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DC hammer units


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Got some new parts and now have enough for two full DC units. One JP DC and one on foot for podding, land raider or rhino delivery.





5*DC marines

Bolter + PF

Handflamer + PW

Boltpistol + PW

2* Boltpistol + Chainsword


365 pts



Walking DC




9*DC marines

2*PW + boltpistol

PF + bolter

TH + bolter

Chainsword + Plasma pistol

4* Bolter + CCW


375 pts



What do you think?

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i'm going to give you the same advice that i do everyone


IMO best DC squad

8 w/ power swords

2 w/ hand flamers




for more details check the topic about CC beasts and look for my post.

sorry for lack of talk here i'm in a hurry

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Seems the setups are pretty similar.


I run on average a 9 man squad with TH, PF, PW, HF. If the squad is in a LRC they get bumped to 15 guys and I add a PW and PP. Pretty much point and beat the crap out of "it".

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i'm going to give you the same advice that i do everyone


IMO best DC squad

8 w/ power swords

2 w/ hand flamers




for more details check the topic about CC beasts and look for my post.

sorry for lack of talk here i'm in a hurry


I think this is a little over kill, If youa re going to be paying 35 points per DC you might as well just take assault termies with claws and a lib. They will be controllable and can reroll hits and wounds on and off the charge. I like big DC units however that is just too much kit on a unit for my liking. 440points for 11 power armoured guys not including the raider is quite large.





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Got some new parts and now have enough for two full DC units. One JP DC and one on foot for podding, land raider or rhino delivery.





5*DC marines

Bolter + PF

Handflamer + PW

Boltpistol + PW

2* Boltpistol + Chainsword


365 pts



Walking DC




9*DC marines

2*PW + boltpistol

PF + bolter

TH + bolter

Chainsword + Plasma pistol

4* Bolter + CCW


375 pts



What do you think?


Ok, first thing, DC really need to go in a transport in order to get full utility out of them, or else they are ragin all over the place and gettin shot to pieces. IMO, jump packs are way too expensive for DC, i don't think they are worth takin, but then again i have little experience with JP DC's, however I would rather take the extra bodies and get my mobility out of a transport.


I know, DC setups are just like buttholes, everyone has one, but I have played with this unit since the codex dropped and this is what I have found works exceptionally well, so much so that I don't build a list that doesn't have it.



7-10 man DC squad

1 PF, 3 PWs, the rest have BP/CCWs.


I pair this up with a DC Dread w/ Blood Talons and throw em in a Stormraven. One of the nastiest combos there is. You are in combat on turn two, and the DC and the dread can assault different units or tag team a big nasty. Very little survives that charge. The raven is great for POTMSing open transports so the DC can play with the chewy center.


DC's are one of those units that a man can sink a whole lot of points into if he's not careful, and really not gain any benefit. I mean, if 3pw's and a pf kills the squad i throw them at, why give them any more pws/pfs? Then i am just flushing points down the toilet.


That is what I have found to be the best balance. I like the loadout on your walking squad, i just think that you really need to drop them to 9-10 and put them in a transport, a rhino if nothing else, but Stormravens + DC + DC Dread = WIN.


hope these ramblings help.

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Ok, first thing, DC really need to go in a transport in order to get full utility out of them


One JP DC and one on foot for podding, land raider or rhino delivery




A stormraven is high on my "to get" list. Just saving up for a forgeworld ceastus since I can't stand GWs "thunderhawk shortbus".


So far the one thing people seem to do different is adding a third (or six for the crazy guys :lol: ) power weapon to the larger units. I guess my setup wasn't killy enough!

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Ok, first thing, DC really need to go in a transport in order to get full utility out of them


One JP DC and one on foot for podding, land raider or rhino delivery




A stormraven is high on my "to get" list. Just saving up for a forgeworld ceastus since I can't stand GWs "thunderhawk shortbus".


So far the one thing people seem to do different is adding a third (or six for the crazy guys B) ) power weapon to the larger units. I guess my setup wasn't killy enough!


that is what I get for reading too fast ;) . And somehow i thought your walkabout squad had more guys in it, so ignore what I said about dropping guys from it. PW's are awesome in a DC squad, as you are S5 and I5 on the charge, hitting with WS5. Against non MEQ, a PW on the charge is making the same rolls as a PF, at initiative! And with the reroll to hit & wound! I think your setup on the walkers is fine, 2 pws and 2 st8 I1. you could add another pw if you wanted.


Personally, i would drop the plasma pistol/combi flamer, for a couple reasons. 1. save you some points. 2. DC are an assault unit. whatever you are going to shoot at with those prolly is gonna die after you assault them anyway. The worst thing is killin too many from shooting and the opponent removing casualties from the front, leaving you out of charge range and a prime candidate for getting the ever loving dog poop shot out of you next turn. Especially when what you want to charge is in cover. I just see them, especially the combi flamer, as something that is unnecessary, and can actually hurt you more than help.


Yes, stormravens are amazing, i don't think the gw kit is a bad kit at all, but hey thats my opinion. I will say that as far as assembly, it is one of the best kits GW has ever made. Goes together like buttah. But yes the simple addition of a Stormraven will definitely up the killiness on your DC.

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Personally, i would drop the plasma pistol/combi flamer, for a couple reasons. 1. save you some points. 2. DC are an assault unit. whatever you are going to shoot at with those prolly is gonna die after you assault them anyway. The worst thing is killin too many from shooting and the opponent removing casualties from the front, leaving you out of charge range and a prime candidate for getting the ever loving dog poop shot out of you next turn. Especially when what you want to charge is in cover. I just see them, especially the combi flamer, as something that is unnecessary, and can actually hurt you more than help.


They're just there as insurance, if there's a risk they'll kill too many I'll just opt not to shoot them.

I've had situations where tricky placement by my opponent has left me with several targets but being unable to multi assault. Putting that combi-flamer in there gives the chaplain a bit more bite if I want to detach him.

Another reason is taking casualties. If the squad has already been weakened a bit of extra shooting might be needed, it could be the edge that keeps them trucking through the game instead of getting stuck and withered down by numbers.

Finally it can be nice to deal some damage when you arrive via pod.

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i'm going to give you the same advice that i do everyone


IMO best DC squad

8 w/ power swords

2 w/ hand flamers




for more details check the topic about CC beasts and look for my post.

sorry for lack of talk here i'm in a hurry


I think this is a little over kill, If youa re going to be paying 35 points per DC you might as well just take assault termies with claws and a lib. They will be controllable and can reroll hits and wounds on and off the charge. I like big DC units however that is just too much kit on a unit for my liking. 440points for 11 power armoured guys not including the raider is quite large.






that's what alot of guys say however

1. never once has the whole unit been killed

2. they've fought and killed a unit of terminators a lot like that with no significant losses (7 terminators and a chapalin, killed the termies lost 2 or 3 i think)

3. on the charge thats 32 power weapon attacks 8 normal attacks re-rolling hits and wounds hitting at S5 and I5 not including the chaplain

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that's what alot of guys say however

1. never once has the whole unit been killed

2. they've fought and killed a unit of terminators a lot like that with no significant losses (7 terminators and a chapalin, killed the termies lost 2 or 3 i think)

3. on the charge thats 32 power weapon attacks 8 normal attacks re-rolling hits and wounds hitting at S5 and I5 not including the chaplain


The only thing that really concerns me is the lack of fists/hammers.

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that's what alot of guys say however

1. never once has the whole unit been killed

2. they've fought and killed a unit of terminators a lot like that with no significant losses (7 terminators and a chapalin, killed the termies lost 2 or 3 i think)

3. on the charge thats 32 power weapon attacks 8 normal attacks re-rolling hits and wounds hitting at S5 and I5 not including the chaplain


The only thing that really concerns me is the lack of fists/hammers.


That's not my only concern but it's certainly the major one. What happens whn that lot get into a fight with a Soulgrinder or other such Walker that they can't even hurt?

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