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Dealing with plague marine spam


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My regular opponent has just discovered the joys of plague marines and just how bloody resilient they are. We generally play 1250 games after work and I just know he will be spamming the diseased buggers as I know he just bought a big job lot on flea bay.


Anyway how would you deal with plague marines and I guess he will also be using possessed and proberly Princes as HQ


My idea for a list was


Reclusiarch with plasma pistol


Death company all with PW and a Raz with Las/plas


x 2 troops of Assault marines, x 1 PW in each. Both in Raz with Las/plas


1 sanguinary priest


And the meat of my list for blobby goodness


X 3 vindicators


Comes in at 1250 on the button.


The DC and Reclusiarch in one Raz and the Priest joins an assault group in another. The DC are my fun part of my list. The Assault marines to grab objectives and the Vindicators to bring the hurt on the plague marines.


What do you guys think. I am not mega competitive and I think this list will be fun but also good against Fnp spam.

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What would you guys swap out for the dreads, lose the vindicators ? . I will admit to having a love of dreads so adding more would be cool, I have a DC one with talons and a Libby adding some more to my collection would be cool.
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As people already said before me: Talons! talons on furioso dreads, talons on DC dreads in storm ravens, a pair of talons Walking forward on it's own claw seeking blood for the blood go-...The emperor! Talons!
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well, that list ought to remind him that plagues alone get their backsides handed to them. Tho your shooting is going to be minimal for the first couple of turns till you've killed those princes- i assume lash here- so your power weapons will be somewhat wasted in the ras. Also, i'd drop a couple of power weapons on the dc and add in a thunderhammer. Because it sucks when a unit like that gets bogged down by a vehicle or dread...
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Ok so how is this then :HQ:



Reclusiarch with plasma pistol


Troops 1

X 5 DC with 4 PW and 1 TH

Raz Las/Plas


DC Dread with Talons and Drop pod


Troops 2 and 3

5 assault marines 

1 PW

Raz Las/Plas


Elites 1 and 2 

Furioso's with Talons and drop pods.


Basically the Vindicators are gone but now I can pod in the dreads and unleash some blood talon loving instead.  Based on all your overwhelming love of the talons. 


Or I could drop the pods and chuck in 6 scouts with snipers instead. Which would be the cheaper option as I would just need to buy the 2 furioso's. I already own everything else.


Your thoughts :P

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Just wanted to say thanks for the recommendation of the dreads for dealing with plague marine spam.


I played my best game this evening........ever


I used the list in the above post and used snipers instead of the drop pods.


I friend chose to use plague marines, x 2 obliterators and a death star of typhus and 10 terminators.


I played very aggressively and with some nice dice rolls and his mistake of dropping typhus and his terminators all within assault range of all 3 Dreads and the DC I happily munched my way though his army. By turn 4 he had nothing left and looked a bit pissed off ;). However I bought him a couple pints afterwards and admitted to getting some tactical help and he was happy again.


Once again thanks for the help guys ^_^

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I've been having a similar problem with Plague Marines, enough that I too was driven to posting here about it and was referred to this thread. I'm eager to try dreads out myself, but I worry that they'll be too slow in getting to the fight. You ran yours without drop pods? If so, how did that pan out for you? As worried as I am about my jumpers leaving the dreads behind, I imagine the problem would be even worse if my troops were meched up like yours are, so if you didn't have any problem then that will bode well for me.
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I run both mech BA and soon I'll be running mech nurgle too, 3 or 4 rhinos with 7 plague marines toting meltas and the occasional flamer is a scary prospect but I definitely think two furioso's with talons will mince them no problem!
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I've been having a similar problem with Plague Marines, enough that I too was driven to posting here about it and was referred to this thread. I'm eager to try dreads out myself, but I worry that they'll be too slow in getting to the fight. You ran yours without drop pods? If so, how did that pan out for you? As worried as I am about my jumpers leaving the dreads behind, I imagine the problem would be even worse if my troops were meched up like yours are, so if you didn't have any problem then that will bode well for me.


The game set up was spear and I had 1st turn, he only had his plague marines on the board as Typhus with his 10 man Termies and the 2 obliterators were all going to deep strike. In my mind I was going to play very very aggressively. No holding back.


1st turn my 3 Raz took down 3 plague marines and I moved / ran all 3 dreads as close as possible. I had my Scouts with snipers open up on the Plague marines too, my assault squads and DC squad stayed put inside their Raz as they weren't close enough to disembark and assault. I had a go with my scouts at the plague marines but scored no kills. No assault phase this turn


His 1st turn and instead of turning his shooting on my Dreads he had a pop at my scouts and with plasma guns and bolt guns he killed them all. However to do this he moved forward to get into range which unfortunately for him but him spot on in range for some Dread loving.


2nd after shooting down 2 more Plague marines with the Raz I moved into assault with my 3 dreads. They kill the rest of one squad but not enough room to consolidate into the next one. His turn of shooting and he tries to plasma my 2 furious. AV 13 saved easily.


3rd turn after shooting no more plague marines, however now Typhus and his 10 man terms have landed smack bang right in the middle of my 3 dreads only to be charged this time by them and my DC. Its not nice for him as he has lots of powerfists so I1 means that 8 terms are dead before he gets to have a fight back. Typhus I5 went at the same time as the DC dread but did nothing.


4th turn the Oblites strike in and die to Raz fire and the dreads + DC finish of Typhus and co.




So I figure that very a aggressive play style worked for me and while my friend made the mistake of Deep striking half his army in, that left the other half in danger (plague marines). His tactics let him down and I took advantage. Never tabled him before and we have been playing for about 5 years now :)


Our discussion afterwards was how was he going to change things to avoid a repeat. I mentioned maybe some lascannons (the oblites didn't get the chance) of his own and maybe some mech instead of pure foot sloggers.


we will see :D

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I would imagine a talon furioso or a sanguinary guard with a sanguinary priest would make a mockery of T5 FNP models. Torrenting power weapon attacks will kill them quickly.


Watch out for the counter though, if the PM's can't shrug it you can garunte a DP or something will come and ruin your day or you'll get blasted off by chaos terminators. I know in my nurgle list I use nurgle terminators to Counter any assaults on my plague marines that will hurt them (which isn't alot) or just gun down what is gonna assault them before they get there!


Another thing is that PM's are usually in a squad of 7 and will have atleast a melta or a flamer, sometimes fists and plasma pistols too so although the furioso will eviscerate a squad of PM's, they also have the power to destroy it.

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I think 1Drop makes a good point. Dreads are an obvious answer, but are also one melta shot away from not doing a thing. I personally like the idea of VV or Sanguinary Guard as they can mass power weapon wounds and if they are coupled with a sanguinary priest, will be wounding on 4s. This will then generate quite a few wounds that plague marines can't save.
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Sanguinary Guard have done well for me against Plague Marines, but in a support/cleanup role. Like Plague Marines, they do great against anything that doesn't have power weapon attacks. They also do well against targets they can wipe out before being attacked in return. The problem there is they're open to a counter-attack, and in a thread about spam you can be sure that another wave of attackers is just waiting to shoot them up and charge what's left. VV with a few Storm Shields should be a litttle more durable, but then you're cutting into their output and the shields aren't cheap either. I think the key is having your own waves of attackers, maybe RAS to pin the target down, then SG/VV/Dreads to mop up the survivors. That's the way I'm going with my own army, hopefully it works out.
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