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Space Hulk WD masterclass


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I'm currently working on some SH marines, but I missed out on the WD issue with the 'Eavy Metal masterclass and I want to do these guys justice. I'm wondering if anyone has the issue number, or at least if people can help me on a couple of techniques. I'm looking especially at Lorenzo's power sword, the red on the armour and how they painted the blood drop gems and the crux terminatus. Any help would be much appreciated.
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This is the only White Dwarf I've bought in the past 7 years or so. Issue 357 September 2009 in Australia.


Red: Blood Red + Dark Flesh(1:1) -> shade with base colour + chaos black (1:1) -> Blood Red -> Blazing Orange -> Blazing Orange + Vomit Brown (2:1) -> Baal Red wash, re-highlight.


Sword: Black, Lines: Regal B + Ice B (1:1) ->Ice b -> Ice b + white -> Glaze HT + DAG -> white.


I have to go, I can post rest later.

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Do not give out links to GW published materials unless that material is on GW's website. Just because something was available for free download on GW's website does not mean it we can post it on our site after GW takes it down from their site.
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Do not give out links to GW published materials unless that material is on GW's website. Just because something was available for free download on GW's website does not mean it we can post it on our site after GW takes it down from their site.


In all fairness, that is exactly what European law allows you to do. But then again, it's all down to in which country the servers are.

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Do not give out links to GW published materials unless that material is on GW's website. Just because something was available for free download on GW's website does not mean it we can post it on our site after GW takes it down from their site.


In all fairness, that is exactly what European law allows you to do. But then again, it's all down to in which country the servers are.

But B+C rules do not allow it.


This also means you shouldn't request that people send you copies of rule books, novels and other GW publications. Doesn't matter if its via email, scan, PM, carrier pigeon or whatever. If you ask for it here you will be warned.


This also means do not link to places where one can download these items as well. Unless it is on an official Games Workshop site then it isn't ok to download from. Many of these sites are on the blacklist and the forum won't let you finish your post with those links in it, however others are not and when they are found they will be added and offenders may receive a warning.

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I don't quite understand what the rule is for, is it because the sites in question are providing illegal downloads of GW property?
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I don't quite understand what the rule is for, is it because the sites in question are providing illegal downloads of GW property?
Because GW legal will try to shut down sites that host material that is GW IP. The B+C rule is to protect us from GW coming in and shutting stuff down. Occasionally, GW will ask us to remove things, but better we remove them before GW steps in.
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I don't quite understand what the rule is for, is it because the sites in question are providing illegal downloads of GW property?
Because GW legal will try to shut down sites that host material that is GW IP. The B+C rule is to protect us from GW coming in and shutting stuff down. Occasionally, GW will ask us to remove things, but better we remove them before GW steps in.


Yeah, I would die if B&C was shut down :P

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This is the recipe I use for my BA armor, though I'm still trying to refine it a little bit to make it quicker so painting my army doesn't take forever and a day. It does make for a very nice, rich red.
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