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Chapter Master Sentikan of the Angels Sanguine

Lord Kallozar

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Hey all,


Just curious to know how much is known about the Angels Sanguine Chapter Master, Sentikan? I understand he appears in the blood angels BL series of books, so what do we learn of him from it? What is his mood like etc? Also what armour and weapons does he sport? All i know of his gear is that he supposedly wears a hood instead of a helmet.



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ive red the book, he is in the third novel. from what i can remember he is in power armour, with a sword or some sort of power weapon, not sure on the hood, im sure he has a helm.

one thing i do remember, that when one of his captains are killed, i think Corbulo goes to remove the helm from the body, and Sentikan kicks off, telling all around that if anyone touches the body he will kill them him self, they then leave to go back to his ship.


hope this helps



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As I recall the one who wears a hood is Ashok, the librarian attached to the Deathwatch from C.S. Goto's series of the same name. Sentikan appears in James Swallow's books, although I haven't read those. I'd actually be pretty keen on some details myself as I'm working on my own version at the moment. Anyone got the quotes from the book?
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