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Plastic Raptors incoming

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In case you haven't seen it in the News area, GW is currently redoing 128 items of their metal line and converting them into a resin-plastic hybrid entitled finecast.


Among the redone figs are:


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I'd be pretty happy if I could finally just buy the jump packs separately.


Though getting the models in a much lighter medium will mean that it'll be easier to weight the bases so they aren't falling down all the time. Also, less paint chipping.

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I seen Abaddon is comin in resin aswell taht is pretty nice.

Are those minis getting a resculpt or is it just the metal mini model in resin?

As far as I've understood it they will just be recast in a new material. With a price rise...

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meh raptor are unimportant . plastic nurgle DP and plastic DG are interesting . sadly no oblits [wish they did those , they are doing hive guard which are more very alike] , but one cant have them all. plastic DG is going to be nice , rest of the stuff like abadon or huron is unimportant.
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I seen Abaddon is comin in resin aswell taht is pretty nice.

Are those minis getting a resculpt or is it just the metal mini model in resin?

As far as I've understood it they will just be recast in a new material. With a price rise...


oh that is a shame.


Thanx for the answer :D

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Hmmm, this is interesting... to be honest, I'd rather see a completely resculpted Plastic kit; not that I'd get them to be fair, I converted 2 dozen from Berzerkers and Assault Marine Jump Packs...


But Plastic Obliterators would be great - even if I have converted (read: cut to pieces :cuss ) four of the metal ones! :P

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I just don't get the logic behind the price rise?


I mean, aren't they supposedly switching materials because metal costs more?


Or is this another case of GW screwing the average hobbyist <_<

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Sadly, I already have 3 raptors box. I'm doing my best to use them, but at the most one and a half get to the table. The others aren't even mounted together :-(

I would have been happy to get some plastic one. But I won't buy those before a good codex (for actual and future edition).

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I just don't get the logic behind the price rise?


I mean, aren't they supposedly switching materials because metal costs more?


Or is this another case of GW screwing the average hobbyist :(


They'll say that it's necessary to recover the costs of setting up the new manufacturing process retooling the moulds etc. But yeah, they're screwing you.

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Surely, $41.25 USD is a bargain for 5 Raptors? :(


Oh wait, that's factoring in the warping and fragility of the new material...so paying more for worse (but better detailed!) products makes total sense!

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Incredibly insane... glad the units are nearly worthless in game or can be played with other jump marines. I would quit the game before blowing nearly $200 US (guess-timating tax and shipping) on 20 Raptors. I hope GW chokes on the storage bill.
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Wow, Games Workshop are really testing my patience with these latest price hikes. This, and the embargo on certain overseas transactions is really screwing people over, especially in places like Australia. £100+ pounds for a Battleforce GW? Shame on you.
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I'm gonna hold onto my metal raptors. I have 30 and can't warrant replacing them with plastic. I've weighted down my metal ones so they aren't all that unsteady anymore...still pretty bad but I've put up with them this long!
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Oh wait, that's factoring in the warping and fragility of the new material...so paying more for worse (but better detailed!) products makes total sense!

From what I've heard that's not true. There are different types of resin, just as there are different types of metal. I'm all for ranting about the price rise, but I don't think you should diss the material until you've seen it.

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I just don't get the logic behind the price rise?


I mean, aren't they supposedly switching materials because metal costs more?


Or is this another case of GW screwing the average hobbyist :P


Yeah its GW's way of really screwing you badly.


GW:"Oh hey loyal hobbyist of [enter amount of years], we are going to switch production methods from metal to a plastic-resin hybrid on character models and such, it should cut down on the cost of making these figures"


Hobbyist:"Ok but why did you increase the price if its cheaper to make?"


GW:"Well its basically, blah, blah, blah, need to recover the cost for switching materials and production methods, blah, blah, its better in the long run, blah, blah, blah, but don't fear we appreciate your business, would you like to buy some new Tomb Kings, oh you play 40k? Blood Angels? well you need to buy these NEW Grey Knights...." *then ignores you unless you buy something*


It sucks, putting 13 years into a company, buying their miniatures, paint, army books, and generally loving the hobby as a whole and then they turn into the corporation and increase prices every year by 25% if not more. All in all, I'll still grumble and buy their minaitures because well I'm like a crack addict but man these hikes in price suck so bad. OK I'm off my soapbox concerning pricing.


On a lighter note, I'm intrigued to see how this new production method works out. Never used resin before.

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