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Plastic Raptors incoming

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Crosspost from the Amicus News thread, pic courtesy of Master of fate. I think it's plainly evident why people would be disappointed with the Finecast Abbadon, and it all boils down to GW being too lazy/greedy to take the time to actually re-scale a guy who's described as being BIGGER than Terminator-armored Marines into actually being bigger than a Terminator. Even on a raised base, he barely makes the size cut as a REGULAR Terminator; without the raised base, he's the height of the Rubric Marine. I can only imagine this scenario being repeated time and again throughout the entire line.

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Sometimes charging less for a product will give you a better profit than charging more for it.


Unfortunately most corporations can't seem to understand this and keep raising the prices oblivious to the fact that once the price rise high enough people stop buying stuff because they can't afford it.



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Got the package of new Raptors. My opinion is a bit controvesial:

1. There are some basic problems with forms. Both jump packs with small skulls are missing one of wires, and that tiny piece is not in the package. Looks like the form is damaged.

2. Sharpness and detalisation of all models is just stunning! It's the first time I can really see a face of a Champion!

3. One of Raptors have bubbles in rivets, I have no idea how to fix it. Also he have some miscast on his right leg. Will use some putty to fix it I think. So the box is problematic, but not problematic enough to ask for replacement. It's a pity they are not doing those boxes transparent, like blisters, so you could choose the most suitable one for you, because I liked that Raptor the most...

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Got the package of new Raptors. My opinion is a bit controvesial:

1. There are some basic problems with forms. Both jump packs with small skulls are missing one of wires, and that tiny piece is not in the package. Looks like the form is damaged.

3. One of Raptors have bubbles in rivets, I have no idea how to fix it. Also he have some miscast on his right leg. Will use some putty to fix it I think. So the box is problematic, but not problematic enough to ask for replacement. It's a pity they are not doing those boxes transparent, like blisters, so you could choose the most suitable one for you, because I liked that Raptor the most...


I think a lot of the 'small' holes can be fixed with Super Glue but too be honest if you aren't happy with what you have, return it and ask GW for a replacement.


2. Sharpness and detalisation of all models is just stunning! It's the first time I can really see a face of a Champion!


I've been quite impressed with the "sharpness" of the models now in general of the finecast range. They just need to sort out the issues some people seem to be having.

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It would be great if they were selling those returns for 1/3 or 1/4 of original price. Those who want to buy them for conversions will be just happy, and GW will save few pounds on every return.

But that is a good idea. Games Workshop doesn't do things like that.

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not a good idea. Better for GW you buy a whole new set for full price .

Ah, but GW pays you, say, 50p for your resin models. You bring them in and get the money. They still get £10 from the normal sale, and get half the figure back. You may also buy something while you're there.

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I can see your point on discount price returns, but wouldn't you rather have a minature seller who you knew sold quality minis all the time?

If I looke for quality I wouldnt buy the new models , because they are very hit and miss. specialy the squads are problematic people go through 2-3 boxs and still cant get one good.

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That's kind of the point Jeske, I too would rather they got it right the 95-98% of the time (allowing for general issues etc) and the odd necessary return, as opposed to the state of the current batch or having the option of buying "substandard" minis?
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but it is better for GW . people have to buy more models to get the units they want. When you would buy 1-2 boxs to get a full undamged unit you wanted now you have to buy more [or be realy lucky] and if someone buys the models for parts it is a double bonus .
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So I went down to the store and had a look around to inspect the new Finecast minis.

The first mini i saw was actually the SM Terminator Librarian one, bent weapon (fixable), air bubbles ruined his nose and nosetip (slightly less fixable), minor miscasts on the right shoulderpad.

Nothing major. But I'm thinking: this doesn't bode well.. Exquisite details though.


So, I get my hands on the new Raptor box, open it and return it almost immediately after seeing warping on the first 2 raptor marines' chainswords (they looked like big resin gunks, e.g. detail was washed out/miscast).


Now, I may have just been unlucky but I strongly advise everyone to open their product and inspect it thourougly, either in our outside the store to check that everything is as it should be. Local chatter is that people have both good and bad experiences with Finecast. Your mileage may vary as well.


I'll go back next month (money set aside for minis was spent on a different game instead) and pick up another box. I will also try to remember to bring my camera and post some pictures.



If anyone else has experience or pictures of the new Finecast Chaos minis, then please do share.

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I noticed the new finecast models (abbodon, raptors, plauge marines, Nurgle DP and Huron) but I didn't see oblitorators! is this because it hasnt been done yet? or are that not going to? because i know a lot of people want to edit them (some do so with a lot of pain), I dont use them so its not pain to me, but i can see it would be for others
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They just haven't been done yet. They'll probably be done in one of the later waves, as GW is leaving no metal miniature alive.



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Hmmm well i hope they don't just finecast them all just yet....I want a few to be re-modeled *cough cough* Khârn


It's not looking likely, I'm afraid (much as I would also like to see resculpts). :)

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Hey if we are lucky (and I mean that in the most 1-1,000,000 of a chance) GW may breath new life into the "slaves to darkness" and may hopefully give us a nice jump start sometime next year (I dont know of anything being done other then Sisters and of course Necrons), since their being all hush hush about up coming releases AND have started doing more release per year :D
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hmmm well i hope they don't just finecast them all just yet....I want a few to be re-modeled *cough cough* Khârn


It's not looking likely, I'm afraid (much as I would also like to see resculpts). ;)


If the current rumors hold water, Chaos should see a new dex as the first in 6th roughly next fall/winter. Redoing sculpts for any of the HQ's at this stage with one year to go (again, this is off course based on those rumors being somewhat accurate) wouldn't make much sense.

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Shame Abby isn't getting a new model as he is rather small standing with other Terminators now :s
I pulled my old Abby model out a few days ago, he really is teeny tiny in comparison! :P
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