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Squad of misfits (kinda)

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I have started putting together a group of rag tag marines from different blood angel chapters and placing them into a single tactical squad. I was thinking these marines have been sent to the Knights of Blood as a form of punishment for some reason (maybe their chapter was taking pity on the marine, or maybe it was a form of humiliation)


this way I have an excuse to paint each of the models in the colour schemes from their original chapter and have fun in the process.


the problem is I am not familiar with punishment of a space marine, would this be acceptable fluff wise?

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I'd be surprised that there would be that many, in the same place and at the same time, but hey - go for it. Another alternative is that each chapter you paint a marine from wants a particular enemy dead, and they all want a hand in the action so rather than one taking all the credit, they've put together a band of volunteers to do the deed.
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Well fluff wise, I don't really think it would work because the Knights of Blood have been declared renegade. So essentially, they should not have any contact with fellow Scions of Sanguinius, because that would bring the risk of an Inquisitorial investigation, which no chapter really likes. Additionally, when a marine has committed a deed that has shamed himself or his chapter, he is usually sent on a mission of penance. This can range from being sent to die fighting, being seconded to the Deathwatch, guard duty, or sent on a campaign for X amount of years before returning. Every chapter does it differently and it would seem a bit strange for a couple different chapters to send one marine each to form a squad with the others. That coupled with being sent to fight alongside a chapter declared renegade by the Imperium of Mankind would be extremely drastic and could be considered heresy.


Now the Scions of Sanguinius are closer knit than other chapters who share the same bloodline so they may be able to do the squad thing, but it wouldn't work for a penance mission. Maybe the chapters have found a clue to removing the red thirst from the geneseed so as a joint venture, they send one of their best marines in to make sure the job gets done. This way they can ensure that this team is the best possible one, while also ensuring that they can receive the benefits if the clue turns out to work. I actually kind of like this idea and may even do it myself! :)


But, they are your models and you may do what you please. If you want to do it you can, BUT, as long as you have fun doing it! :D


Sun Reaver

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I had a similar idea for a unit of terminators for my army. The idea is that a warband from the Word Bearers desecrated a shrine world which Sanguinius and the Blood Angels liberated during the Great Crusade. The legion wants vengance, but no successor chapter can spare the proper forces to punish the Word Bearers at the moment, what with the defence of Baal taking place. As such, they have put together a special 'Vengence Squad' to punish the traitors wherever they arise in Imperial space, currently on the world my group have set our campaign on. As my gaming group contains Word Bearers, Daemons and Grey Knights already it feels pretty fluffy.
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I was thinking that blood angel chapters may send marines to knights of blood as a form of excommunication, that although they have been cast out of their on chapters they still have a chance to fight the emperors enemies and if they die they can still die as a blood angel


I was thinking they would do this rather than a penance mission due to the flaw in their genes, and that Knights of Blood would see them put into good use in their death company (I can't see a marine succum to the flaw and then all punishment revoked)


does that sound plausible or should I work on that reasoning?


regardless I still want to make this unit I just trying to work out a fluff angle,


I also see it as a good opportunity to give little back stories into different members of the unit, what they have done wrong etc.

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Blood Angels have quite a precedence for the way they make people show penitance. Both the 4th company and the Lamenters have been sent on penitential crusades. Maybe your marines are on a collective mission of penitance for the legion as a whole, and just happen to encounter and fight alongside the KotB as a matter of convenience.
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that does kind of assume that all the ba chapters actually always know where the knights of blood are at any given time. If that info was available i'm sure the inq would be able to find out and hence trap and destroy the kob...
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I remember someone having a similar idea a few months ago (can't remember the name). Their idea was along the lines of a "Blood Crusade" made up of various BA and successor chapter marines who have banded together to smite some kind of big nasty. I thought this was a great idea as it afforded the opportunity to paint all of the different chapters in to one army. A great idea is to work it something like secondment to the DW, for whatever reason (could be punishment). You could also create your own badge/symbol/icon for this crusade to be used on the shoulder pad opposite their original chapter marking.
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