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Which Rhino chassis kit to buy?

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I want to build a magnetized tank, which would support the following configurations:


- Plain Rhino

- Razorback with TL Las/Plas turret

- TLLC and Dakka Predator

- Baal Predator


Of course I will buy a base Rhino chassis kit, and then all the additional bits from eBay or Warstore. My question to you (since it's been a very long time since I built a Rhino), which kit contains the most bits?

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The current Baal Predator kit has the standard top hatch and doors to enable it to be used as a Rhino. The top plate for the turret is also identical to the one used for Razorbacks so as long as you have the spare weapon you can also use the kit for that. I'm guessing a predator turret also uses that top plate but I don't own that kit so can't be sure. It also has HB or HF sponsons which could be changed if you have spare weapons.


So, essentially, it's just weapons that you would need to change over if you get the Baal kit.

Predator and Razorback kits BOTH contain an entire rhino model (including rhino top hatch and turret mounting plate - as the razorback turret and predator turret ring both use this fitting). The differences are in the extra sprues provided. The razorback gives you a turret and mount and a set of twin linked heavy bolters and lascannons (but only one mount). The predator gives you a turret sprue and sponson weapons with mounts. Both also include the accessory sprue for that army.

I don't think there is a way to get close to all those combinations in one kit. I have done the same thing with the following:


Baal Predator Kit

Terminus Ultra Upgrade Kit from GW (gives you the LC and HB sponsons sprue from the standard Predator and the Razorback turret sprue)

TLLC and Autocannon turret bits from a bits stockist and make them fit the Baal Pred turret.


That should give you all the bits for the configurations you want.


Though I'd be inclined to get a standard Predator kit instead of the turret bits from a stockist just to get a full set of standard Pred bits and 2nd rhino chassis.

Get the predator, then magnetise the sponsons so you can attach them together, and to the turret ring on the rhino hatch, bingo, instant TLHVB+TLLC.


You can have it as a pred, then remove sponsons, put them on the roof and make a razor, then remove them all together and have a rhino


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