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void hardened armour

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has anyone thought of how to represent this? my first thought was mk5 heresy armor kits, but that's a little expensive, and i haven't the practice with green stuff sculpting to make it myself yet.


what are some ways you've thought of, or have, shown void hardened armor on your troops?

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Isn't it supposed to be indistinguishable from regular PA, if you wish? iirc IA9/10 says cruder systems may appear like small nozzles on certain points of the armour whereas built-in systems (I'm looking at you Salamanders) are not detectable (at least to the average enthusiast). ;)

that's true, if you want to say your marines are just that good they make theirs unnoticable (though if you look at the salamander armour they use as an example in the books, he's also a little bulkier and has alot of engraved workings in the armor that glow red as the cooling systems are overworked).


but i dont wanna be lazy and say "oh, my techmarines are just really good craftsmen, so, you can't see the modifications, but it's void hardened." so i want to bulk them up a bit and add something to make them look modified somehow. they're squads ill never typically use outside of a boarding action game, so its ok if i convert them so they cant become 'normal' marines.

Interesting, I haven't thought about this. Personally, I'd snip the 4 tiny vents at the bottom of a power armour backpack, then shave 'em down until all you have is just a thin piece of the vent. Glue 'em in places that make sense (I haven't seen IA 9 or 10 yet, so go with what you know). Finally, going by what you said earlier about the vent's glowing, try out some small blue or orange OSL glow coming from the vents. Just food for thought, brother.
Interesting, I haven't thought about this. Personally, I'd snip the 4 tiny vents at the bottom of a power armour backpack, then shave 'em down until all you have is just a thin piece of the vent. Glue 'em in places that make sense (I haven't seen IA 9 or 10 yet, so go with what you know). Finally, going by what you said earlier about the vent's glowing, try out some small blue or orange OSL glow coming from the vents. Just food for thought, brother.


Blast! Don't hog the good ideas, heathens! :tu:


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