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Dark Angels Company Master


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Hi guys,

Posted this over in the DA forum and thought I'd stick him in here as well for some more feedback.

He's the first (of hopefully many) and I'm quite pleased with him

Please note, my iPhone camera has kind of blurred some of the layers/highlights, his robe isn't pure bleached bone honest!!

May i present Master Jeremiah of the 6th company



All comments/feedback welcome

Command squad coming soon... :wacko:

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Thanks guys, I didnt want to go too over the top with detail etc - I've decided to go with plain, simple robes rather than elaborately detailed ones, I've always thought that's more fitting for a knightly order.
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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm looking to do somthing similar to one of my Dark Angels and was wondering where you got the arms for the Thunder Hammer?


I do believe they are from the Sanguinary Guard box.

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I'm looking to do somthing similar to one of my Dark Angels and was wondering where you got the arms for the Thunder Hammer?


I do believe they are from the Sanguinary Guard box.


It's actually the death company box.


He's cool and all, but why does he have a death watch pauldron?

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I'd guess he served in a deathwatch kill team at some point before attaining company master.


Model is awesome.


Much better.


No crap he might have been in the death watch, unfortunately a former member of the death watch is sworn to silence so I doubt he would have been able to keep the pauldron. Or there's a back story. He could have killed a Death Watch member because he saw said DW member killing innocent (non-Xenos affiliated/tainted) civilians. The Company Master thought it was wrong took offense to the killings, and slayed the DW marine as punishment for his crime. He then took the pauldron and he now wears it as a reminder that no matter how righteous you may be, the killing of an innocent can not go unanswered.

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After serving in the Deathwatch yes you are sworn to secrecy but you get to keep the pauldron as a badge of honour for that service. No need to kill deathwatch marines and steal one... a pauldron gained in that manner is only likely to draw the attention of the inquisition in a very negative way.
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I'm looking to do somthing similar to one of my Dark Angels and was wondering where you got the arms for the Thunder Hammer?


I do believe they are from the Sanguinary Guard box.


It's actually the death company box.


Oops. Oh well, I was close. :cuss

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After serving in the Deathwatch yes you are sworn to secrecy but you get to keep the pauldron as a badge of honor for that service. No need to kill deathwatch marines and steal one... a pauldron gained in that manner is only likely to draw the attention of the inquisition in a very negative way.


Where did you read that the Death Watch get to keep their pauldron? So killing a member of the death watch in a matter of honor is a no no. But it's ok for the space wolves/Logan to shoot at the Ecclesiarchy? I'm not trying to start an argument I'd just like a bit of clarification is all.



Fluff wise, I thought DA couldn't be in the DW?


As far as I'm aware/read there has only been one Dark Angel in the Death Watch.

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yes you get to keep your pauldon as well as several clips of special ammo and deathwatch bolter. its a mark of honor to bear the pauldron and left arm painted silver. ts in the new RPG game as well as the original index astartes article. there have many dark angels in the deathwatch. all marine chapters are required to tithe battle brothers to the deathwatch unless there under strength or other mitigating circumstances.


on topic the model looks great. i like the pose.

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Cheers guys!


Yeah, I was reading the old Deathwatch article which states, as Redmoon says, when a marine finishes his stint in the Deathwatch, he keeps his shoulder pad and special ammo upon his return to his chapter. I added them onto the model just to show that he was true veteran and fit to lead a company.


In the fluff-bible that is the old Deathwatch graphic novel (ahem) one of the charcters is a Dark Angel

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