup here- the Typhoon is just too expensive for the bonus you get over the other choices. Bolters are there to let you chew up infantry squads once your missiles and lasers have dismounted the enemy.


Run three of them at 1500 and you're pretty brutal, especially with Typhoon Speeders alongside them or Las/Plas Razorbacks. I think it still might be functional at 1750, but any higher than that and you need to move to a different paradigm, as there's just too much shooting on the table.


You're right there. I just assumed he wasn't actually going to use it empty, and as such would be close enough to use them. At least meltas aren't an issue.


You wouldn't happen to be the AbusePuppy of Pinky fame?

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The StormRaven has been specifically designed so that being up close has no drawbacks. It is impervious to Melta, and is AV12 so Lance has no effect. Which means you are just as susceptible to shooting if you were at 12"


Keeping your Storm Raven away from the enemy won't save it. It's a waste of a large chunk of it's points if you aren't using it as an assault vehicle. Just run a AutoCannon/LasCannon Pred if you want something to sit in the back field.

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The StormRaven has been specifically designed so that being up close has no drawbacks. It is impervious to Melta, and is AV12 so Lance has no effect. Which means you are just as susceptible to shooting if you were at 12"


Keeping your Storm Raven away from the enemy won't save it. It's a waste of a large chunk of it's points if you aren't using it as an assault vehicle. Just run a AutoCannon/LasCannon Pred if you want something to sit in the back field.




That made no sense?


Sure, when your Stormraven is at 12", it's under no less risk from a multi-melta than it was at 24".. But it's still at more risk because now things like Plasmaguns can double tap you, you are prone to glances from S6 weapons, and can be assaulted.


ALL OF WHICH, including the Multimelta, would not be a risk AT ALL if you stood back and fired.


A Stormraven standing off at 36-48" range will only be targeted by 48" weapons.. Which are MUCH RARER compared to 24" rapid fire, 24" heavy or 36" heavy weapons.


To say that your Storm Raven is at the same risk up close or hanging behind is just.. well.. Nonsense.


Besides, TL Lascannon, Typhoon Launcher and Bloodstrike Missiles make 1 TL S9, 2 S8 and 1 S8 shots a turn compared to the Dakka Pred's peski 2 S7 and 6 S5 shots.

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Plasmaguns I will give you.


Assaulting something which you need 6s to hit isn't generally going to produce much of a result.


And I can't think of many S6 short ranged weapons in the game.


Saying the Storm Raven is vastly more effective up close and in marginally less danger than it is in the backfield is gospel truth.

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Plasmaguns I will give you.


Assaulting something which you need 6s to hit isn't generally going to produce much of a result.


And I can't think of many S6 short ranged weapons in the game.


Saying the Storm Raven is vastly more effective up close and in marginally less danger than it is in the backfield is gospel truth.


Assault Cannons, tau plasma, fire dragon meltas... eeer. I'm sure there's more.

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I run Twin-linked Plasma Cannons and Typhoon launchers and Extra Armor...almost everything is threatened buy that load out. I love moving 6" comming in on my table edge and rocking the hell out of a unit of armor. Ok two Krak's and 4 Blood Strikes.....eat missiles!
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Aye, def' tailor it for backline if that's one's intention. Containing a scoring unit that can perform a solid counter-charge aint a bad idea. There are no other transports/scoreboxes with that much firepower.

After all, the scoring units should be in something, especially when cover is scarce and/or you're running mech forces.

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One last thought, here's how I plan to use the Storm Raven Gunship..


Storm Raven with TL Lascannons, Typhoon Missile Launcher, Hurricane Bolters

Scout Squad (10), 5 Shotguns, 5 Bolt Pistol/CCW


Basically, the Gunship keeps arm's length and uses mobility to blast away at enemy armor and transports with Lascannons, Missiles and Bloodstrikes until last few turns, when it zooms to a) an unoccupied objective and takes it, :D an enemy objective, drops the scouts, opens up on enemy troops with Frag missiles and Hurricane Bolters, followed by the Scouts' shotguns and Bolt Pistols, and then, the assault to take the objective.


So it's basically a long range support chopper with Spec Ops unit in it..


Kind of like an Mi-24 Hind.. The best realworld gunship equivalent of the Storm Raven IMO..


What say you B&C?

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One last thought, here's how I plan to use the Storm Raven Gunship..


Storm Raven with TL Lascannons, Typhoon Missile Launcher, Hurricane Bolters

Scout Squad (10), 5 Shotguns, 5 Bolt Pistol/CCW


Basically, the Gunship keeps arm's length and uses mobility to blast away at enemy armor and transports with Lascannons, Missiles and Bloodstrikes until last few turns, when it zooms to a) an unoccupied objective and takes it, :D an enemy objective, drops the scouts, opens up on enemy troops with Frag missiles and Hurricane Bolters, followed by the Scouts' shotguns and Bolt Pistols, and then, the assault to take the objective.


So it's basically a long range support chopper with Spec Ops unit in it..


Kind of like an Mi-24 Hind.. The best realworld gunship equivalent of the Storm Raven IMO..


What say you B&C?


Put a combi flamer and fist/PW on that sergeant and you've got yourself a halfdecent objective claimer.

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Why spend the points on the HB sponsons if you don't plan on getting up close and personal as soon as possible? :D If you are going to spend that many points you may as well bring a Land Raider. At least then you don't have to worry about a lucky shot from an Autocannon. And I certainly wouldn't bother with a full 10 man Scout Squad under your scenario. A small RAS will give you much more impact and a better chance of surviving Skies of Blood for that quick 24" dash to an Objective.


My favorite load out is still the Assault Cannon + Typhoon ML. Against infantry you've got 4 S6 and two S4 blasts and you can still toss a Bloodstrike at a transport of opportunity. Flexibility of target selection + multiple weapons types (bullet and blast) + multiple dice = win. :lol:

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The StormRaven has been specifically designed so that being up close has no drawbacks. It is impervious to Melta, and is AV12 so Lance has no effect. Which means you are just as susceptible to shooting if you were at 12"



A hit with a melta against you means 50% of the time you get a roll on the damage table at -1 and 33% of the time with a +1.

Thats hardly "impervious". Thats dangerous.


the majority of Lance weapons have a strength of 8 - so while the rule itself is useless, the S8 part is kinda the part that hurts.



Up close is much more dangerous. No debates there. While the gunship role may not be the most points effective use of the Raven, i'd defintiely not oversell its short range capabilities.

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I run Twin-linked Plasma Cannons and Typhoon launchers and Extra Armor...almost everything is threatened buy that load out. I love moving 6" comming in on my table edge and rocking the hell out of a unit of armor. Ok two Krak's and 4 Blood Strikes.....eat missiles!


What's it like with the plasma cannons? I hadn't really thought of using them, what's the benefits etc? And also what's the downside? (sorry for the ? Spam)

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What's it like with the plasma cannons? I hadn't really thought of using them, what's the benefits etc? And also what's the downside? (sorry for the ? Spam)


Play Marines, IG,Tau,DE and Plague Marines. I used the Typhoons to Krak armor and POTMS to fire the Twin-linked Plasma Cannons at Marines, Tau Suits, IG command squads stuff you don't want geting FNP (..I'm looking at you Dark Eldar and Plague Marines) and knocking that 3+, OR 2+ away and rerolling scatter and -4" not too bad at all. With IG, Tau and most DE 2 Frag Missle templates backed up with the Plasma can still hurt units with large model count. For me it the Swiss Army Knife. Tau Suits, Marines.....2 Kraks and a TW-Plasma cannon and POTMS one Blood Strike for armor....while still moving 6".... I like it but YMMV

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