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Drop Pod dedicated transport


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If you take a drop pod as a dedicated transport, can you keep the transport in reserves and deploy the unit on the board (for instance giving SW Long Fangs a drop pod so you can get an uneven number of drop pods). In most missions, I will still want to deploy the Long Fangs but keep the empty Drop Pod in reserves. I have read and seen battlereports that feature this. I was wondering if there was any rule it was based upon? Or am I overlooking something obvious?
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Dedicated Transports must be Deployed with the unit they were purchased with.


Now, if you put your Long Fangs in reserve, and walk them out on to the field, and then drop the empty Drop Pod in on the same turn, that is legal.


If you Deploy your Long Fangs in the Deployment Phase, and then bring their Drop Pod from Reserve in, even on Turn 1, that is illegal.


I'm not sure (don't have SW codex with me), but don't Drop Pods HAVE to start in Reserve? In which case, all units that purchased a Drop Pod must come in as Reserves. They don't have to Deploy from the Drop Pod, but they come in on the same turn that the Drop Pod is dropped.

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Dedicated Transports must be Deployed with the unit they were purchased with.


No, they musn't. The only stipulation with Dedicated Transports is that, during deployment, only the unit they were purchased for may be embarked in them (plus any attached characters).


If you Deploy your Long Fangs in the Deployment Phase, and then bring their Drop Pod from Reserve in, even on Turn 1, that is illegal.


Again no it's not. Any unit may be held in reserve (Dedicated Transports are still individual units in their own right), but as mentioned, the only unit that is allowed to be embarked in a Dedicated Transport during deployment is the unit it was purchased for. If a Long Fangs pack had a Drop Pod purchased as a Dedicated Transport, you are fully within your rights to deploy the Long Fangs pack on the table while holding the Drop Pod in Reserve.


If you choose to also reserve the Long Fangs, you can choose to embark them in the Drop Pod (at which point they arrive together, either Turn 1 via Drop Pod Assault (see below), or together Turn 2+ rolling only a single dice for both units to see if they come in), or you can even Reserve them and declare that they will walk on, while their Drop Pod will enter play separately and arrive empty.


You cannot, however, then proceed to Reserve say, a Lone Wolf with the intent to "embark" him in the Drop Pod.


I'm not sure (don't have SW codex with me), but don't Drop Pods HAVE to start in Reserve? In which case, all units that purchased a Drop Pod must come in as Reserves. They don't have to Deploy from the Drop Pod, but they come in on the same turn that the Drop Pod is dropped.


It's not just Space Wolves. All Drop Pods have what's called the Drop Pod Assault rule, whereby half of the total number of Drop Pods in the army, rounding up, must enter play on the first turn. The remaining Drop Pods must enter play via standard Reserve rolls (so you have to roll for them, starting with a 4+ on Turn 2).




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It's not just Space Wolves. All Drop Pods have what's called the Drop Pod Assault rule, whereby half of the total number of Drop Pods in the army, rounding up, must enter play on the first turn. The remaining Drop Pods must enter play via standard Reserve rolls (so you have to roll for them, starting with a 4+ on Turn 2).






Dark Angels and Black Templars don't have the Drop Pod Assault rule, so you have to roll for them starting on Turn 2. I think that the Deathwing Assault rule overrides this if you're playing a Deathwing army, but I never really looked into it because I just deep strike my guys and pray for the best.

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Dedicated Transports must be Deployed with the unit they were purchased with.


No, they musn't. The only stipulation with Dedicated Transports is that, during deployment, only the unit they were purchased for may be embarked in them (plus any attached characters).


*Goes back and looks through his MRB.*


Hunh, you're correct, it says nothing about it in the DT section. I guess my confusion (and confusion given by others) came from the Reserves special rule where the wording was a smidge cloudy and implied in my mind that they had to be deployed together.



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Funny thing about regular marines, the way it's worded you can take a rhino/razorback and a drop pod.


I would say not, actually. All three dedicated transport options for, say, a Tac Squad are listed under the same bullet point in the army list entry. The only difference is the stipulation that drop pods can only be bought for units ten models or less. Nowhere does it say you can take a Rhino/Razorback AND a drop pod.

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It's not just Space Wolves. All Drop Pods have what's called the Drop Pod Assault rule, whereby half of the total number of Drop Pods in the army, rounding up, must enter play on the first turn. The remaining Drop Pods must enter play via standard Reserve rolls (so you have to roll for them, starting with a 4+ on Turn 2).






Dark Angels and Black Templars don't have the Drop Pod Assault rule, so you have to roll for them starting on Turn 2. I think that the Deathwing Assault rule overrides this if you're playing a Deathwing army, but I never really looked into it because I just deep strike my guys and pray for the best.


But haven't Black Templars and Dark Angels now been FAQ'd and get the drop pod assault rule? Same as how they now get 3+ storm shields etc...

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It's not just Space Wolves. All Drop Pods have what's called the Drop Pod Assault rule, whereby half of the total number of Drop Pods in the army, rounding up, must enter play on the first turn. The remaining Drop Pods must enter play via standard Reserve rolls (so you have to roll for them, starting with a 4+ on Turn 2).






Dark Angels and Black Templars don't have the Drop Pod Assault rule, so you have to roll for them starting on Turn 2. I think that the Deathwing Assault rule overrides this if you're playing a Deathwing army, but I never really looked into it because I just deep strike my guys and pray for the best.


But haven't Black Templars and Dark Angels now been FAQ'd and get the drop pod assault rule? Same as how they now get 3+ storm shields etc...


BT did get part of the Drop Pod Assault rules but for some reason not the bit that specifes they have to come in on Turn 1.

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It's not just Space Wolves. All Drop Pods have what's called the Drop Pod Assault rule, whereby half of the total number of Drop Pods in the army, rounding up, must enter play on the first turn. The remaining Drop Pods must enter play via standard Reserve rolls (so you have to roll for them, starting with a 4+ on Turn 2).






Dark Angels and Black Templars don't have the Drop Pod Assault rule, so you have to roll for them starting on Turn 2. I think that the Deathwing Assault rule overrides this if you're playing a Deathwing army, but I never really looked into it because I just deep strike my guys and pray for the best.


But haven't Black Templars and Dark Angels now been FAQ'd and get the drop pod assault rule? Same as how they now get 3+ storm shields etc...


Templars still use the regular reserve rules for our DP's as Morollan stated. Our drops pods can also still carry Terminators and can fire on the turn they land as well.


As for the Deathwing Assault rule, I'd have to check, but I believe that it only affects Terminator units in the army, not drop pods.

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Blood Angels also don't have the DP assault rule.


They have skies of blood instead (as their troops don't need pods).


Please check the Blood Angels Codex, page 32. Drop Pod Assault isn't an army rule, it's a rule specific to Drop Pods. As I don't play Templar or Dark Angels, I can't verify if they do in fact have it or not.




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Technically, our drop pods can carry terminators as well... there is just no scenario in which a terminator can legally embark in one. :D

Unless he's an IC and is joining the unit. That's why the DP can carry twelve - a full squad of PA and 2 PA HQ/ICs or 1 TDA HQ/IC.

Lysander & sternguard (bolter drill) are a pretty potent combo =c)

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Not all Drop Pods have a capacity of 12 Paulochromis, only the C:SM ones do. I'm pretty sure the rest are all capacity 10, meaning if you're taking a full squad you can't stick your favourite IC in with them.
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Technically, our drop pods can carry terminators as well... there is just no scenario in which a terminator can legally embark in one. :D

Unless he's an IC and is joining the unit. That's why the DP can carry twelve - a full squad of PA and 2 PA HQ/ICs or 1 TDA HQ/IC.

Lysander & sternguard (bolter drill) are a pretty potent combo =c)


That's true, I forgot about ICs.

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