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Plastic Raptors incoming

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It sucks, putting 13 years into a company, buying their miniatures, paint, army books, and generally loving the hobby as a whole and then they turn into the corporation and increase prices every year by 25% if not more. All in all, I'll still grumble and buy their minaitures because well I'm like a crack addict but man these hikes in price suck so bad. OK I'm off my soapbox concerning pricing.


Well saidn sir. :clap:

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Much as I like the look of the Raptors (with the exception that they look very top heavy), I might still have to back off and look at some of the alternatives, as they will still be cheaper in the long run.


Possessed and Assault Marines anyone?

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It sucks, putting 13 years into a company, buying their miniatures, paint, army books, and generally loving the hobby as a whole and then they turn into the corporation and increase prices every year by 25% if not more. All in all, I'll still grumble and buy their minaitures because well I'm like a crack addict but man these hikes in price suck so bad. OK I'm off my soapbox concerning pricing.


Well saidn sir. :clap:

Agreed.We all scream at the sky and vow to stop buying GW every time they rise the prices, but only 1 out of 50 actually do.And then they come back after 5 years and start blogs.

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Is anyone reminded of a certain Dead Parrot?


*Bangs Parrot on desk* "Games Workshop, this is a DEAD PARROT!!!"


*Later* "Ah, well, I give up. It's just too silly to continue fighting it."

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Is anyone reminded of a certain Dead Parrot?


*Bangs Parrot on desk* "Games Workshop, this is a DEAD PARROT!!!"


*Later* "Ah, well, I give up. It's just too silly to continue fighting it."

Sir, you have gained my respect by relating Games Workshop economics to a certain aforementioned comedy sketch involving a dead avian of the Norwegian Blue variety.

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I bought a raptors boxset of the new finemold stuff, (or should I say FAILmold) and in my opinion, it's horrible stuff. I returned three boxes before I was able to piece together from those boxes 5 raptors and jumppacks that didnt have bubbles, holes, thin areas, or missing areas of detail altogether. The quality of these casts are very poor...the detail, when it's there, is very nice, but to pay that much and have so many problems is not worth it in my opinion. Make sure the store you buy them from allows returns if the product is flawed. Thankfully mine did, because I also went through 7 (yes, 7) boxes of Canis Wolfborn that had horrible flaws and miscasts until the store ran out of them...then gave me my money back. I hope it's just a case of rushing the product onto the shelves without paying attention, because if this is what I can come to expect from GW then I'm seriously disappointed.
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Everyone seems to complain about these new finecasts, but I've seen about four or five unboxings of them, and they are pretty good quality. Only downsides are the smell and the fact it costs THE SAME AS THE METAL MODELS WHEN THE PRODUCTION PROCESS IS CHEAPER!
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Everyone seems to complain about these new finecasts, but I've seen about four or five unboxings of them, and they are pretty good quality. Only downsides are the smell and the fact it costs THE SAME AS THE METAL MODELS WHEN THE PRODUCTION PROCESS IS CHEAPER!


Of course they are, GW will argue start up costs etc but in Essence, it's greed and the fact of how much stock they will be throwing out of no longer sold metals.


To be honest, I'm not overly impressed. I went and had a look but with all this big repackage etc, you would have thought they would have redesigned some of the models. Nothing says lazy marketing like using a brand new moulding system on some models that are 15+ years old in the likes of Dante, Mephiston and Abaddon.


The only thing chaos that I could have justified buying was the plague marines but I'd heard the horror stories of stuffed "boxed" and as it's a 90 minute round trip to my local store, I really wasn't going to take the chance.

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Surely, $41.25 USD is a bargain for 5 Raptors? :D


That's insane

I'm surprised someone hasn't done this yet.


"Sanity is for the weak!"


Not saying I agree with GW at all mind you, I just brought it up because that quote seems so appropriate.

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To be honest, I'm not overly impressed. I went and had a look but with all this big repackage etc, you would have thought they would have redesigned some of the models. Nothing says lazy marketing like using a brand new moulding system on some models that are 15+ years old in the likes of Dante, Mephiston and Abaddon.


I'm seeing this said in pretty much every thread discussing Finecast. It's really an unreasonable expectation. New molding techniques =/= new artwork. They update their models on a cyclical basis coinciding with codex releases. It is completely divorced from breakthroughs in mold and casting technology. Lots of people seem disappointed that there aren't new models done, and are complaining that Finecast is a failure because of that. I have no clue why people expected new sculpts in the first place, and I think it's unfair to base our judgments of Finecast based on that.

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I'm seeing this said in pretty much every thread discussing Finecast. It's really an unreasonable expectation. New molding techniques =/= new artwork. They update their models on a cyclical basis coinciding with codex releases. It is completely divorced from breakthroughs in mold and casting technology. Lots of people seem disappointed that there aren't new models done, and are complaining that Finecast is a failure because of that. I have no clue why people expected new sculpts in the first place, and I think it's unfair to base our judgments of Finecast based on that.


This is actually the thing I dislike about GW the most.


When a new rules set is delivered all the codices and army lists should be reprinted for the new rules.


Instead we get new codices when the miniatures are designed as the miniatures sell codices and army lists not the other way around.


Codex and army list power level creep is a total pain in the arse. The first lists created for a new rules set get screwed and the later lists are overpowered.

If all the codices were released at the same time there could be errata for the whole of the lists if needed and of course my dream of one honking big hardback codex book with every list for general reading and then the usual soft cover for everyday use.

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I'm not saying finecast is a failure, I've not worked with it so I'm not going to make that judgement, but I do disagree that new models are only released when the codex are released. They are starting to release "second waves" of models, and if what you are saying that models sell army lists is true, new models/designs to go with this would help sell 4 year old Codex?


As things stand though, it's just GW saying "buy the same models as you probably already have just cos it's Finecast". Even the guy in store couldn't believe I wouldn't buy anything as I already had those models they had rereleased, with his dismay, all he could say was "but it's Finecast". My response of "well done for buying in to the corporate schpeil but can I just have the WD and paints please?" was not appreciated either. Thankfully, the other staff member was kind enough to stand up for me and explain that I didnt have to buy them.


I was almost tempted to go and pick up something in that ghastly, old fashioned plastic stuff just to really irritate.

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I agree,

Finecast should be judged on the quality of the product and the qualities of the product, not the type of models (e.g. re-sculpts), that is an entirely different matter imho.


I haven't been down to my local store yet to inspect them, but I will swing by next week and most likely do a small write-up.

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Abaddon actually looked really good in my opinion. I might even be tempted to pick him up if he wasn't £15, which is ridiculous.


The old-new model looks good, but £15 is too much for anything but a really fantastic model.

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Abaddon actually looked really good in my opinion. I might even be tempted to pick him up if he wasn't £15, which is ridiculous.


The old-new model looks good, but £15 is too much for anything but a really fantastic model.


This is more in keeping with my point; it's great that they look crisp etc but who except the most fanatical are going to shell out £15 for a model most people probably already have? They'll moan in a year or so that profits are down and put the prices up again, not realising that people aren't buying the stuff cos it's not value for money. I remember buying Abaddon twice in metal, once very early when he was brand new for £5, and then a few years later to redo when my painting had much improved for £7. I'm not sure how I could justify replacing models just for the hell of it at the prices they are asking. And sadly, in today economy, when it's supposed to be a cheaper material to produce than metal, I don't know why they are charging more.


@ Drudge & Nihm, I agree that the new models argument shouldn't be cast at the new... Er, castings but the price should be and as I, and many of my friends have agreed, it's a big black Mark against the new releases. Just one opinion, I know. I think they look crisp and very cleanly moulded but I'm still not sure it's VFM.

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