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Considering BA


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Hi Blood Angels People!


Some of you might be aware of my DA army over in their subforum. Thing is ill always be a Dark Angel, but my second love in terms of look of space marine armies has often been Blood Angels. Iim looking to collect a second army now and im hoping to get a force with a bit more bite up close in CC than my DA have (at the moment).

Im also considering Nids.


I guess I just wanted to put out quite a general question as to how people have found the new codex release and what factors could be pursuasive in me taking the plunge! ;)


Thanks for any comments.



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Well speaking as someone who has gawped at your Dark Angels, i sincerely hope to see some more boys in red fresh from your brush.


As only a recent convert to Blood Angels myself, i cant offer much in the way of comparison with older codices but i am confident that we are one the best assault based chapters out there (Space wolves run some tight competition plus they get the advantage of having shooty troops who are killer on the counter attack.)


Given the Dark Angels reputation for being a stubborn sort, there's definitely a gap in the market for a Blood Angels army amongst your collection. Leave the Dakka to the boys in green, bone or black and whenever you fancy taking a chainsword to someone's face, whip out the other Angels.

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Well, assuming you want something with a very different feel than the DA, the BA have the pure or nearly pure jump pack list or the super fast mech list. Both allow you to play marines, but with a different style than other codexes allow.
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BA have some nice stuff to paint and interesting and strangely varied themes within their fluff.


As for army lists... unlike most here, I think the BA FoC choices are even more versatile than those of C:SM.


I've used a terminator list with priests, scouts and whirlwinds and a list with SRs, sternguard, priests, and scouts. I am hated at my local.


If you make the commitment to just give the codex a good read, you will be inspired or tempted by what you see.

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Sounding good so far - thanks all


It really all started way before I played the game but the Angels of Death Codex tempted me into them before and i settled for their darker bretheren.


Im thinking im going to give the codex a read ...

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To be honest...the reason I love BA so much is because almost everything in their codex is fairly viable. Pretty much everything has it's spot and can be used to make a great list. I LOVE that flexibility!
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ba rock! we have pretty much every option in our codex actually availible to us. nids dont... and the ba have some very very nice bits that you likely wont be able to use all of and might find some space for on some of your dark angels. And their play style and look on the table top are very different too. though i think death wing should beat our golden wing, our black wing should kick raven and death wings. ( yea between us we have more sets of wings than the ark of the covenant, and thats alot ofwings;)) And ba are very versitile. you ca go however you want with them. though we excell at choppy we can do shooty very well too. to be honest theres not really anything in our codex thats a bad option(though i wouldnt say the captain is a good option...) Unfortunately i ont think our bretherin in green are in the same position atm.

think nids currently have quite a few problems especialy against certain lists(specially wolves) and the models they usually need in this edition are still not available. and sure you can convert them( i have) but its never the same... and i miss being able to buy frags for anything... my stealers get screwed so much by terrain now... :HQ:

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