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Good Morning Scions Of Sanguinius


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Hey bros, what's up this rather windy and dreadful morning? I just went and picked up a box of GK pa a box of SG and a box of DC to kit bash a couple of librarians and stuff, pretty excited to get into the boxes so I just thought I'd share that with you all, ha,ha.


So what are you guys up to today, what have you got Planned that is BA shapped for the week?

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Finish off painting my Baal Pred then start doing some of the special characters that I've recently bought (or stripped the paint off). Got a game tomorrow night and am debating between the sensible mech list or a ridiculous (but fun) DC+SR+Dread list.
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I'm in the process of painting a Angels Sanguine Librarian (with Sanguinary Guard Jump Pack and wings) as a gift to the staff of the public library. I've had a part-time job there for three years and Friday is my last day so it felt right... I'll upload a picture when I'm finished.
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work and practice is going to keep me from doing much of anything hobby related until after wednesdays gig unfortunately -_-


But I will try and find time to at least prime my new improved Seth (improved means with greenstuff beard ;) ) and maybe re do a couple of gems/lenses on my Lemartes that I had previously mucked up :D

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You know the DC SR is calling you ;)



That's really nice of you, would live to see the pics. Are you paintin him regular Libby or adding yellow? I'm about out to start making a Libby and I don't wanna just paint him blue!



Haha, nice one.. Can't wait to see your self portrait :P



Did you try the leviathan purple wash on the gold armour I've been bangin' on about?

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As long as they aren't Grey Knights.... I tried that.. NOT a good idea..

I'm assuming this is a response to me.


I know who I'm playing, but he has several armies. Nids, Ultras, DE, Tau, Chaos. but the army he plays the most is Ultras. GK are not a threat today.



Did you try the leviathan purple wash on the gold armour I've been bangin' on about?

No, haven't gotten my hands on any yet.

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That's really nice of you, would live to see the pics. Are you paintin him regular Libby or adding yellow? I'm about out to start making a Libby and I don't wanna just paint him blue!


I painted him half red half black (divided vertically) and I painted the sashes lightblue.. I'll probably also paint the shoulderpads lightblue.. Also (which I'm quite fond of I painted the eyes in a "glowing" manner.. I'll be home in about an hour.. Then I'll shoot and upload a picture and post the link here :P

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That's really nice of you, would live to see the pics. Are you paintin him regular Libby or adding yellow? I'm about out to start making a Libby and I don't wanna just paint him blue!


I painted him half red half black (divided vertically) and I painted the sashes lightblue.. I'll probably also paint the shoulderpads lightblue.. Also (which I'm quite fond of I painted the eyes in a "glowing" manner.. I'll be home in about an hour.. Then I'll shoot and upload a picture and post the link here :P


Ah yeah, for some reason I thought you had said lamanters not angels sanguine, lol, so he wouldn't be yellow at all.


Got any ideas for a paint scheme for a regular BA Libby? I find the whole blue thing a bit boring!

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That's really nice of you, would live to see the pics. Are you paintin him regular Libby or adding yellow? I'm about out to start making a Libby and I don't wanna just paint him blue!


I painted him half red half black (divided vertically) and I painted the sashes lightblue.. I'll probably also paint the shoulderpads lightblue.. Also (which I'm quite fond of I painted the eyes in a "glowing" manner.. I'll be home in about an hour.. Then I'll shoot and upload a picture and post the link here :P


Ah yeah, for some reason I thought you had said lamanters not angels sanguine, lol, so he wouldn't be yellow at all.


Got any ideas for a paint scheme for a regular BA Libby? I find the whole blue thing a bit boring!


When I get my own I'll probably do it the same as I'm doing now only instead of the half-red half-black I'll go for a completely red armour with light-blue "glowing" trims... And a light-blue sash... I'd probably (if helmeted) paint the eyes blue as well.

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I'm waiting for a Razorback and the new Dreadnought to arrive, hopefully they'll show up on thursday. Until that I don't have anything to do :P
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This evening I hope to finish off my first Angel Sanguine assault marine srgt, I only had a little time over the weekend to work on him but I did manage to get all his weapon options magnetised, well only the pistol options since I opted to just glue his fist on since I always give him one (Thunder Hammers just don't do it for me). The magnetizsed bolt/plasma/flamer/infernus pistols look great though and I'm excited to get them all painted, up.


I should be able to have him pretty much completed by Wednesday hopefully and then the only thing the rest of his squad lacks are there heads. I always seem to leave them for last because I hate making yellow look decent so I try and batch paint all of them at once.

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Finishing off my first Land Speeder.

It's black with red trim and the pilots are black with red helmets.

And then I'll paint some Death Company.


I painted it black to compliment my Stormraven when I paint that black.

So then I will have a Stormraven and 2 land speeders all in black. I will later add another land speeder to make a full squadron of 3 models.

Then with 3 black land speeders and a Stormraven with Death Company in transit along with a Deathnought in the grapple it will look awesome!

An all black (with some red) Aerial Strike Force, The Death Squadron!

The Stormraven can be called The Storm Vulture.

When I paint a red one I'll call it Red Dog Leader. Haha!


Oh, and I'm also working on my 200point Kill Team for this Sunday the 22nd.

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Finishing off my first Land Speeder.

It's black with red trim and the pilots are black with red helmets.

And then I'll paint some Death Company.


I painted it black to compliment my Stormraven when I paint that black.

So then I will have a Stormraven and 2 land speeders all in black. I will later add another land speeder to make a full squadron of 3 models.

Then with 3 black land speeders and a Stormraven with Death Company in transit along with a Deathnought in the grapple it will look awesome!

An all black (with some red) Aerial Strike Force, The Death Squadron!

The Stormraven can be called The Storm Vulture.

When I paint a red one I'll call it Red Dog Leader. Haha!


Oh, and I'm also working on my 200point Kill Team for this Sunday the 22nd.


That all sounds insanely fun.

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Painting 10 assault termies

Painting 10 sanguinary guards

Painting 74 weapons on various devs, tacs, scouts and so on

Primed 6 Tiger E tanks for FoW


and then when I can't be bothered anymore, I'll paint some of my own BA's :(

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This is the Librarian I was painting... You can read the reason I choose these colours here: http://reinoutjansen.deviantart.com/art/An...arian-209116300 I must say I'm very pleased with the way the eyes turned out.

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This is the Librarian I was painting... You can read the reason I choose these colours here: http://reinoutjansen.deviantart.com/art/An...arian-209116300 I must say I'm very pleased with the way the eyes turned out.


Really nice model.


I'm trying to decide what weapon to give my librarian, should I just go with a bolt pistol or should I upgrade to a storm bolter or infernos pistol?

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