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The role of 3rd Co assault squads on Armageddon


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I am currently trying to collect and paint the Blood Angels 3rd Company at the time of the 3rd war of Armageddon. It is something I have been working on for a while now. I have just started on the assault squads. I have already equipped the 7th squad with JPs and I am trying to decide how I want to do the 8th squad. I was leaning toward JPs as well, thinking that they could have been tasked with hit and run assaults on ork supply depots and outposts. However, considering the amount of ork convoys and bikes that were present on Armageddon, having them mounted in a rhino or on bikes for the speed might be a bit better. I am mostly building this army from a fluff stand point, leaning ever so slightly toward mek. Once this project is done I am going to build the 8th Company and build it to be a DOA army.


Also if anyone knows I good way to model dead orks on bases,I could use the advice.

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If you are talking fluff here, it will be jump packs. GW hardly ever (Never?) shows BA assault troops without them, either in art or as models. A lot of the modifications to the new Codex seemed designed to pull players back to using jump-packs. There is only one model and no art of a Vanguard veteran without a jump-pack. That makes me pretty confident to say GW imagined the assault troops on Armageddon as using jump-packs predominately, with some bikes and skimmers.


(The successor chapters are frequently shown with assault company models without jump-packs. Flesh tearers always are including in how to paint space marines. which makes me think there is a deliberate GW fluff intention not to show the BA themselves in this way.)

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hmmm, triksey one. dont think the fluff went into that depth. though i think dante had the rhinos basically stripped of unessientials to make them lighter to keep up better(alsong with the fluff at the time that the engines were tinkered with...) however at the same time the assault squads aint that much slower and open up different tactical options as they drop from above onto the orks that decide to attack the seemingly ill defended rhinos. for those reasons i went with 2 squads of jumpers and decided one o my tacticals would be refitted with ccws instead of bolters due to nescisity of the situation...
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If you are talking fluff here, it will be jump packs. GW hardly ever (Never?) shows BA assault troops without them, either in art or as models.


There is a lot more to fluff than example miniatures and art.


Imperial Armour volume 2 lists the 3rd Companies armoury during the 3rd War as being:

8 Rhinos

4 Land Speeders

2 Land Speeder Tornadoes

4 Land Speeder Typhoons

3 Dreadnoughts

no bikes were listed, but that doesn't mean anything since Forgeworld never lists them.


There was also an Apothecarion Rhino and a HQ Rhino (I'm somewhat sceptical about that one being listed under HQ since it was Tycho's, both he and it should have been under 3rd Company).


Attachments from the chapters armoury were: 2 Heavy Bolter Razorbacks, 2 Lascannon Razorbacks and 6 Predators (3 Baal, 2 Destructor, 1 Annihilator).


Note that a full strength companies armoury includes jump packs, speeders, bikes and rhinos for the assault squads: presumably so that they can be equipped as needed on a mission-by-mission basis rather than having to use the same equipment for the whole of a war (ie: Captain sends them out on Speeders to conduct recon of the enemy positions, then has them re-equip with Jump Packs for the attack against said positions)

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I am..., leaning ever so slightly toward mek.

I think this is your solution.


I am no fluff guru, but it seems to me that an AS were called to support several roles. Maybe they were in jump packs more often than in vehicles. Maybe not. But it seems to me that you are't wrong with any of the configurations you presented. So if you have a leaning in one directiony, I'd say that is the direction to go.

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Thanks for your suggestions. I will dig out my copy of IA 2, I didnt remember that they talked about Armaggedon in there. I think I will make 8th squad of removable jump packs.
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