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can pure DC be done?

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hi strangers..


been a long time since i posted here, but here was where i first started my B&C 'career' long long ago..

most of you know how batty i am over themes and ive been wondering for some time now if it was possible to make a death company only force, but make it competative.

im not saying im going to collect them, but it may be a possibility now that most of my other projects are coming to completion...


generally if it doesnt have a theme it doesnt hold my attention for long..


anyhoo from what i see (with my tiny experience with BA) is that astorath would be essential, but not owining the dex im not suite sure what he brings to the table...

hes not an IC is he?

ive been reliably informed that DC tycho is a waste as hes not an IC either and its difficult to use him correctly.


i guess the best bet would be dual stormraven with DC dread with blood claws in each, a big unit of DC in each with chappy/lemartes..

can you take lemartes without the JP?

i figure if you go 50/50 with bolter and BP/ccw on the DC you can take casualties from whichever 'group' is less essenatial for the mission.. against high 'I' daemons and nids for example the bolters might be more useful.

i also figure you dont want to go too mad on upgrades.. do DC still have rending?


so just for giggles how would you guys kit out a 1750 list to be as competative as possible?


thanks all


edit: i might theme it as flesh tearers gone mad and use Seth, just becuase hes an awesome model, any suggestions welcome

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I made a list with Astorath, lemartes, and 4 other dc with JPs and PWs in a stormraven with TLMM, TLAC, hurricane bolters and XA. 1 squad of 9 DC with 2 PF, BPs and CS with a chaplain with PF in a drop pod. 1 squad of 9 DC with 2PFs and bolters with a chaplain in a drop pod. One DC dread with BTs in the stormraven. I tabled the space marine player I faced off against.
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Astorath is an IC. He is of course the key to unlocking a pure DC army. I won a tourney with an army similar to the one you've suggested - no one was really prepared for it and I was able to table all three of my opponents - you're going to have to play very well and not make any major mistakes in any objective based missions so keep that in mind if you are planning to build a competitive army.


G :o

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i just did a quick google search, Dc are troops but cant score, that could indeed be interesting :D

and lemartes is only available with JP, does that mean you have to take JP Dc to have him, or can you mix JP with footsloggers.. i know the stormravens can handle JPs.

so astorath with Dc in one raven and lemartes with Dc in another..

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Tabking your opponent is a legitimate way of winning. take a few basic scout units and have them sneak onto objective maybe a good idea though.


wheres the fun in that :D.

a full Dc only army probably wouldnt have any scouts, but aslong as you kill the enemy troops choices you cant lose.. winning means tabling though as you said

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You can mix Lemartes with DC sans jump packs - he can't lose his though... Just takes an extra slot in the transport.


G :HQ:


Only thing he could go in though is a stormraven. It is the only transport that allows JPs.

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If I was looking at a DC list at 1750, I'd probably rock this:



10 DC - 2Fists, 1 PW

8 DC - 2 Fists, 1 PW


8 DC - 2 Fists


8 DC - 1 Fists


3 Attack Bikes - 2MM

3 Attack Bikes - 2MM

Storm Raven - Armour.

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If I was looking at a DC list at 1750, I'd probably rock this:



10 DC - 2Fists, 1 PW

8 DC - 2 Fists, 1 PW


8 DC - 2 Fists


8 DC - 1 Fists


3 Attack Bikes - 2MM

3 Attack Bikes - 2MM

Storm Raven - Armour.


Depends how keen GC08 is to have only DC in his list. Might have to ditch the Attack Bikes. I guess the SR could be debatable too although personally I'd let it slide as it's a transport (although not a Dedicated Transport).

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Depends how keen GC08 is to have only DC in his list. Might have to ditch the Attack Bikes. I guess the SR could be debatable too although personally I'd let it slide as it's a transport (although not a Dedicated Transport).


For sure. The thing is though, a "pure", in the purest sense of the word, DC force has a few more issues than simply not being able to control rage and their inability to score.

You need a bit of firesupport some how.


But, some people are more about theme, so, will totally depend what he's going for as you said!


edit: Also, its the best way to transport Astorath without paying idiot prices for Jump Packs!

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I like a 10 men relentless jump pack equipped bolter squad. I know its expensive and rage is a bit of a pest, but its a really interesting irritant that can still hold their own in a combat with S5, I5, 3+ and FNP.

You can put out 20 S4 shots before 30 S5 attacks in close combat. When you need to annihilate to win you need more of everything. It's mobile and can DoA wherever you need them.


The thing with BA is that everything cool is expensive. Astorath and 5 DC in a SR with a DC dread sounds well meaty. It should be for 750+ points!


But you needn't restrict yourself to just DC units really. Any transport is fair game, a Librarian Dread if you wanted, or any librarian really, any vehicle - Astorath isn't as much of a raving loon so he'd see the sense in bringing along whatever unit you wanted to meet whatever threat you're facing. Give him a Sanguinary Guard bodyguard if you want.

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I think the Attack Bikes are a bit bending the rules. DC can take the infernus pistol and the DC dread has a melta and it is fleet so they can get up to their targets quite quickly, with the same stats except range.


If rules can be bent though (self imposed ones on force composition), Astorath attached to an SG unit, painted black with red crosses or in his flayed style armour, with a DC themed banner really would be an awesome sight.


Holding objectives is going to be a problem though, and I can think of quite a few strategies to make the DC chase units around to keep them away from objective holding troops until it's too late.

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thanks for the input guys, much appreciated..

ive been speaking to 'venerable brother' from SoS im gunna try and spend some time with his codex this evening if i can..


im thinking his idea of 3 stormravens isnt too bad.

at 1750 i should get something like this:



8 Dc with 2PW

8 Dc with 2PW

5 Dc with Pw


3 Dc dreads, blood talons, heavy flamers


3 stormravens TLLC, TLMM, smoke launchers


of course it will be cutting it close in points, ill take a look later.. any thoughts?

should i stick to 2 units and take some JP DC seperately?

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Psycho Tycho

15 DC

3 DC dreads

3 SR


A variant I considered. i don't have my book at the moment to expound on points, but that's the gist of it.


You don't need Astorath for DC dreads. Another point, He's not a DC member himself. Like Mephiston isn't. Both Meph and Psycho Tycho can CC armour.


Lots of models with Fleet.

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My DC army had DC squads with jump packs riding in SR. One was lead by Astorath, the other by Lemartes. Both had DC dreads with talons. I had a third DC jump pack squad I would deep strike to use as a diversion.


G :(

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8 Dc with 2PW

8 Dc with 2PW

5 Dc with Pw


3 Dc dreads, blood talons, heavy flamers


3 stormravens TLLC, TLMM, smoke launchers



Stormravens can't have smoke, sadly.


I work that out to be:


1720 without jump packs

2035 with jump packs.


If you add the jump packs then only the five man can ride in the ravens.

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I want to look at running 7 man squads with Elite Chaplains in Rhinos with 1 PW and 1 Hammer


That comes to around 340pts a squad


Plus Astorath at 220 with a Storm Raven at 215 and another squad of 7 with Hammer at 170 and a Blood Talon Dread to throw in it too for 125


That comes in at around 1750......


I'd possibly drop the squad sizes down to 6 men and add in Inferus Pistols to try deal with armour...


Could work possibly. Still nigh on impossible to win consistently with though

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I'd imagine a really, really "pure" DC army would struggle in anything regarding capturing stuff, but if you wanted a potentially-competitive one I'd suggest playing 2 tiny Razorback squads of Tacts or Assault Marines to sit somewhere at the back of the board purely to capture things, then just loading up on normal jump pack-less DC. This way you don't utterly gimp yourself (because tabling isn't always an option....) while still taking advantage of the DC: cost-efficient, SHP-independant killing machines. SRs are great as mentioned, but I'd actually be tempted to, possibly, mix in a Land Raider Crusader in there simply to load it to the brim with one MASSIVE squad.
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