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Chaos Marines and airpower

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It seems odd to me that you'd have a craft that is capable of flying in space and flying from space to a planet but can't leave the planet to go into space.

Technical issues aside, why design an aircraft that only works one way? If it can't return to its home carrier, it can't be refueled and rearmed so in essence it turns into a one way suicide mission which I can find nothing in the background to support. Therefore you have to assume that an aircraft based on an orbiting carrier has the capabilities to return.


Zeller, sounds like I'll have to check Double Eagle out. I too like the little details, makes the whole world seem more real. Plus my personal favorite clashes are between IG and Chaos.

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True- a renegade chapter at the start of its career into Chaos might not be expected to have access to anything other than "marine equipment".


But as times goes by, one might expect them to form alliances with other Chaos factions and become a mixed force.

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True- a renegade chapter at the start of its career into Chaos might not be expected to have access to anything other than "marine equipment".


But as times goes by, one might expect them to form alliances with other Chaos factions and become a mixed force.


Feasible, but it's easier to conceive that a renegade Chapter might start its career with "Marine equipment" and then, as time goes by, is unable to replace that equipment due to combat losses and/or lack of know-how and is forced to make do with what's available, much of which isn't Marine equipment even in direct sunlight. :D

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The shifting of resources would happen, either through raiding or bartering. However it still doesn't explain the seemingly low priority that aircraft and air power in general have. I understand that its a different type of warfare then what we're used to in the 21st century but that alone doesn't explain it, at least not adequately.
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Marines typically do try to attack in places where they are not going to get stuck out in the open.


Also most planets have quite impressive anti-air systems IIRC. Which would require a small strike team to go in and disable them first anyhow, and when the team in is, might as well do everything else at the same time.


Marines were never meant for open warfare, they are meant for close quarter fighting, blitzing, cruiser boarding action etc, etc. Places that don't leave much space for flyers or fighters.



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  • 3 weeks later...
Reviewing the Rogue Trader books, there is a decent amount of information regarding air combat in general and its actually the only detailed description of the Swiftdeath and Doomfire attack craft that I've ever found. I will have to take a more detailed look at things but one odd thing stuck out to me. It mentioned repeatedly that the Imperial Navy does not like using attack craft and carriers and really wants to go back to "true warships" but at the same time, Chaos, pirates and the rogue traders themselves very much appreciate the added ranged and flexibility that comes with being a carrier.
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The shifting of resources would happen, either through raiding or bartering. However it still doesn't explain the seemingly low priority that aircraft and air power in general have. I understand that its a different type of warfare then what we're used to in the 21st century but that alone doesn't explain it, at least not adequately.


Dude, in 40k battles are fought with tactics/strategies that don't make any sense anymore. Napoleonic, WWI or even medieval or tribal styled warfare seems to be rather common. Of course this is done to justify swords and all those things.


Just remember this:


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