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Two Important questions about BAs


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I would like to start a BA army and have no experience with this codex so far. I would like the backbone of my army to be ASMs and have been pondering about the size of the squad. I've been playing Eldar where there has always been an unproven but persistent rumor that the "magic" aspect squad size is 8.

I have not actually heard or seen any arguments other than "...in my experience..." but I got thinking that it has to do with efficiency.

A 5 Man ASM unit will have trouble against large unit formations but be perfect against, say, an IG heavy weapons team while a 10 Man ASM unit will of course be able to face large troop units but be completely overkill against an IG heavy weapons team.

And that's what I am getting at when I mean efficiency.


In other words I (personally) find 5 Man units to be very vulnerable while 10 man units are almost too much. I know that one argument is the 2nd. special weapon when you're at 10 SMs but if you run only two 8 men squads, that will leave you enough points for a MM AB (as opposed to just two full ASM units).


What are your opinions on the matter of ASM squad size?




Next question:


each company has different colours: which company do you play and for what (fluff) reason?



Thanks for your views

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In my opinion, 10 is the optimum size. Under older rules, 8 was the optimum size, large enough to be potent, but not too large.


Now, the way the codex is written I think the extra special weapon and extra guys is worth it.

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Going with 10 over 8 gives you more firepower and versatility through the extra special weapon and combat squads. With Eldar you get neither of those by going up to ten and that is why 8 is a good choice. More durable than 5 but not as expensive as 10. This still holds somewhat true for DC and VV (although a bit less for vv since they get CS at 10).


BA companies don't do the different secondary color thing that codex marines do, just different colored drops for different companies.

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with jump packs 10. you usually need the extra special weapon and teh attacks. if a full 10 man squad makes it into a guard squad then he deserves to loose... ive never been that fortunate.

now if you dont have jumppacks and are in veichles then it may be different. you miy not need the extra special due to the veichle possibly having a special or better. 5 man with razor can do well when supporting other units and make sthe most use out of the discount from removing jumppacks. though if ou take a landraider then you may want more men to make use of the larger capicity.

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Taking the second question. I run 5th company, largely because when I started everyone was doing 2nd or 3rd. Well, that and black is best. ^_^
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