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Astral Guard


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Combat Doctrine:

"Know this, Governor. We are never far away."

-Chapter Master Hadron to Governor Dulis of Vhoria.

The Astral Guard are known as a rapid assault force. They are known, even amongst the Adeptus Astartes for their massed land speeder assaults. Their land speeder fleet boasts the largest number of Tempests seen in milennia and they field Caestus assault rams instead if thunderhawks due to the smaller profile of the Assault ram.

They are opposed to most siege engagements and long range tank engagements are an equally rare occurance.

Drop Pods and Caestus Assault Rams make common appearances amongst their forces due to their role and preferred method of warfare. However, Other than land speeders, the Astral Guard have a minimal vehicle fleet. Whirlwinds are nonexistant and other tanks are only deployed when needed. The causualty rate, which is quite high, comes from the Chapters' disregard for how dangerous the mission is. Captains know how dangerous their marines' jobs are, so they personally meet and befriend every warrior so that when that marine dies he can be remembered. Astral Guards Taskforces commonly deploy within minutes of arrival to a system and their leaders almost always create plans on the way down to the planet in a modified Caestus Ram known as a Hercules assault shuttle.

The Astral Guard are a assault dedicated force. While they do hold a large percentage of troops in each company compared to most chapters (to offset the losses of initial assaults), Tactical squads are commonly equipped with jump packs to make assault marines. Once on the ground, the packs are ditched for regular packs and weaponry stored in drop pods fired from strike cruisers in orbit. This is because the Astral Guard know that dedicated assault troops can't hold ground well when they are cut off. Therefore, when this type of mission is called for, after the first drop troops clear the area, tactical units are reequipped and preform as regular tactical squads. Many chapters and strategists have commented on the inferior tactics of the Astral Guard, but the Astral Guard care not. They know how to preform their role.

It should be noted that a large amount of Astral Guard are seconded to the Deathwatch, leading to units being attached to their forces from time to time. This is because the Astral Guard wish for their troops to be as skilled as possible in cleansing xenos and/or heretics with minimal support as it is common for regular drop-companies to be denied reinforcement.

The Astral Guard are also a very divergent chapter. They Utilize Drop companies and have 11 companies instead of 10. The Assault company has been reformed into a standard Drop Company. Generally, Land Speeders and Dreadnoughts are the only form of support provided to a task force, although if the situation requires it other tanks will be utilized.


Unkown Founding, assigned to guard the Icarus sub sector.


Officially Icarus IV, they are now a Spacebound fleet. Icarus was a lush agricultural world, with a large population and temperate climate, but the Reclamation cost the planet dearly and left it a scarred warzone.

Battle Cry:

"Strike Hard, Strike Fast"


Their Color scheme is gunmetal grey, with light blue eye lenses and black pauldron trims.



The Astral Guard's origins are hard to truly uncover, but it is possible to piece together their past from various logs and cogitators in their Battle Barge, the "Fury"

Founded in 225.M38, the Astral Guard are a relatively new chapter. Their first Chapter Master was Captain Khastiel of the Imperial Fists. He set about the task of forming his chapter quickly and effeciently. Within a century, a full 400 Marines that were actively hunting the Emperor's enemies in small fights throughout the Icarian Subsector. Whithin 500 years, the Chapter was at full strength. Quickly notifying the Adeptus Ministorum of their battle readiness, now Chapter Master Khastiel launched a full scale assault on the Turan system. inhabited by the Orks, they engaged them in combat with all the fury of a newborn chapter.

Master Khastiel, realising that he needed a decisive and quick end to the campaign, requested enlarged fleets of land speeders and assault rams, and he set about devising his own plans for what would become the Astral Guard's trademark: The assault plan known as "Dorn's Spear". This tome of tactics, known as the Codex of the Guardian, it became the saviour of the crusade. Using the Codex, Khastiel essentially broke the orks' back in half the time it had taken the Chapter to reclaim the first 3 worlds.

However, he never forgot a lesson taught to him by his former Chapter Master: "Never let the enemy know your coming." Khastiel implemented fast assault tactics, using Caestus rams to breach walls, and due to the problems caused by redeployment, he dropped all of the Whirlwinds and Land Raiders from the Armories, instead exchanging them for faster vehicles. He didn't disrespect Long range weaponry, but he simply did not believe that was what an Astartes should use. The only long range weaponry was soon found on devastator squads that were commonly deployed by drop pod.

Using his knowledge from his battles, Khastiel penned a book dedicated to the art of the rapid assault from orbit. many chapters, while staunch followers of the Codex Astartes, realized that there was wisdom in Khastiel's words, and soon they agreed to let it live on as a specialized treatise on warfare. Some Chapters, such as the Steel Wyverns, Shadow Knights and Sons of Haphaestus began to utilize it on a regular basis.

The Codex of the Guardian became a revered item. Only the Tactica was held in esteem near the Codex by the Astral Guard. The Astral Guard rose in popularity and their combat record soon gave evidence to how effective the codex could be. However, their preference for the Codex of the Guardian cast them into a bad light with other codex chapters. They were soon only friends with Divergent Chapters, and even their primogenitors disliked them. They became known as the exiled, and the lack of support from the Imperial Fists caused a schism and eventually decline in the Astral Guards' prowess and ability.

In 741.M38 Khastiel finally ended his tenure as Chapter Master. He simply requisitioned a crew, gathered 10 Honor Guard and left on the Strike Cruiser "Dorn's Wrath." In his final broadcast to his bretheren, he claimed he was setting out to discover something of incalcuable power. He then appointed Captain Tharian as the new Chapter Master, thanked his brothers, and left. He wasn't heard from again. to this day no one has seen him and many believe he fell from grace. Hopefully time will tell.

By 500.M41, 15 other Chapter Masters had served. Tharian had died holding off 300 Orks on Farix Prime, Lord Burik had been forcibly removed from office, and Commander Phaeton had been ripped apart by 2 Brass Scorpions. Others has come and gone in the same ways.

The newly appointed Chapter Master, Hadron, was inheriting a slowly declining Chapter. Their skills at orbital assault had been almost entirely replaced by conventional warfare tactica, but he knew how to fix it. And he did. Hadron's first act was to reinstate the custom of learning from The Codex of the Guardian. It had been pushed aside in favor of the Tactica, and Hadron had noticed his Chapter's influence in the sector waning. He then restablished all of Khastiel's former customs, such as the Gauntlet Run.

His actions then allowed the Chapter to regain its former glory by the time the Tau invaded their home planet in 953.M41. Icarus was their homeworld until the Icarian Reclamation. Files concerning this event can be found in the Librariums of the Astral Guard and in the Mordic Vaults on Velos.

To summarize, in 953.M41 to 965.M41, Tau from the Kiel'Varr sept, an extremely powerful colony, invaded and fortified Icarus IV. Their sudden attack, combined with the Astral Guards' absence due to the ongoing war on Ghox and traitor Guard units caused the Tau to gain a foothold on Icarus. The Tau's agressive expansion soon pushed back the Imperial forces on Icarus IV. Only the 6th company's presence at the southern isles prevented total Imperial Destruction. However, it did not stop over 45% of Imperial Guard units to simply surrender at the first sign of trouble. The island that the 6th company and remaining Guard were on became the last hope for the Imperial units left on Icarus. Coincidentally it was called New Haven. When a demi-crusade arrived to retake Icarus, it was stopped in its tracks by the fortified Tau forces. A war raged for over 8 years on Icarus IV. The Tau's mobility and meticulous study of the Astral Guard proved to be anathema to most of the Tactics set down in the Guardian's Codex. However, The Tactica and Codex emphasized improvised and makeshift planning as the hallmark of a good leader. The Astral Guard proved themselves time and again against the Tau forces. The arrival of the rest of the Astral Guard sealed the Tau's fate, dooming them.

After the Icarian Reclamation, the Codex of the Guardian and Tactica were set side by side and held in almost the same regard. This has improved the Chapter's prowess and it has led to a reconciliation between the Astral Guard and Dorn's Sons.

Current status:

The Astral Guard reside in their fleet, which is currently orbiting Icarus IV. They are missing their 6th company and the 2nd company under Captain Erik has suffered severe Casualties.


Rogal Dorn


The Astral Guard have a few customs that many would find more than unusual.

The Gauntlet Run:

This is a test designed to show a warrior's mastery over a Land Speeder Tempest. A Marine must pass this test in order to progress to the ranks of the first company or become a sergeant. Many Initiates question this practice and its origins are unkown, but it is a tradition that is still staunchly upheld.


This is a drinking game that uses Fenrisian ale. Usually played with Space Wolves, the contestants throw a coin into cups. once a player has lost all his cups, he has lost and must drink the other players ale. Every time a player scores, the player that scored will watch his opponent drink the cup with the coin in it.

Specialized units:

The Astral Guard have developed a type of marine squad that are used exclusively by them. Known as Tactical teams, these units are all veterans, which will field a mix of power and close range fire weaponry. Theyre also equipped with thrusters on their packs allowing for small hops. Upgraded sensor suites are also installed, improving mobility, sensitivity and the ability to move quietly. However this comes at a cost, as the armor they wear is severely lessened. These Marines are often precursors to an Assault by the Astral Guard and fulfil the same role as scouts. by setting up homing beacons, teleporters and disrupting enemy communications. Scouts are normally used, but sometimes the mission is too high risk for them or the objective needs to be garaunteed to be prepared for assault.

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Welcome to the Liber.

We deliver high-impact criticism solely for the betterment of your writing, and nothing posted is intended as an attack of any sort.


So: Let the C&C begin! :)


Drop Pods, Caestus Assault Rams and Stormravens make common appearances amongst their forcesdue to their role and preferred method of warfare. However, Other than vindicators, the Astral Guard has and minimal tank fleet, less than 10 Predators and 15 Land Raiders.


You're better off not giving the exact number of tanks, to be honest.

It frequently brings up debates over the rarity of the ennumerated objects, at least in my experience. Just saying 'less than the usual number of tanks' would cover it. :)


Whirlwinds are nonexistant and were it not for the Dreadnoughts that are found so commonly in assaults, then there would be almost no long range fire support during missions. While each Dreadnought is valuable, the high percentage of casualty rates in the Astral Guard ensure more than enough volunteers for interrment. The causualty rate comes from the Chapters' disregard for how dangerous the mission is. Astral Guards Taskforces commonly deploy within minutes of arrival to a system and their leaders almost always create plans on the way down to the planet in a modified Caestus Ram or StormRaven.


The highlighted bit is no different from any other Chapter that uses Dreadnoughts.

More marines die than can be interred into Dreads, you know?


The Astral Guard reside in their fleet, which is currently orbiting Icarus IV. Icarus was their homeworld until the Icarian Reclamation that occurred only a year ago. Files concerning this event can be found in the Librariums of the Astral Guard and in the Mordic Vaults on Velos.


Hopefully files concerning that event will be able to be found in the IA, too.

Losing a homeworld is frequently an important point in a Chapter's history, for one thing.


The Chapter is descended from Sanguinius, but utilizes all Space Marine Wargear and most Vehicles.


This is different from any other BA successor, then?

What don't BA and their kin usually use that everyone else does?

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Thanks for the feedback.


I mainly posted this up to get my Chapter on the boards. It was meant to be short and if i had time i would have posted a LOT more.


The comment regarding the Dreadnoughts was meant to mean that they suffer an unusually high number or casualties, and even for space marines, they lose a lot of troops. The wargear comment had to do with the fact that they still use land speeder storms and thunderfire cannons even though they are absent from the BA book, for some reason.


As for the Icarus Reclamation, I deliberately left that out so that I could tie it into the short story I have in the short stories forum. This is because not only does the Main character in the story play a HUGE role in the Reclamation, but it would sound better in a story form. I will post more on the Campaign in total once the story is done so i don't give anything away.


However, you're right about the tank totals. I guess i was being a bit too specific...thanks for telling me about that. :D



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Dont let your choice of book rule your IA. we dont mind that you use the BA or the DA codex, we dont need to know. Let the character of the chapter develop without toooo much influence from your gaming style (its hard, we know, and we do recognise it has an impact). The IA is not there to explain to us why you use a certain troop type. It is there to vring character and flavor to the chapter.


I have to say that it looks like you have the potential for an interesting chapter here. Id like to see an expansion on three sections: origins/background, Homeworld and Combat Doctrine, especially with the flawed geneseed that BA successors have.


What founding are these guys?

What really happened on the Homeworld?

how did a bunch of :sick: Tau beat over a 100 Marines and probably several million guardsmen?

Was there a betrayel by a senior mortal officer? (ie: non-SM)

How do they deal with the geneseed flaw?

Why do they have more Dreadnoughts? that seems a little odd to me...seeing as we cannot really make more Dreads...


All from me for now, good start!

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Their land speeder fleet boasts the largest number of Tempests seen in milennia and they field more Caestus Assault Rams than any other 2 chapters combined. Their tank of choice is the Vindicator.


Really? Vindicators? They are close range tanks, more suited to sieges and city fighting than as support firepower for a close combat orientated army. I would have thought Whirlwinds would have been better. Also, not sure you would have heaps of Tempests than anyone else, or more Caesutus for that matter.


Drop Pods, Caestus Assault Rams and Stormravens make common appearances amongst their forces due to their role and preferred method of warfare. However, Other than vindicators, the Astral Guard has a minimal tank fleet. Whirlwinds are nonexistant and were it not for the Dreadnoughts that are found so commonly in assaults, then there would be almost no long range fire support during missions. While each Dreadnought is valuable, the extremely high percentage of casualty rates in the Astral Guard ensure more than enough volunteers for interrment into the large number of dreadnought suits that the chapter has. The causualty rate comes from the Chapters' disregard for how dangerous the mission is. Astral Guards Taskforces commonly deploy within minutes of arrival to a system and their leaders almost always create plans on the way down to the planet in a modified Caestus Ram or StormRaven.

This looks like ok, whats their recruitment like?


The Chapter utilizes all Space Marine Wargear and most Vehicles, including Land speeder storms, Thunderfire cannons, and a high percentage of scout bikers.

All chapters utilise this. Why do you need to mention this?


Their high numbers of dreadnoughts come from scavenged husks, including shells from other chapters.


NO NO NO. Absolutely not. That’s heresy as far as we are all concerned. You cannot steal another Chapters Dreadnought body for your heroes (unless your traitors). That’s absolute sacrilege! Think about how hard a Chapter will fight to recover even a SINGLE piece of the dreadnought armour.




30th Founding, assigned to guard the Icarus sub sector.




Officially Icarus IV, they are now a Spacebound fleet. Icarus was a lush agricultural world, with a large population and temperate climate, but the Reclamation cost the planet dearly and left it a scarred warzone.


No to the Founding for 2 reasons: 1, we only have 26 foundings. 2: you are Sanguinus descent, so, a no go at all. The last chapter created from his seed was the Lamenters in the 21st Founding, and that was the only one from that founding. May I suggest the latest you go for is the 15th?





The Astral Guard's origins are hard to truly uncover, but it is possible to piece together their past from various logs and cogitators in their Battle Barge, the "Fury"


Founded in 225.M40, the Astral Guard are a relatively new chapter.

How has a new chapter lost their records? And, again, too early for a Sanguinus Chapter.


Their first Chapter Master was Captain Khastiel of the Blood Angels. He set about the task of forming his chapter quickly and effeciently. Within a decade, a full 400 Marines were actively hunting the Emperor's enemies in small fights throughout the Icarian Subsector. Whithin 50 years, the Chapter was at full strength. Quickly notifying the Adeptus Ministorum of their battle readiness, now Chapter Master Khastiel launched a full scale assault on the Turan system. inhabited by the Orks, they engaged them in combat with all the fury of a newborn chapter. Unfortunately, their reliance on the Tactica set down by the Primarch Guilliman backfired. The orks, used to the same tactics used by Imperial troops, knew exactly how to react. the "crusade" was grounded barely a year after its start.


Khastiel, realising what he had to do, threw the Tactica's teaching out the window, and set about devising his own plans. Known as the Codex of the Guardian, it became the saviour of the crusade. Using the Codex, Khastiel essentially broke the orks' back in half the time it had taken the Chapter to reclaim the first 3 worlds. However, he never forgot a lesson taught to him by his former Chapter Master: "Never let the enemy know your coming." Khastiel always implemented fast assault tactics, using Caestus rams to breach walls, and due to their lack of success, he dropped all of the Whirlwinds from the Armories. Khastiel Believed that if Artillery was in use, then something had gone wrong. He didn't disrespect Long range weaponry, but he simply did not believe that was what an Astartes should use.


In any case, the Codex soon became a revered item. It completely replaced all other texts regarding tactics. The Astral Guard rose in popularity and their combat record soon gave evidence to how effective the codex could be. However, it cast them into a bad light with other codex chapters. They were soon nly friends with the Blood Angels, Space Wolves, Black Templars, and other Divergent chapters.

Heresy here. You don’t re-write the Codex/throw out Guillimans. My Chapter respects the Codex Astartes too much to throw it out, yet we have our own Tome that doesn’t deal with tactics, but with Chapter doctrine. You say ‘I hate artillery’ then have Vindicators? The biggest, slowest gun Tank that’s close range and designed for siege warfare? While the WW is mobile and a VERY good tank? Odd.


Also, Orks are not that intelligent, I find. Plus, the Codex is a big book, written by most of the Primarchs and containing ideas from other military minds, like Creed/Macharius and others.


Oh, and fyi, the Blood Angels are a Codex Chapter. With the Death Company. Out of necessity.


In 741.M40 Khastiel finally ended his tenure as Chapter Master. He simply requisitioned a crew, gathered 10 Honor Guard and left on the Strike Cruiser "Sanguinius' Wrath." In his final broadcast to his bretheren, he claimed he was setting out to discover something of incalcuable power. He then appointed Captain Tharian as the new Chapter Master, thanked his brothers, and left.


By 500.M41, 2 other Chapter Masters had served. Tharian had died holding off 3000 Gaunts on Farix Prime, Lord Burik had been forcibly removed from office, and Commander Phaeton had been ripped apart by 2 Brass Scorpions. The newly appointed Chapter Master, Hadron, was inheriting a slowly declining Chapter. He knew what was wrong and how to fix it. And he did. Hadron's first act was to reinstate the custom of learning from The Codex of the Guardian. It had been pushed aside in favor of the more popular Tactica again, and Hadron had noticed his Chapter's influence in the sector waning. He then restablished all of Khastiel's former customs, such as the Gauntlet Run. His actions then allowed the Chapter to regain its former glory by the time the Tau invaded their home planet in 998.M41. Icarus was their homeworld until the Icarian Reclamation. Files concerning this event can be found in the Librariums of the Astral Guard and in the Mordic Vaults on Velos. To summarize, in 953.M41 to 965.M41, Tau from the Kiel'Varr sept, an extremely powerful colony, invaded and fortified Icarus IV. Their sudden attack, combined with the Astral Guards' absence due to the ongoing war on Ghox and traitor Guard units caused the Tau to gain a foothold on Icarus. The Tau's agressive expansion soon pushed back the Imperial forces on Icarus IV. Only the 6th company's presence at the southern isles prevented total Imperial Destruction. However, it did not stop over 45% of Imperial Guard units to simply surrender at the first sign of trouble. The island that the 6th company and remaining Guard were on became the last hope for the Imperial units left on Icarus. Coincidentally it was called New Haven. When a demi-crusade arrived to retake Icarus, it was stopped in its tracks by the fortified Tau forces. A war raged for over 8 years on Icarus IV. The Tau's dug in defences and meticulous study of the Astral Guard proved to be anathema to most of the Tactics set down in the Guardian's Codex. However,, The Codex also emphasized improvised and makeshift planning as the hallmark of a good leader. The Astral Guard proved themselves time and again against the Tau forces. The arrival of the rest of the Astral Guard sealed the Tau's fate, dooming them.

Ooo, mystery!! I likey, but the other Chapter-Masters seem like Mary Sues.


Why would the Guard surrender on MARINE HOMEWORLD??? Does not make sense, they know 1000 marines + more troops (and Titans) will rock up with big, powerful guns and b low puny Tau to pieces. Its, like, the National Guard surrendering the Pentagon to the Cubans…It doesn’t happen! And, how do you have treachery you havnt monitored and destroyed?



The Flaw:


The Astral Guard are a very interesting chapter to the High Lords of Terra and the Adeptus Biologis. They have seemingly defeated Sanguinius' curse, much like the Lamenters. However, they seem to bear no visible side affects. They are in effect, perfect. All organs function correctly and the last case of the Black rage was recorded over 3000 years ago.


However, they have been accused of straying towards heresy multiple times, due to their beliefs that the Emperor isn't a god. They venerate the Imperium in general, and they realize that without it all of humanity would be lost.

Big. Fat. NO. You are flawed. You are not Lamenters; you are direct BA successor, so you will be flawed. No ifs, no buts, you have the Red Thirst and Black Rage like everyone else. It’s not an organ mutation, it’s a madness condition that means you like BLOOD. Lotsa blood…


And, you’re not viewed as heretics for viewing the Emperor as a man, it’s the traditional old-school Marine view, like most 1st Founding Chapters and so on. Only modern ones, and the World Bearers believe that stuff.




The Astral Guard have a few customs that many would find more than unusual.


The Gauntlet Run:

This is a test designed to show a warrior's mastery over a Land Speeder Tempest. A Marine must pass this test in order to progress to the ranks of the first company or become a sergeant.


Beat the Wolf:

This is a drinking game that uses Fenrisian ale. Usually played with Space Wolves, the contestants drink until they pass out. If a Guardian wins, then he has proven himself to be the Wolf's equal and the Space wolf will usually give up a prize. Or more ale.


Not weird at all. Blood Angels drink blood. So will you, btw. But the Space Wolf one is a little odd though. You are friends with those wolves? Madness…must be a result of the Red Thirst…



Criticism over, a good start really. Needs a lot of work, but, that’s why we are here. To help you get the best and most accurate IA you can. :D

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Thanks again for all the feedback...here's my response: :)


The aerial vehicles are used to fit my chapter. I haven't seen anything describing who has the most, so until GW says so, I call dibs. ^_^


Vindicators are awesome...and they're used to quickly punch through fortifications. thats why the Astral Guard utilize them.


I'll add recruitment soon.


as for the equipment...this was part of a sentence i forgot to edit out. my bad :P


and when that chapter isn't there, who's to say the orks haven't scavenged the shell? my marines are willing to fight dirty for the imperium. their code of honor is very different.


Founding: wasn't sure on the founding totals so i chose a random number. whatever. 15 it is.


Lost Records: answer-well how are Guard and other marines lost in the warp? Bad luck..or witchcraft. besides...a planetary invasion that decimated the world? i'm sure their monastery was hit hard.


Tactics and the codex: 1) I don't hate Gulliman's tome, my marines just essentially "improved" on it in their eyes. 2) Vindicators are siege breakers, which are essential in urban and siege warfare. WW are artillery. If i want long range support i can call in guard units. also, Vindicators are based on the rhino, which can be overcharged...so slow? I think not.


Orks: 2 words Ghazghull Thraka. aka don't underestimate a warboss.


The Guard on Icarus are lazy and rely on the Marines usually. it is natural that the PDF would be decimated. after that kind of loss, who would enjoy fighting?


The Death company are totally psychotic. I do not agree. Boo.


Thanks for the mystery praise. and the other Chap. masters need to make the original look like a Bada** right?


and if the Lamenters aren't flawed, who's to say my chapter wasn't spared the same fate? Its not like their immune to everything...for example their much more hasty than most marines. and just because they haven't RECORDED a case of the rage or thirst doesn't mean it doesn't exist.


and finally....long teeth remind me of vampires. guess thats why they like each other. :D


Ninjaman :)

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Tactics and the codex: 1) I don't hate Gulliman's tome, my marines just essentially "improved" on it in their eyes. 2) Vindicators are siege breakers, which are essential in urban and siege warfare. WW are artillery. If i want long range support i can call in guard units. also, Vindicators are based on the rhino, which can be overcharged...so slow? I think not.

The Demolisher gun is, by the its nature, slow and hard to manipulate. The Vindicator is too speacialized to be used out of siege situations.


and if the Lamenters aren't flawed, who's to say my chapter wasn't spared the same fate? Its not like their immune to everything...for example their much more hasty than most marines. and just because they haven't RECORDED a case of the rage or thirst doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

The Lamenters *aren't* flawed, because their gene-seed was cured of the Curse of Sanguinius, by intentional genetic manipulation.


The Thirst is ever present in BA successors and it's hard to hide a raving madmen, marine can fall to Black Rage in any moment of battle.


Really, if you want BA gene-seed, take it as a whole, don't cherry-picking what you like.

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The Vindicator is one of my favorite tanks and having it as an exception to the rule lets my Chapter stand out from chapters like the White Scars. Also, Thats why they use vindicators...for sieges when they absolutely have to. not for field combat. Then even they realize that its a bit of a bad idea. short range on open fields against enemy armor is asking for trouble.


And as I mentioned earlier, they haven't had one RECORDED case. meaning that maybe there is some secret the AG are trying to hide. No chapter is absolutely perfect. Maybe this is their darkest secret that could cause damage to the chapter. I will edit the curse soon to reflect this.


I'm not cherry picking either. I'm just trying to make my chapter stand out.


Ninjman :)

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It looks like Cherry picking to some people, just saying....


But Vindis with rapid assault marines? It doesnt work!! And they are slow. They have a short range, with a gun designed to bring down fortifications, id imagine it in a seige, not on an open battlefield. It lacks subtelty, and the Whirlwind seems to fit much better. I agree that the Vindicator is awesome as a tank. It can be their preferrred close support weapon in a situation where the enemy are dug in, but as for speed and mobility...I dunno. seems...odd. Thats all.


Ok, with the 'curse' its not a 'we dont record it or hide it' because its hard to hide a company of frothing madmen on a battlefield with millions of IG around...thats all. Sanguinus' curse is recognised by the Imperium as it is there and cannot be changed (dont bring up the Lamenters, they are a different case). It can be more mild than others, yes, but the singular important fact and question about Sanguinus geneseed is this: How does it affect your chapter and how do they deal with it? Thats what we want to know.


Ummm, oh, I should support my arguement with Whirlwinds I suppose.

1) Mobile long range artillery

2) Fast redoployment out of enemy range

3) Enemy cannot reach them easily

4) Fits better with the style of warfare you like to use a barrage followed by a group of assault marines descending to cut down survivors? or a lumbering tank all alone...


The IA is upposed to have little or no relation to the way you play them or what you field. You like Vindis, thats fine, you can take one, or three, but why does the chapter use a slow tank? I know that your gaming style will, most probably, have an influence on the IA, but it doesnt need to. What nakes you unique is not 'I have Vindis in an assault army look at me' its different. Its in the background, the fluff, as you will. My Chapter is codex, what makes it different to the Imperial Fists? The Ultras? the fact that they are Knights, that they are an order of Knights that follow their leige lord, their King. Thats thier uniqueness, not that they have over a million Caestus, or the only non BA Chapter to field StormRavens.


And, finally, back to the issue of Dreads: Yea. Orks scavenge them. Then we slaighter them with the rightous fury led bu our MoTF. NO NO NO! Its one of my biggest gripes. Its like we steal your granddaddys war medals, cause your not there. No nice, huh? Its exactly the same. You would/should return it. Lets say you steal an Ultras Dreadnought sarcophogus, then they realise 'Hang on fellas, thats brothers Lucius lost shell...hey, you guys knicked OUR Dreadnought Armour, how DARE you?' Then BANG! Dead Dreadnought and all out chapter war. And quess what? The Imperium would see you in the wrong...because you are doing what a rebegade Chapter would do. So, NO to stealing them.


Thats all for now, like ive said before, you have a very good idea, you just need to change some stuff to make it better.

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Okey, I will give it a shoot...


Combat Doctrine

The Astral Guard are known as a rapid assault force. They are known, even amongst the Adeptus Astartes for their ability to "Sever the head and cripple the body" of almost any army.

- This is like saying that hawk is capable of flight and eats rabbits.


Their land speeder fleet boasts the largest number of Tempests seen in milennia and they field Caestus assault rams instead if thunderhawks due to their fighting style. Their tank of choice is the Vindicator in ground engagements that take place in densely packed areas otherwise, their Predator annihilators will take to the field, however the Astral Guard's preference for urban warfare ensures that long range tank engagements are a rare occurance.

Drop Pods and Caestus Assault Rams make common appearances amongst their forces due to their role and preferred method of warfare. However, Other than vindicators and predator annihilators, the Astral Guard has a minimal tank fleet. Whirlwinds are nonexistant and were it not for the Dreadnoughts that are found so commonly in assaults, then there would be almost no long range fire support during missions.

- Sorry, bro... but *blah blah blah* All of this are rather pointless informations.


The Dreadnought suits are commonly donated to the chapter by most chapters that are destroyed.

- Strange, why would just the Astral Guard receive these suits and not all others too?


The causualty rate comes from the Chapters' disregard for how dangerous the mission is. Astral Guards Taskforces commonly deploy within minutes of arrival to a system and their leaders almost always create plans on the way down to the planet in a modified Caestus Ram.

- One must wonder; Why they aren't listed as destroyed too?


However, the Astral Guard are not an assault dedicated force. While they do hold a large percentage of jump troops in each company, Tactical squads are just as common as the Astral Guard know that assault troops can't hold ground well when they are cut off. Therefore, when this type of mission is called for, after the first drop troops clear the area, tactical units deploy and hold a breach, objective or other valuable location until relieved.

- I don't quite understand this bit.



Founded in 225.M35, the Astral Guard are a relatively new chapter.

- Don't be silly. The Astral Guard is fighting for the Emperor for more than half of existence of Imperium.


Unfortunately, their reliance on the Tactica set down by the Primarch Guilliman backfired. The orks, used to the same tactics used by Imperial troops, knew exactly how to react. the "crusade" was grounded barely a year after its start.

Khastiel, realising what he had to do, threw the Tactica's teaching out the window, and set about devising his own plans. Known as the Codex of the Guardian, it became the saviour of the crusade. Using the Codex, Khastiel essentially broke the orks' back in half the time it had taken the Chapter to reclaim the first 3 worlds.

- Have you read Sun Tzu's Art of War? You should, it will certainly improve your understanding of what is Codex Astartes and what is not...


They were soon only friends with the Imperial Fists, Crimson Fists, Blood Angels, Space Wolves, Black Templars, and other Divergent chapters.

- Do you realize that Imperial Fists, Crimson Fists and Blood Angels are Codex Chapters?


In 741.M35 Khastiel finally ended his tenure as Chapter Master. He simply requisitioned a crew, gathered 10 Honor Guard and left on the Strike Cruiser "Dorn's Wrath." In his final broadcast to his bretheren, he claimed he was setting out to discover something of incalcuable power. He then appointed Captain Tharian as the new Chapter Master, thanked his brothers, and left.

- :lol: Really?


By 500.M41, 15 other Chapter Masters had served. Tharian had died holding off 3000 Gaunts on Farix Prime

- Sorry, but no. The first contact with Tyranids was in 745.M41 – Hive Fleet Behemot.


When a demi-crusade arrived to retake Icarus, it was stopped in its tracks by the fortified Tau forces. A war raged for over 8 years on Icarus IV. The Tau's dug in defences and meticulous study of the Astral Guard proved to be anathema to most of the Tactics set down in the Guardian's Codex.

- Eh, you should know that Tau's tactica doesn't involve any use of fortified/dug in positions.


However,, The Codex also emphasized improvised and makeshift planning as the hallmark of a good leader.

- This sounds awfully similar to the Codex Astartes.


Primogenitor: Rogal Dorn

- Eh? But Khastiel was Blood Angel...


The Astral Guard have a few customs that many would find more than unusual.

- This is like saying that these apples are different because they have grown up on different apple-tree than others...


This is a test designed to show a warrior's mastery over a Land Speeder Tempest. A Marine must pass this test in order to progress to the ranks of the first company or become a sergeant.

- Don't get me wrong, but what has pilot-mastery to do with being sergeant?


Overall, I think you should read THIS. Cheers, NightrawenII.

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Thanks for the feedback. I'll did my best to improve it. However,


The Astral Guard are known as a rapid assault force. They are known, even amongst the Adeptus Astartes for their ability to "Sever the head and cripple the body" of almost any army.

- This is like saying that hawk is capable of flight and eats rabbits.

well, as is said in the info, they are known even amongst the SM. Just like the Wolves are known for being reckless and the Fists for building defences.


- Sorry, bro... but *blah blah blah* All of this are rather pointless informations.

except that the point of this is to write down my Chapter's FLUFF. If i want a quick overview I could jot down notes:


-assault army

-dislikes vehicles

-IF geneseed

-color scheme: whatever.


The Dreadnought suits are commonly donated to the chapter by most chapters that are destroyed.

- Strange, why would just the Astral Guard receive these suits and not all others too?

well not all the suits go to us. If your chapter wants some then fine i can't say "you can't have them."


The causualty rate comes from the Chapters' disregard for how dangerous the mission is. Astral Guards Taskforces commonly deploy within minutes of arrival to a system and their leaders almost always create plans on the way down to the planet in a modified Caestus Ram.

- One must wonder; Why they aren't listed as destroyed too?

Because they've adapted and learned how to fight in these situations.


However, the Astral Guard are not an assault dedicated force. While they do hold a large percentage of jump troops in each company, Tactical squads are just as common as the Astral Guard know that assault troops can't hold ground well when they are cut off. Therefore, when this type of mission is called for, after the first drop troops clear the area, tactical units deploy and hold a breach, objective or other valuable location until relieved.

- I don't quite understand this bit.

It means that while they are specialized and have a large number of assault troops, they're still just as good at other missions.


They were soon only friends with the Imperial Fists, Crimson Fists, Blood Angels, Space Wolves, Black Templars, and other Divergent chapters.

- Do you realize that Imperial Fists, Crimson Fists and Blood Angels are Codex Chapters?

yeah...do you realize that there are other chapters which are possibly as divergent as the Space Wolves? Or the Templars? Well, my chapter is friends with them. Not so much Chapters like the Novamarines or Patriarchs.


This is a test designed to show a warrior's mastery over a Land Speeder Tempest. A Marine must pass this test in order to progress to the ranks of the first company or become a sergeant.

- Don't get me wrong, but what has pilot-mastery to do with being sergeant?

What does working as a Lifeguard have to do with skydiving??? Nothing. But... maybe the lifeguard does it because he enjoys it. Just like maybe the Astral Guard Sergeants do it for fun and to test themselves...maybe its a tradition. Or maybe they're bored and have nothing better to do.


again thanks for the feedback NightrawenII. I fixed pretty much everything else.


Ninjaman :D

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The Astral Guard are known as a rapid assault force. They are known, even amongst the Adeptus Astartes for their ability to "Sever the head and cripple the body" of almost any army.

M.I.S.S. (Me? I'm. So. Super.) You just stated you are the best marines ever, since all marines do this, and you apparently do it the best.


Their land speeder fleet boasts the largest number of Tempests seen in milennia and they field Caestus assault rams instead if thunderhawks due to their fighting style. Their tank of choice is the Vindicator in ground engagements that take place in densely packed areas otherwise, their Predator annihilators will take to the field, however the Astral Guard's preference for urban warfare ensures that long range tank engagements are a rare occurance.

Why focus on the Caestus? Yeah it's a new Forgeworld model and looks cool, but honestly, it can't fill the same roles as the Thunderhawk. The Thunderhawk holds more men, more equipment, packs more firepower, and serves a more versatile role. You are discarding a lot of really nice things because you want to be special. The Thunderhawk is the go-to vehicle for a specific reason. Urban warfare as a preference is great, but not all that practical. Cities make up only a portion of the combat that Space Marines engage in. Your description of using the Vindicator as the tank of choice in dense areas isn't unique, but standard. Same with the Pred.


Drop Pods and Caestus Assault Rams make common appearances amongst their forces due to their role and preferred method of warfare. However, Other than vindicators and predator annihilators, the Astral Guard has a minimal tank fleet. Whirlwinds are nonexistant and were it not for the Dreadnoughts that are found so commonly in assaults, then there would be almost no long range fire support during missions. While each Dreadnought is valuable, the extremely high percentage of casualty rates in the Astral Guard ensure more than enough volunteers for interrment into the large number of dreadnought suits that the chapter has.

Dreadnought sarcophagi are rare and treasured. You don't just throw them at the head of every assault. Not to mention that you wouldn't have a large number of them this way, since they would be constantly getting destroyed.


The Dreadnought suits are commonly donated to the chapter by most chapters that are destroyed. The causualty rate comes from the Chapters' disregard for how dangerous the mission is.

Why would destroyed chapters be donating anything? They are destroyed... And if they are destroyed, how did the Dreadnought sarcophagi surivive? Why are you bragging about a callous disregard for your own marines? That just makes you sound...silly. Each marine is hugely valuable to the chapter, and the idea that you waste yours because you don't take 5 minutes to lay out a plan seems a bit silly.


Astral Guards Taskforces commonly deploy within minutes of arrival to a system and their leaders almost always create plans on the way down to the planet in a modified Caestus Ram.

Plans that apparently end in the deaths of tons of marines... Must be good ones...


However, the Astral Guard are not an assault dedicated force.

If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and flies like a duck...


While they do hold a large percentage of jump troops in each company, Tactical squads are just as common as the Astral Guard know that assault troops can't hold ground well when they are cut off. Therefore, when this type of mission is called for, after the first drop troops clear the area, tactical units deploy and hold a breach, objective or other valuable location until relieved.



The Chapter utilizes all Space Marine Wargear and most Vehicles, including Land speeder storms, Thunderfire cannons, and a high percentage of scout bikers. Their high numbers of dreadnoughts come from scavenged husks, including shells from other chapters that have been completely annihilated. In this way other long lost chapters live on to serve the Emperor.

So they steal Dreadnought sarcophagi from the dead? That'll make you lots of friends... If they use all the wargear that Sapce Marines have access to, why is that unique? Man bites dog.


Founded in 225.M38, the Astral Guard are a relatively new chapter.

Foundings almost never have exact dates, but instead general timelines. I suggest you find the founding closest to this and use that, instead of making an exact note, as timekeeping in the Imperium is almost never that precise.


Their first Chapter Master was Captain Khastiel of the Imperial Fists. He set about the task of forming his chapter quickly and effeciently. Within a decade, a full 400 Marines were actively hunting the Emperor's enemies in small fights throughout the Icarian Subsector. Whithin 50 years, the Chapter was at full strength.

That is way too fast. 10 years =/= 400 marines. It takes more than 10 years to make a single marine from boy to Scout. That timeline needs to be rethought.


Quickly notifying the Adeptus Ministorum of their battle readiness, now Chapter Master Khastiel launched a full scale assault on the Turan system. inhabited by the Orks, they engaged them in combat with all the fury of a newborn chapter. Unfortunately, their reliance on the Tactica set down by the Primarch Guilliman backfired. The orks, used to the same tactics used by Imperial troops, knew exactly how to react. the "crusade" was grounded barely a year after its start.

Gulliman's Tactica covers every possible strategy and scenario thought up and discovered over 10,000 years. It emphasizes flexibility in tactics and judgement, and combines the ideas of the greatest thinkers and strategists of the Galaxy. It features treatises from Dorn, Corax, Gulliman; and has been added to constantly over the 10,000 years since, making it the most complete guide to warfare that has ever existed. The idea that Orks are somehow used to their strategy is ridiculous. Tossing the Codex out the window after one loss is inconceivable, especially for the Sons of Rogal Dorn, whose own Chapter's adherence to the Codex is second only to the Ultramarines.


Khastiel, realising what he had to do, added to the Tactica's teachings, and set about devising his own tome. Known as the Codex of the Guardian, it became the saviour of the crusade. Using the Codex, Khastiel essentially broke the orks' back in half the time it had taken the Chapter to reclaim the first 3 worlds. However, he never forgot a lesson taught to him by his former Chapter Master: "Never let the enemy know your coming." Khastiel always implemented fast assault tactics, using Caestus rams to breach walls, and due to their lack of success, he dropped all of the Whirlwinds from the Armories. Khastiel Believed that if Artillery was in use, then something had gone wrong. He didn't disrespect Long range weaponry, but he simply did not believe that was what an Astartes should use.

See above. Respect the Codex. It is smarter than you. It is smarter than me. It has a scenario for that. And that. And the other thing. Also, you said earlier that you weren't an Assault Chapter, and now you are directly contradicting that...


In any case, the Codex soon became a revered item. It completely replaced all other texts regarding tactics. Only the Tactica was used as commonly by the Astral Guard. The Astral Guard rose in popularity and their combat record soon gave evidence to how effective the codex could be. However, their preference for the Codex of the Guardian cast them into a bad light with other codex chapters. They were soon only friends with the Imperial Fists, Crimson Fists, Blood Angels, Space Wolves, Black Templars, and other very Divergent chapters.

Which is a bad idea, and quite frankly ridiculous. You now follow a far less complete and far less adaptable set of tactics. That pretty much means that you have become easy to predict. Also, you are saying that your Chapter Master has a better understanding of tactics than Roboute Gulliman, a man acknowledged by the whole of the Imperium as possessing perhaps the finest tactical mind that ever was.


Assuming you stick with the idea of abandoning the Codex, which I cannot recommend against strongly enough, why are you friends with the IF, the CF, and the BA, all of whom follow the Codex as staunchly as they are able? Not to mention the fact the Black Templars are friends with no one, they are too busy Crusading and slaying in the Emperor's Name to give a rip about what book you follow. This also assumes that the other more Codex chapters know you well enough to care what book you follow, or care enough to make an issue over it. The Space Wolves would probably see you as amusing upstarts, but their reasons for not following the Codex are grounded in a long history of following the traditions of their own Primarch Leman Russ, and the warrior traditions of Fenris, both of which you lack. You haven't given any solid evidence as to why you should abandon the Codex.


In 741.M38 Khastiel finally ended his tenure as Chapter Master. He simply requisitioned a crew, gathered 10 Honor Guard and left on the Strike Cruiser "Dorn's Wrath." In his final broadcast to his bretheren, he claimed he was setting out to discover something of incalcuable power. He then appointed Captain Tharian as the new Chapter Master, thanked his brothers, and left.

... Seriously? Just...


By 500.M41, 15 other Chapter Masters had served. Tharian had died holding off 300 Orks on Farix Prime, Lord Burik had been forcibly removed from office, and Commander Phaeton had been ripped apart by 2 Brass Scorpions. Others has come and gone in the same ways. The newly appointed Chapter Master, Hadron, was inheriting a slowly declining Chapter. He knew what was wrong and how to fix it. And he did. Hadron's first act was to reinstate the custom of learning from The Codex of the Guardian. It had been pushed aside in favor of the more popular Tactica again, and Hadron had noticed his Chapter's influence in the sector waning.

Chapter Masters dying in battle... Oh no! Again, the arrogance of your Chapter Masters... You assume the decline in your chapter is due to the Codex Astartes, which the other 990 Chapters follow and flourish with.


He then restablished all of Khastiel's former customs, such as the Gauntlet Run. His actions then allowed the Chapter to regain its former glory by the time the Tau invaded their home planet in 953.M41. Icarus was their homeworld until the Icarian Reclamation. Files concerning this event can be found in the Librariums of the Astral Guard and in the Mordic Vaults on Velos. To summarize, in 953.M41 to 965.M41, Tau from the Kiel'Varr sept, an extremely powerful colony, invaded and fortified Icarus IV. Their sudden attack, combined with the Astral Guards' absence due to the ongoing war on Ghox and traitor Guard units caused the Tau to gain a foothold on Icarus. The Tau's agressive expansion soon pushed back the Imperial forces on Icarus IV. Only the 6th company's presence at the southern isles prevented total Imperial Destruction. However, it did not stop over 45% of Imperial Guard units to simply surrender at the first sign of trouble. The island that the 6th company and remaining Guard were on became the last hope for the Imperial units left on Icarus. Coincidentally it was called New Haven. When a demi-crusade arrived to retake Icarus, it was stopped in its tracks by the fortified Tau forces. A war raged for over 8 years on Icarus IV. The Tau's mobility and meticulous study of the Astral Guard proved to be anathema to most of the Tactics set down in the Guardian's Codex.

B.A.B. Battles. Are. Boring. The whole galaxy is at war, and one more battle doesn't make it interesting. Especially against the Tau, using your new super spiffy Codex.


However,, The Tactica and Codex emphasized improvised and makeshift planning as the hallmark of a good leader. The Astral Guard proved themselves time and again against the Tau forces. The arrival of the rest of the Astral Guard sealed the Tau's fate, dooming them.

Yeah... which is EXACTLY what the Codex Astartes says. Which your marines would know if you hadn't tossed aside the Codex. The idea that your marines wrote a book that is the same as the Codex, but still better doesn't make sense and it irks the reader; at least this one anyway.


The Gauntlet Run:

This is a test designed to show a warrior's mastery over a Land Speeder Tempest. A Marine must pass this test in order to progress to the ranks of the first company or become a sergeant.

Because if there is one thing that a Sergeant needs to lead a group of men in a group based campaign of skill and strategy, its the ability to fly a skimmer...


Beat the Wolf:

This is a drinking game that uses Fenrisian ale. Usually played with Space Wolves, the contestants drink until they pass out. If a Guardian wins, then he has proven himself to be the Wolf's equal and the Space wolf will usually give up a prize. Or more ale.

Name dropping that adds nothing to your chapter aside from trying to ride a little bit of Space Wolf fame. Why are you friends with the Wolves? Are you in the same basic area? Did you battle on campaign? Is there any reason for this aside from trying to be unique and cool? It just seems like you wanna latch onto something GW did. Fly your own kite, make your own path. It's much more satisfying, and much more believable, both of which are good.


The Astral Guard have developed a type of marine squad that are used exclusively by them. Known as Tactical teams, these units are all veterans, which will field a mix of power and close range fire weaponry. a common loadout for a squad are 2 pairs of lightning claws, a combi plasma or melta with ammo for both systems, a power fist, and a power weapon. Full files can be found on the unit here: +++RECORDS SEQUESTERED-ACCESS DENIED AT THIS TIME+++

So, they use Veteran Squads... That doesn't seem all that unique. Veterans get their pick of gear from the armory, and so seeing squads equipped in a similar manner and deployed with a similar goal isn't unique, and I am sure that other Chapters have the same thing.



Ok, done. That might be a bit harsh, but Nightrawen gave you some really good advice which you just ignored. I reiterated most of it, and tried to add some explanations in with it. The idea of a Land Speeder heavy chapter is pretty cool, and you have some solid ideas with your campaigns against Orks and Tau. Don't toss the Codex though, it just looks silly :lol: I don't personally agree with some of your other ideas, but I think you can make them work. I think the biggest thing this chapter needs is a central theme. Who are they? Why do they get out of bed in the morning? What is their raison d'etre?


Hope that helps.



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The Astral Guard are known as a rapid assault force. They are known, even amongst the Adeptus Astartes for their massed land speeder assaults. Their land speeder fleet boasts the largest number of Tempests seen in milennia and they field Caestus assault rams instead if thunderhawks due to the smaller profile of the Assault ram. They are opposed to most siege engagements and long range tank engagements are an equally rare occurance.

Just because the Caestus is smaller, doesn't make it a viable alternative to the Thunderhawk, that is a poor reason. It lacks all the important things that the Thunderhawk can do. Imagine you made this IA 3-4 months ago, and there was no Caestus, how would you approach your chapter then? Perhaps that is a good way to look at the way around the Caestus problem.


Drop Pods and Caestus Assault Rams make common appearances amongst their forces due to their role and preferred method of warfare. However, Other than land speeders, the Astral Guard has a minimal vehicle fleet. Whirlwinds are nonexistant and other tanks are only deployed when needed.

Why no Whirlwinds? Discarding something from the arsenal makes no sense, as Whirlwinds serve an important tactical role in certain engagements, regardless of preference. Perhaps say that they rarely field them instead. It just doesn't make sense to get rid of them all together.


The causualty rate, which is quite high, comes from the Chapters' disregard for how dangerous the mission is. Captains know how dangerous their marines' jobs are, so they personally meet and befriend every warrior so that when that marine dies he can be remembered.

All Space Marine chapters fight in equally dangerous missions. Why is your casualty rate high as a matter of comparison?


Astral Guards Taskforces commonly deploy within minutes of arrival to a system and their leaders almost always create plans on the way down to the planet in a modified Caestus Ram known as a Hurcules combat shuttle. However, the Astral Guard are only a assault dedicated force. While they do hold a large percentage of troops in each company compared to most chapters (to offset the losses of initial assaults), Tactical squads are commonly equipped with jump packs to make a ssault marines. Once on the ground, the packs are ditched for regular packs and weaponry stored in drop pods fired from strike cruisers in orbit. This is because the Astral Guard know that dedicated assault troops can't hold ground well when they are cut off. Therefore, when this type of mission is called for, after the first drop troops clear the area, tactical units are reequipped and preform as regular tactical squads.

Why not just launch the marines with the drop pods? Especially if they are gonna ditch the jetpacks anyway....


Unkown Founding, assigned to guard the Icarus sub sector.

What purpose does an unknown founding serve? Just pick one :D


Officially Icarus IV, they are now a Spacebound fleet. Icarus was a lush agricultural world, with a large population and temperate climate, but the Reclamation cost the planet dearly and left it a scarred warzone.

Are there still people there? Cause Scarred Warzones make some of the best recruitment areas for Space Marines, as the local populace has been hardened by war.


Founded in 225.M38, the Astral Guard are a relatively new chapter.

You said they were unknown founding...


Khastiel, realising that he needed a decisive and quick end to the campaign, requested enlarged fleets of land speeders and he added to the Tactica's teachings, and set about devising his own tome. Known as the Codex of the Guardian, it became the saviour of the crusade.

Still unsure what the Tactica is, and I am still confused as to why you had to modify the Codex Astartes at all. It already covers pretty much everything.


Using the Codex, Khastiel essentially broke the orks' back in half the time it had taken the Chapter to reclaim the first 3 worlds. However, he never forgot a lesson taught to him by his former Chapter Master: "Never let the enemy know your coming." Khastiel always implemented fast assault tactics, using Caestus rams to breach walls, and due to their lack of success, he dropped all of the Whirlwinds from the Armories. Khastiel Believed that if Artillery was in use, then something had gone wrong. He didn't disrespect Long range weaponry, but he simply did not believe that was what an Astartes should use. The only long range weaponry was soon found on devastator squads.

That is ridiculous, pardon my saying so. Discarding all of your Artillery after one engagement is just...stupid. And again with your new Codex suddenly being the savior of their first ever engagement.


In any case, the Codex soon became a revered item. Only the Tactica was used as commonly by the Astral Guard. The Astral Guard rose in popularity and their combat record soon gave evidence to how effective the codex could be. However, their slight preference for the Codex of the Guardian cast them into a bad light with other codex chapters. They were soon only friends with the Imperial Fists, Crimson Fists, Blood Angels, Space Wolves, Black Templars, and other very Divergent chapters.

... This remains the same, so I'll just quote myself from before:

Assuming you stick with the idea of abandoning the Codex, which I cannot recommend against strongly enough, why are you friends with the IF, the CF, and the BA, all of whom follow the Codex as staunchly as they are able? Not to mention the fact the Black Templars are friends with no one, they are too busy Crusading and slaying in the Emperor's Name to give a rip about what book you follow. This also assumes that the other more Codex chapters know you well enough to care what book you follow, or care enough to make an issue over it. The Space Wolves would probably see you as amusing upstarts, but their reasons for not following the Codex are grounded in a long history of following the traditions of their own Primarch Leman Russ, and the warrior traditions of Fenris, both of which you lack. You haven't given any solid evidence as to why you should abandon the Codex.



In 741.M38 Khastiel finally ended his tenure as Chapter Master. He simply requisitioned a crew, gathered 10 Honor Guard and left on the Strike Cruiser "Dorn's Wrath." In his final broadcast to his bretheren, he claimed he was setting out to discover something of incalcuable power. He then appointed Captain Tharian as the new Chapter Master, thanked his brothers, and left. He wasn't heard from again.

I guess Nightrawen and I didn't convey ourselves well here beyond our complete and utter disbelief that this could work. He is taking a Strike Cruiser, a vessel designed to carry whole companies, and leaving with just 10 honor guard? His last words are a cryptic message about uncovering unimaginable power? That stinks of Heresy. That stinks of Heresy so bad that the Inquisition will smell it from a whole Segmentum away.


By 500.M41, 15 other Chapter Masters had served. Tharian had died holding off 300 Orks on Farix Prime, Lord Burik had been forcibly removed from office, and Commander Phaeton had been ripped apart by 2 Brass Scorpions. Others has come and gone in the same ways. The newly appointed Chapter Master, Hadron, was inheriting a slowly declining Chapter.

Chapter Masters die in battle. I dunno how this is bad or a sign of decline...


He knew what was wrong and how to fix it. And he did. Hadron's first act was to reinstate the custom of learning from The Codex of the Guardian. It had been pushed aside, and Hadron had noticed his Chapter's influence in the sector waning. He then restablished all of Khastiel's former customs, such as the Gauntlet Run. His actions then allowed the Chapter to regain its former glory by the time the Tau invaded their home planet in 953.M41.

Again with the idea that adopting your "new" Codex over the original. Everyone else uses the regular Codex just fine, why did you fail with it, only to be rescued by your new special Codex?


Icarus was their homeworld until the Icarian Reclamation. Files concerning this event can be found in the Librariums of the Astral Guard and in the Mordic Vaults on Velos. To summarize, in 953.M41 to 965.M41, Tau from the Kiel'Varr sept, an extremely powerful colony, invaded and fortified Icarus IV. Their sudden attack, combined with the Astral Guards' absence due to the ongoing war on Ghox and traitor Guard units caused the Tau to gain a foothold on Icarus. The Tau's agressive expansion soon pushed back the Imperial forces on Icarus IV. Only the 6th company's presence at the southern isles prevented total Imperial Destruction. However, it did not stop over 45% of Imperial Guard units to simply surrender at the first sign of trouble. The island that the 6th company and remaining Guard were on became the last hope for the Imperial units left on Icarus. Coincidentally it was called New Haven. When a demi-crusade arrived to retake Icarus, it was stopped in its tracks by the fortified Tau forces. A war raged for over 8 years on Icarus IV. The Tau's mobility and meticulous study of the Astral Guard proved to be anathema to most of the Tactics set down in the Guardian's Codex. However,, The Tactica and Codex emphasized improvised and makeshift planning as the hallmark of a good leader. The Astral Guard proved themselves time and again against the Tau forces. The arrival of the rest of the Astral Guard sealed the Tau's fate, dooming them.

B.A.B. Instead of focusing on the battle, the important thing to focus on is what effect this had on the Chapter. A short 1-2 sentence blurb on the battle is all that is needed, and then you can focus on the repercussions. What did this change for the Chapter? How did it affect them? Why is this battle more important than the thousands of other battles they have fought?


This is a test designed to show a warrior's mastery over a Land Speeder Tempest. A Marine must pass this test in order to progress to the ranks of the first company or become a sergeant.

...Still have to point out that this seems very silly.


Beat the Wolf:

This is a drinking game that uses Fenrisian ale. Usually played with Space Wolves, the contestants drink until they pass out. If a Guardian wins, then he has proven himself to be the Wolf's equal and the Space wolf will usually give up a prize. Or more ale. The Fenrisian and Icarian warriors have a close bond since the Slaughter at Praedes, where the Wolves saved the Astral Guard when their transports were shot down.

I talked about this before, and adding that the Wolves saved you and became your best buds doesn't really change anything. Why bring the Space Wolves in? It just seems like name dropping and adds absolutely zero character to your chapter. It doesn't seem to serve any purpose at all except to make your marines seem cool and awesome.


The Astral Guard have developed a type of marine squad that are used exclusively by them. Known as Tactical teams, these units are all veterans, which will field a mix of power and close range fire weaponry. a common loadout for a squad are 2 pairs of lightning claws, a combi plasma or melta with ammo for both systems, a power fist, and a power weapon.

What purpose does this serve beyond making your Chapter cool and awesome?


The are also equipped with thrusters on their packs allowing for small hops. Upgraded sensor suites are also installed, improving mobility, sensitivity and the ability to move quietly. However this comes at a cost, as the armor they wear is severely lessened. These Marines are often precursors to an Assault by the Astral Guard and fulfil the same role as scouts. Full files can be found on the unit here: +++RECORDS SEQUESTERED-ACCESS DENIED AT THIS TIME+++

Space Marines are wicked heavy, even before you factor in the armor, weapons, and gear they carry. You can't just slap some thrusters on them to make them hop. There is a reason that the Jump Packs are so freakin big, and that is because they need to be. If they serve the same roles as scouts, why not just use scouts?



So, some of the problems have been addressed, but I feel like a lot of my questions were skimmed over. Which is fine, it is your IA after all. I would just like some explanation as to why you do some of the things you do, and why your marines are how they are. Ask yourself the question why are everything you type and I think the IA will improve by leaps and bounds. Still, progress is progress :cuss


Yeah, I just use Tactica as a catch phrase for the codex. I just don't want it getting mized up with the Astral Guard's own codex. Sorry for any confusion.

Gotcha, I was just curious if there was some new book out that I was missing ^_^

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Thanks again for all te feedback, so...now to replying to comments :P


Fair enough about the Caestus. I'll change that. My marines "prefer" it. that sound better?


Whirlwinds stay out. i'll never change that. IMO and in my marines opinions....they are the opposite of how marines should fight.


Because some missions would be better achieved by exterminatus...and my marines drop in all the same. Call it stupidity, but unless ABSOLUTELY necessary, their sense of honor drives them to what some would consider "rash" acts.


I'll change the part about the drop pods too. it makes sense, but i think what i wrote sounded very "aerial assaulty".


As for the recruitment and the founding, the founding being unkown allows me freedom of a time when they were founded and OF course they still recruit from Icarus, but the low population means that they can't consider it their homeworld again...for now at least.


My chapter hates artillery and its too hard to deploy it on the battlefield since they are dropped in so often. Therefore, they don't use it. say what you will, but I find it abhorrent for a marine to use. He should be in the think of the fighting.


Other stuff is silly, and pointless, but i think the point of the IA is to write about my chapter and their customs so I have it in there.


as for the special units: well if the scouts are needed for the AG's next gen. then they should be used when needed only, and those squads for usual recon. the scouts have to replace losses.


Ninjaman :P

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