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Plastic Raptors incoming

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Shame Abby isn't getting a new model as he is rather small standing with other Terminators now :s
I pulled my old Abby model out a few days ago, he really is teeny tiny in comparison! B)


At least he is even easier to convert now thanks to Finecast, annoying though that we can't order seperate parts anymore or have I missed something lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

Its because good old Abbadon is an angry little midget with a completely oversized top-knot... :lol:


As good as this is for modelling opportunities, as in not have to butcher your way through metal and getting to convert character models easier, it probably means most of these models, the older ones anyway, ain't going to get new renditions. A pity really as I only have one squad of five raptors and they are pretty much useless. I would like to get a few more but then they would all basically be in the same position, no matter how much of my measly converting I can do.


And the pay rise? Gah I'm already having trouble affording this stuff, this just rubs it in.

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Theres always the option of trying to get enough scourges wings and putting those on csm bodies.


You could also use Possessed wings, if they weren't so damn giant in comparison to the marine. Oh well.

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If anyone else has experience or pictures of the new Finecast Chaos minis, then please do share.

I've pretty much retired my Chaos forces until a new codex. I'm tired of seeing all the new toys the loyalists have.


I have, however, purchased the following in Finecast: 1x Archon, 1x Lelith, 1x Urien, 2x boxes of Incubi. I don't live near a FLGS or a GW so I had to risk this getting shipped. Out of the 13 models, the only problems I had were that the long horned helmet of the archon had some bubbling on the helmet (no big deal, I am running him helmless) and a few of the incubi's klaives were sligtly bent. I was able to fix the bend by using a hair-dryer method outlined over on Dakka.

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  • 2 months later...
You could also use Possessed wings, if they weren't so damn giant in comparison to the marine. Oh well.



I thought of that today actually when i opened my CSM Battlefore box and saw the backpacks. (Hadn't seen the possessed backpacks before).

You don't happen to have any conversions where you use the possessed wings on Raptors? I saw a tutorial on how to make jump packs with harpy wings, but i thought the wings were a bit small.

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with the rules they have right now ? not realy . would be nice if they made oblits , but they sell very well so that wont happen till next dex when they nerf them.
Hell with nerfing them, they're fine the way they are. Its just the rest of the codex that needs to be improved to keep pace.
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are you sure that RAS without ATKNF without chapter tactics or HQs that can buff them [Priests, chaplains etc] are "good"?
Pretty sure. Go back to the old Veteran Skills system and the Armories of the Gods, de-nerf cult troops and fold in most of the Daemons codex, and things would already be looking way up.


Especially folding Daemons back in, because the current random useless herp-a-derp daemons are totally worthless compared to even the 3.0 codex.

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There will be a handful of new units that will be amazing - as is tradition. They will probably be facets of other units that are currently 'good' in our codex. Rage will be had by all and life will go on as a fickle pawn of Chaos.
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