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Ideas for librarian paint scheme


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Right so I'm gonna start building my first librarian today and I see that all librarians are blue (why is this by the way?) and although they can look nice blue it just reminds me of ultrasmurfs and I don't want that, he's a BA Libby and I want represent that but not quite sure what I want to do yet so I'm looking for some inspiration! Can anyone give me any ideas on how to paint my librarian(s) to give them some BA flair (other than the fact I'm building it with DA and SG bits and some GK too) I don't actually know why they are all blue but I want to keep it blue to an extent but paint it red too maybe, but what shade of red, just my usual BA recipe or should I go with the darker red I use for captins and such? I just really don't know so any advice, maybe pictures or examples in the SM painter thingy (which I am yet to use actually) would be great... Thanks.
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The blue armour is dictated by the Codex Astartes. Considering it was written by Guilliman, it's a small wonder why they wear blue.


Haha yeah.. I think I'll do mine blue and red, maybe with blue legs and arms maybe.

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I've been thinking maybe split it down the middle like our sanguine children, half blue, half red! I think that's what I'm going with.. I'm pretty sure there is a chapter with that colour scheme already actually and it looks really good.


I'll do it half red and half blue but with opposite colour shoulder pads and knees maybe.

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My Libby is coming on loads, it's so good having so many bits to choose from, I'm definitely gonna have to get a pic up once he's full assembled... Not so sure about the half and half paint job now though, I'm starting to warm to the blue paint job now with just a little bit of red I think... I've got tons of BA bits and Libby looking bits too so he really looks the part, I've made a thing to go on the top of his backpack which is an opened book but I had to make a little bit to go under the book by chopping some DA bits up but it's looking good, can't wait to share it with you all.
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I've got a question for you guys.... What sort of head would you give your librarian? I'm really torn between a fiew, I have one bare head with half of his bionic (from the DA vets sprue) a bare head but just with a cable in the side of it (from the GK pa sprue) a bare head but with the breathing plate still attached (from the SG box) or one of the typical new BA bare heads, one of the ones with the bionic eye.


I want a bare head but I can't decide which one.

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what trso are you going with? grey knight? id say dry fit it and see what goes best. if i was doing another libarian id prob use the one from the chaos lord sprue with the rebreather on it. but it probably depends on the outward protection etc. go for wha looks best you.

Also as to why they are blue, its to symbolise knowledge i think. its not a bad trade off as they are supposed to paint their techmarines red;) but if your not fond of it there was articles on only having to paint the right? arm blue and shoulder trims etc... also if you look in codex at the ultra marine techmarine teres one thats mostly blue so if the designers of the codex can do that then do as you want. just do enough that he stans appart from the rest of your marines.

Id also suggest to use the same blue that your gonna use for your devistators helms and the squad markings too. just to help the whole cohesive look thing...

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The blue armour is dictated by the Codex Astartes. Considering it was written by Guilliman, it's a small wonder why they wear blue.


By rights GW really should have changed to another colour instead of blue when they made Smurfs the vanilla poster child, they chose blue originally because the studio army was Blood Angels and it was a good contrasting colour (at the time the BA company markings were white, yellow and blue)

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what trso are you going with? grey knight? id say dry fit it and see what goes best. if i was doing another libarian id prob use the one from the chaos lord sprue with the rebreather on it. but it probably depends on the outward protection etc. go for wha looks best you.

Also as to why they are blue, its to symbolise knowledge i think. its not a bad trade off as they are supposed to paint their techmarines red;) but if your not fond of it there was articles on only having to paint the right? arm blue and shoulder trims etc... also if you look in codex at the ultra marine techmarine teres one thats mostly blue so if the designers of the codex can do that then do as you want. just do enough that he stans appart from the rest of your marines.

Id also suggest to use the same blue that your gonna use for your devistators helms and the squad markings too. just to help the whole cohesive look thing...


I went with the typical new BA head but with the bionic eye from the SG kit, I'm kinda rolling with the fact we are all clones so using the same sort of head for all my marines with bare heads (I just made this decision earlier) it's a good head and the expression suites the overall model I feel!


As for the blue, I've warmed to it and I will paint most of it blue I think as I have various details that will be other colours to break it up a bit (wings, blood drops, purity seals etc)


I've used a back torso from the GK box for the hood and the front one from the DC box with the blood drop in a sort of a alcove. I've used the legs from the SG box that are leaping up from a skull, left shoulder pad is one of the ornate ones that is entirely wings from the SG box and the other is a GK one with a book and I have removed the sword. I have the staff from the GK box in a pose with it behind his back like a shaolin stance or something and the other hand has a wrist mounted bolt gun and a severed daemonete head in his hand, I've made a back pack decoration with a book from the DA vets box and a another bit from that box that I have converted and the backpack is the one with the BA symbol and the x made of parchment from the DC box! Haha I think that's it, so there's a summary of the bits till I can get a pic up.

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yea i used to hate the all blue too till i came up with a way of paintingit that didnt just make him look like a smurf. now i like my libbys. though the termy ones still get red armour as they dont want to repaint the ancient and holy relics. i can picture those bits togther and to my mind that should work well.

though i must say i dont like the notion that we are clones. simple as we aint. we look fine as but no we aint all the same. (thats the only thing i dislike about the new kits that the heads are so similar) but meh my succesore chapter dosent have to make an argument :P

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Yeah I used the word 'clones' but I don't mean identical copies, I ment we are all born from our primarks gene seed so it's very common for scions to bare a resemblance to Sanguinius some more than others (curbulo) but is it not ment to be that we all resemble Sanguinius (blonde hair and stuff) well that's what I have interperated from what I have read but I'm pretty new to BA (when I think about it BA is like hitlers master race in many ways but let's not mention that comparison again, and when I say that I just mean the whole blonde hair, blue eyes thing)
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Index Astartes Page 59 Gives some examples, right arm / shoulder / helm in blue OR Left arm / Shoulder in chapter colors.



There is also a Terminator with left shoulder in blue.


So like just the helm and one shoulder and arm blue and the rest your chapter colour?


I think I might do it the opposite way, just one arm and shoulder BA red and the rest blue.

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I went with all blue armour and red shoulder pads. GK book pad for the right shoulder and BA symbol on the left.

He's also holding the xeno head but I went with a halberd instead of the staff. (I'm using the staff as counts-as Crozius Arcanum for my Reclusiarch. because he's a Reclusiarch it's more fancy)


My Librarian also has an Angelus Bolter which is BA specific too. Not sure if he can use it as an Angelus Bolter though, but the codex doesn't say the weapon is exclusive to the Sanguinary Guard, only exclusive to the Blood Angels.

I used the GK head with the open mouth and two service studs. I carved some scars into the left side of his face with my hobby knife for effect.


He looks mean!

But he's on hold as I work on building my DC for Kill Team! (Kill Team doesn't allow HQ units :HQ: )

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I did the helmet and shoulder pads red, all else was either blue or gold. here is a pic




Edit: wow! my red looks really washed out in this photo :D

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That's my Librarian...I hope it inspires you to do sth different <_<




Yeah man that's cool.. Funnily enough I started thinking about pairing the torso fronts from the SG box with the DA body's yesterday for something else but wasn't sure how it would look, it looks really good.

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I went with all blue armour and red shoulder pads. GK book pad for the right shoulder and BA symbol on the left.

He's also holding the xeno head but I went with a halberd instead of the staff. (I'm using the staff as counts-as Crozius Arcanum for my Reclusiarch. because he's a Reclusiarch it's more fancy)


My Librarian also has an Angelus Bolter which is BA specific too. Not sure if he can use it as an Angelus Bolter though, but the codex doesn't say the weapon is exclusive to the Sanguinary Guard, only exclusive to the Blood Angels.

I used the GK head with the open mouth and two service studs. I carved some scars into the left side of his face with my hobby knife for effect.


He looks mean!

But he's on hold as I work on building my DC for Kill Team! (Kill Team doesn't allow HQ units <_< )


Sounds alot like the one I built but they probably look quite different. I ended up changing my head to the one from the SG box that has the helmet removed but still has the breathing plate over his face. I was thinking about using the head that you used, I will use that head on my 2nd librarian probably.



Nice terminator.

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Mine turned out like this, mianly due to me not owning any blue paint><




Not really done yet, as I moved on to other stuff. Clever like that ><


Thats the same torso front I've used for my first librarian. I thought about using a death mask too but I like my characters to have bare heads (apart from reclisiarchs) I like the death mask with the tear, gonna have to find something good to use that for.


I also just keep starting things then starting something else, it's a curse.

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I've got a question for you guys.... What sort of head would you give your librarian? I'm really torn between a fiew, I have one bare head with half of his bionic (from the DA vets sprue) a bare head but just with a cable in the side of it (from the GK pa sprue) a bare head but with the breathing plate still attached (from the SG box) or one of the typical new BA bare heads, one of the ones with the bionic eye.


I want a bare head but I can't decide which one.


I ended up using that GK cabled one... Not super happy with the angle I had to use for my converted hood though.. But the head itself I think works really well for a Libby.



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