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Sternguard: PF on Sergeant or Extra Model?


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I've got a unit of sternguard who are coming down in a drop pod with Corbulo. Currently, I've got 9 without a powerfist and including two combi-meltas and one melta. I was thinking I should knock that down to 8 with a fist. Any thoughts on this loadout?
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drop pod = close to the enemy. What happens when your opponent throws a dreadnought at them. You then have a crap ton of points invested in a dreadnaught punching bag. I put a fist in every squad, just to be safe. It always comes in handy.
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I don't believe you can put in an extra guy as a BA pod only holds 10 models not 11. I believe you may also still comabt squad when coming out of a pod so I would take tycho out of the pod and let him go somewhere else in the army and take an extra model, this allows you to combat squad and take out 2 targets when landing. If someone is going to walk a dread into you then you only sacrifice one squad. Even if you had a fist the dread would generally kill you mairnes before dying.





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He meant 8 + fist + corbs or 9 + corbs.


It comes down to how valuable one more rapid fire special ammo shot could be. - I'm doubting they all have combi weapons.


I say fist it just so you're presenting at least a consequence to your opponent looking to CC corbs.

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Oddly enough, with 2 attack veterans, and Corbs (his own combat + adding FNP) I'm not overly worried about them getting into CC. However, the mention of a dread did give me pause. Hopefully, if I decided to drop near one, I'd damage it a bit beforehand, but it's still probably worth it for the fist over the extra guy. Even if I played them smart, it's better for the flexibility.
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I wasn't intimating how you felt about it... more like how your opponent will likely feel. That impacts his perception of what he calculates/feels he can throw at it. With a fist (and corb's rending), a serious CC commitment is required to be sure. In short, it'll move up the guy's shoot phase kill list if it isn't at the top already.

Of course, it's not just about your opponents options. The 2nd turn assault potential with a fist (and corbs) is much much better.

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I wasn't intimating how you felt about it... more like how your opponent will likely feel. That impacts his perception of what he calculates/feels he can throw at it. With a fist (and corb's rending), a serious CC commitment is required to be sure. In short, it'll move up the guy's shoot phase kill list if it isn't at the top already.

Of course, it's not just about your opponents options. The 2nd turn assault potential with a fist (and corbs) is much much better.



Makes sense and I'll be putting in the fist for sure. It does seem to make for a pretty effective unit. The other thing is that I had 10 points leftover and decided to put a beacon on the drop pod. Since it's coming in turn 1, that would allow me to reliably place my other jump troops, including vv, making for a pretty solid strong point if needed.

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drop pod = close to the enemy. What happens when your opponent throws a dreadnought at them. You then have a crap ton of points invested in a dreadnaught punching bag. I put a fist in every squad, just to be safe. It always comes in handy.


^ This .


G :D

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The only reason to be dropping SG anywhere within 12" of a dread is if you are going to melta the hell out of it, whence this point becomes moot. If you are worried about Land raiders etc with dreads next to them...take 10 combi meltas and combat squad coming out of the pod. Kill them both.


In regards to the loadout...if the SG get into combat with something nasty, you want them to lose, fail the test fall back, rally then shoot the hell out of it. A fist will slow down this sequence of events. That said, the combination of corbulo's rending and a powerfist may tip the combat in your favour anyway.


I'd say, if you have the points after giving them all combimeltas, do it.

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