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Ideas for librarian paint scheme


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I've got a question for you guys.... What sort of head would you give your librarian? I'm really torn between a fiew, I have one bare head with half of his bionic (from the DA vets sprue) a bare head but just with a cable in the side of it (from the GK pa sprue) a bare head but with the breathing plate still attached (from the SG box) or one of the typical new BA bare heads, one of the ones with the bionic eye.


I want a bare head but I can't decide which one.


I ended up using that GK cabled one... Not super happy with the angle I had to use for my converted hood though.. But the head itself I think works really well for a Libby.




The S.W head is quite popular indeed. I'd say bionic eye is good too. So is pretty much any helmet. I hate marines without helmets, byt that is just personal preferance. It's not like G.Ws own models make abundantly clear exactly what a psychic hood is.

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I think a bionic eye is pretty standard for a librarian, I used one with a bionic eye at Forster but switched the a one with just the breathing plate of the helmet still attached! I have a head that is half bionic that I got from the DA vets box, I don't know whether to use it or not, BA don't seam to use much bionics as far as I know, do DA use lots of bionics? This head is literally like something off terminator, half of the skin off his face is missing!
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Here is a quick photo of my 1st librarian until I can take some photos with a better camera (I have changed the head now to the same sort of head but with the breathing grill from the helmet still attached)





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Here's a few pics of mine. I went with a brighter shade of blue and did some freehand. I got the helm from a third party site and added "wings of Sanguinius." Just remember, armor can be other shades of blue than ultrasmurf. :tu: I'm gonna paint my other librarians differently, so they all have personalized armor. I got a jump pack libby and a SH termie libby waiting in the wings. I've been eyeing a half-and half scheme for at least one of them.




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Yeah, I like it. I need to get some decent pics of mine but I may as well wait till it's painted now.


I've been eying up the DE scorge (not sure how to spell it) wings for conversions, I've seen them at my local GW and they are perfect!

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If you say so.. I think scourge wings look a little too batlike. Maybe if you were playing an Angels Encarmine librarian.


The kit comes with bat wings and feathered ones.

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