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Small rule question


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I'm a new player to Warhammer 40k but I've played some Fantasy games, and the rules are quite a mess in my head, so I came here for some clearifying!


Could someone re-explain me how assault works after the attacks/wounds have been worked out? Perhaps it's just a matter of different names, but how breaking out of melee and fall back movements work?


Thanks a lot!


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I'm a new player to Warhammer 40k but I've played some Fantasy games, and the rules are quite a mess in my head, so I came here for some clearifying!


Could someone re-explain me how assault works after the attacks/wounds have been worked out? Perhaps it's just a matter of different names, but how breaking out of melee and fall back movements work?


Thanks a lot!




Assuming you have no special rules (And they shall know no fear, fearless, stubborn and so on)..


Take the number of wounds the losing side lost by and subtract it from their leadership value (or highest if you have a model in the unit with higher than average leadership).


If you roll equal or under the value you get on 2d6 the unit is happy... if you roll greater it wants to run away.


Then normally (although some units can't) both sides roll 1d6 and add it to their I value. If the person running away gets a greater value they escape (normally running 2d6). If they don't beat the value of the side winning combat they all get killed.

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No- there is no pursuit roll in 40k. Instead a unit that wins combat gets a 'consolidation' move, wich is much smaller. You can find that in the index under 'consolidation moves'.
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The initiative role off in 40k is called "sweeping advance"(BRB p40) it is our version of pursuit, it is done this way as we are not "forced" to take our wounds from the rear of the sq.


The fleeing unit get to "fall back" 2d6(BRB p45, or another distance dependent on rules) and the victor gets to move 1d6 "consolidation"(brb p40).


The fleeing unit could have got 2d1's and moved 2" and the victor could have consolidated 6", the victor still does not "catch" the fleeing unit it MUST stay 1" away from the fleeing models(who move first).



-edited page no.s in and put SA sentence to top-

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Sorry to threadjack, but I have a quick question about the rules issue here, as it seems to be talking about sweeping advance. Should be easy and simple to work out. The rulebook says that if the lose fails his morale check then both sides must roll a 1D6, add to I, compare, and then if the loser gets caught dies etc. My question is that it sounds like it's mandatory, is it mandatory? I ask because in some instances, like Space Marines with ATSKNF, I'd prefer to let them run and then run them off the board, as otherwise they don't die but are subject to wounds from No Retreat. So is a sweeping advance optional, or do you have to do it.
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Thought so, those undisciplined models. You'd think that being DA Successors they'd much rather stay still and shoot them as they fall back, but no, we have to be a Space Wolf and chase them down ;).
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