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Objective markers?

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I use:


1) A destroyed Ultramarine dreadnought laying on its back with a hormagaunt tearing out the sarcophagus.

2) Blue Starcraft-esque crystal formations

3) Fuel canisters, auspex and vox set, teleport homers, ammo crates

4) Titan cockpit

5) Tyranid spawning pools


Specifically for World Eater battles... THE ENEMIES SKULLS ARE MY OBJECTIVES!

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Here are a few I made some years ago (before they got some paint):




Clockwise from the left:

1. Rock pillar made of cheap hardware store putty covering aluminium foil (for bulk) with a Khorne icon from the vehicle sprue attached via chain. Intentionally made the pillar look like it shouldn't stand but still does - I like the "defies nature" aspect of Chaos.

2. Cheap putty as above with a Chaos Icon from the Defiler kit imprinted upon it while wet.

3. Skull pile from Hellcannon kit (though you can get skull piles from GW and other manufacturers individually or in packs) with a Bloodletter icon sticking out from it.

4. A chasm opened in the ground with an opening to the Warp. A genestealer hand is emerging from this "Warp chasm".

5. Skull pile like (3), but with a CSM Khorne icon instead.

6. Giant rock (again made from cheap putty covering a ball of foil) with a foamcore Khorne icon stuck on the side.


Made these probably about 3 years ago, still get regular use <_<

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Thanks for the inspiration brothers, it was very helpful as you'll see... Here are a few of my own that I came up with, one or two ideas shamelessly stolen from those suggested :D




From left to right: Khorne Monolith, 2 Guardsmen having a real bad day, Khorne Monolith 2, Daemonic Sword in the stone (skulls), and the skull of a powerful Daemon Prince.


Enjoy! (also appearing on my blog very soon, check it out!)

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Good looking stuff all around. Here are a few I use for my Worldeaters army, before they were painted up. Mostly some bits from here and there.



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  • 1 month later...

Here's one of my Khorne objectives. Sorry about the quality, it's a bit poor.









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I have once bought a set of small round bases with piles of bones and skulls. I am using these.

I also made one of spare weapons (bolters, pistols in holsters, berzerker sabres, grenades) to represent the loot.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Greetings brothers!


A little update on my objective markers:


(These are posted in my army plog too, so check it out if you like)





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I'm noticing that all these objective markers are fairly large. I have some tombstones from the WHFB Zombie Regiment box that I've put on 25mm round bases that I use. When I forget them my friend has these little wooden blocks that are about 1/4" cubed. I would like to do some more detailed and themed objective markers in the future, but I'm wondering about average sizes. Is it standardized or recommended somewhere that I have overlooked?
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  • 2 weeks later...

Greetings brothers!


Finally got my objective markers finished (they're on my blog too, so some of you may have seen them):


Some guardsmen having a real bad day...




All together now:



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