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Good Morning Scions Of Sanguinius


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My standard answer is usually, "In what way are you going to use him?" I think a Storm Bolter is a good idea to add some firepower to a tactical squad. An Infernus Pistol gives you a (very little) bit of vehicle busting. I would take an Infernus Pistol when with Jump Pack and Storm Bolter when without.
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I would say definitely not a storm bolter (unless you play it counts as bolt pistol and like the storm bolter look), because you loose out on that +1 attack from 2CC weapons. I suppose though that a Librarian in a shooty squad could possibly benefit from a storm bolter. Personally I always play my Librarians pretty much bare bones, the only thing I routinely add are jump packs.
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Hmm, well my army is pretty shooty but I have alot of cc in there too so I just can't decide what weapon to give him , they are all wrist mounted the weapons I'm choosing from I think either the bolt pistol or the storm bolter are gonna be the way to go, I'm kinda leaning towards the storm bolter as I like a good bit of shooting but I'm still very much undecided.
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Hmm, well my army is pretty shooty but I have alot of cc in there too so I just can't decide what weapon to give him , they are all wrist mounted the weapons I'm choosing from I think either the bolt pistol or the storm bolter are gonna be the way to go, I'm kinda leaning towards the storm bolter as I like a good bit of shooting but I'm still very much undecided.


I've been thinking this over for a while. I would probably go with the Infernus Pistol so you don't lose your extra attack and besides that I would give him "Smite" so he still has some shootiness... Hope it helped :HQ:

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As long as they aren't Grey Knights.... I tried that.. NOT a good idea..

I'm assuming this is a response to me.


I know who I'm playing, but he has several armies. Nids, Ultras, DE, Tau, Chaos. but the army he plays the most is Ultras. GK are not a threat today.


In that case (if you haven't already played) I'd use the Sanguinary Guard.. Chapter Banner and Sanguinor near means they can chop op every marine squad and often even before they can strike bak.

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Hmm, well my army is pretty shooty but I have alot of cc in there too so I just can't decide what weapon to give him , they are all wrist mounted the weapons I'm choosing from I think either the bolt pistol or the storm bolter are gonna be the way to go, I'm kinda leaning towards the storm bolter as I like a good bit of shooting but I'm still very much undecided.


I've been thinking this over for a while. I would probably go with the Infernus Pistol so you don't lose your extra attack and besides that I would give him "Smite" so he still has some shootiness... Hope it helped :HQ:


Yeah thanks... I'm just thinking to keep the points down to give him a bolt pistol though as I know when it comes to final draft of my list I'm gonna be hard pushed for points so shaving 15 points of the Libby could actually help loads plus I'm not gonna gain all that much from the infernos pistol... The only thing is though is that the infernos pistol looks really good for the modeling purposes. (I'm using a hand with a daemonete head being held by the hair and the wrist mounted infernos pistol looks really good with it)

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Well, this week I am going to paint up my JP Sang Priest and start working on my Vanguards...Also I might convince myself to touch my Furioso with paint and/or paint some Objective markers. Wich one I will do exactly, no knowledge as of yet.
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I've finished pitting together my first librarian, I wanna post a pic, I've took like 30 on my iPhone camera and none of them are really that good so I'll probably wait till I can use my brothers camera and get some proper photos.
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As long as they aren't Grey Knights.... I tried that.. NOT a good idea..

I'm assuming this is a response to me.


I know who I'm playing, but he has several armies. Nids, Ultras, DE, Tau, Chaos. but the army he plays the most is Ultras. GK are not a threat today.


In that case (if you haven't already played) I'd use the Sanguinary Guard.. Chapter Banner and Sanguinor near means they can chop op every marine squad and often even before they can strike bak.

The game was against Ultras. The Sanguinary Guard were very mean, entirely wiping 1 tac squad, helping wipe out another and then not doing much because there wasn't much left to do.

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As long as they aren't Grey Knights.... I tried that.. NOT a good idea..

I'm assuming this is a response to me.


I know who I'm playing, but he has several armies. Nids, Ultras, DE, Tau, Chaos. but the army he plays the most is Ultras. GK are not a threat today.


In that case (if you haven't already played) I'd use the Sanguinary Guard.. Chapter Banner and Sanguinor near means they can chop op every marine squad and often even before they can strike bak.

The game was against Ultras. The Sanguinary Guard were very mean, entirely wiping 1 tac squad, helping wipe out another and then not doing much because there wasn't much left to do.


I love those guys. They wiped out 20 Tau, 2 Battlesuits and several drones without a single casualty... I love to tell that story... In the same battle 5 Scouts slew 15 Kroot without taking a single casualty xD

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I love those guys. They wiped out 20 Tau, 2 Battlesuits and several drones without a single casualty... I love to tell that story... In the same battle 5 Scouts slew 15 Kroot without taking a single casualty xD

I love the Sanguinary Guard and have had them win me games on several ocassions. I have to feel bad for the poor Tau player a little though, it's just to easy to brutaly kill the poor fishy xeno.

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Hey folks!


I've finally started building some of my vehicles for my army. This week is a Baal Predator and a Stormraven. I also started building my first Assault Squad without jump packs, but I'm missing some bits. I also ordered parts to build a few Sanguinary Priests.


I'm very new to Blood Angels, and I've mostly been playing all Scouts the last year and a bit, but as I stated before, I'm building vehicles and PA troops now.




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I love those guys. They wiped out 20 Tau, 2 Battlesuits and several drones without a single casualty... I love to tell that story... In the same battle 5 Scouts slew 15 Kroot without taking a single casualty xD

I love the Sanguinary Guard and have had them win me games on several ocassions. I have to feel bad for the poor Tau player a little though, it's just to easy to brutaly kill the poor fishy xeno.


Indeed.. Dante took 2 wounds.. That was the only damage the opponent did in that game..


Hey folks!


I've finally started building some of my vehicles for my army. This week is a Baal Predator and a Stormraven. I also started building my first Assault Squad without jump packs, but I'm missing some bits. I also ordered parts to build a few Sanguinary Priests.


I'm very new to Blood Angels, and I've mostly been playing all Scouts the last year and a bit, but as I stated before, I'm building vehicles and PA troops now.





Good luck brother :P It kinda makes me wonder.. How many Scouts do you have?

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Saw this thread after I just started another one on my army progress. Now that I have finished collecting, assembling, and magnetizing a few thousand points of Blood Angels, this week I'm going to be choosing a paint scheme and a name for my chapter--perhaps I'll even start writing some fluff and naming my units (although that will probably happen as I paint).


I'm also starting to toss around different chapter names, and I'll probably throw a few out for these boards to consider.

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What is the best way to get the bits for making sang priests? (narthicium, backpack, head) do bits sites sell apothecary bits in abundance? I'm gonna buy the comand squad box for bits anyway I think but I wanna make a second also.
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What is the best way to get the bits for making sang priests? (narthicium, backpack, head) do bits sites sell apothecary bits in abundance? I'm gonna buy the comand squad box for bits anyway I think but I wanna make a second also.


Tried bitzbox.co.uk?

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As long as they aren't Grey Knights.... I tried that.. NOT a good idea..

I'm assuming this is a response to me.


I know who I'm playing, but he has several armies. Nids, Ultras, DE, Tau, Chaos. but the army he plays the most is Ultras. GK are not a threat today.


In that case (if you haven't already played) I'd use the Sanguinary Guard.. Chapter Banner and Sanguinor near means they can chop op every marine squad and often even before they can strike bak.

The game was against Ultras. The Sanguinary Guard were very mean, entirely wiping 1 tac squad, helping wipe out another and then not doing much because there wasn't much left to do.


I love those guys. They wiped out 20 Tau, 2 Battlesuits and several drones without a single casualty... I love to tell that story... In the same battle 5 Scouts slew 15 Kroot without taking a single casualty xD


Dante and the Sanguinary Guard saved my bacon last night. Had a complete nightmare and lost pretty much my entire army by Turn 3 but Dante and the SG (with attached Priest) managed to deep strike in and take out a Daemon Prince then destroy a Thousand Sons unit that was holding an objective, claiming it on the last turn and giving me a draw with only 3 models left in my army!

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