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Angels Encarmine - UPDATE 6-02: Jump Pack Sanguinary Priest


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I finally caved into the Space Marine urge... the Blood Angels stuff was just too nice. But I didn't want to go straight BA like the GW force, so I decided to go succesor chapter. Since the AE are crazy and have the cool bat-wing logo, I was sold. I could do a straightforward army with a bunch of great new models, and get some great little conversions in without too much additional work.


Here's some pics of some test guys:






Not terribly exciting, but serviceable. I plan to put more work into characters and sarges, but I need to get a simple, easy-to-paint scheme hammered out first.


Here are some pieces I've converted from BA to AE iconography.


Torso (for sarge):






And a shoulder pad:




A little rough, but I'm getting better I think...


Any comments, advice, constructive criticism, etc. happily accepted!



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Welcome brother!


Those converted chest and shoulder pieces look great! I also like how you made the Encarmine scheme different by painting both kneepads and boots black. It gives your model a very unique flavor.


I like the red on the marine, but the paint seems a bit thick from the picture. Maybe you could try thinning you paint down to avoid the thick striations visible. Also, to make your lens pop out a bit more, try adding an extremely small white dot at the end of the lens to give the effect of sun reflecting off them.


I am looking forward to what else you come up with. :D



Sun Reaver

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Top work on the chest plate and shoulder pads! I'm thinking of adding some Angels Encarmine to my Angels Sanguine for a bit of variety.
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Top work on the chest plate and shoulder pads! I'm thinking of adding some Angels Encarmine to my Angels Sanguine for a bit of variety.


Neat! I was thinking of doing something similar - attaching a single squad from another BA successor chapter (or the BA themselves) to get a little bit of variety, so I don't get bored painting the exact same thing over and over...

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Great minds and all that... <_<


For me, it's so I can escape the relative monotony of painting a 40K army compared to WFB Chaos. There's much less variety in 40K as - with a few exceptions like chaos and Eldar - most of the time you're painting one colour scheme and 'type' of model (power armour, one type of IG, Tyranids with their identical flesh and carapace schemes, metalic Necrons etc). An army made up of many chapters just seems much more interesting painting and modelling-wise.

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Great minds and all that... :rolleyes:


For me, it's so I can escape the relative monotony of painting a 40K army compared to WFB Chaos. There's much less variety in 40K as - with a few exceptions like chaos and Eldar - most of the time you're painting one colour scheme and 'type' of model (power armour, one type of IG, Tyranids with their identical flesh and carapace schemes, metalic Necrons etc). An army made up of many chapters just seems much more interesting painting and modelling-wise.


true dat! another idea is to do a Deathwatch squad, and just equip them as per normal Tac squad. 1500 pt armies are probably too small to get a ton of variety without being too incoherent. but then again, there's always multiple armies (guilty as charged!)

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I find Sternguard to be a better representation of Deathwatch, although a combat focused Kill Team using Sang Guard or Vanguard could be awesome
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I find Sternguard to be a better representation of Deathwatch, although a combat focused Kill Team using Sang Guard or Vanguard could be awesome


i am going to do my own AE-style Sang Guard - i know that they have the unique white-armored SG, but i am going to do it a little different. instead of feather wings... BAT WINGS! stay tuned for that.


when i get home from work tonight i'm going to post some pics of my WIP Chaplain and Sanguinary Priest in terminator armor.



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Here are some of my characters and a sarge. There's already a bit of stuff in the queue to paint that's already been primed, so I'm not sure when I'll be able to get to these guys, but...


First off, Tactical Squad Sergeant Ivan Makarovich:



(a little blurry - sorry)


Closer view of chest bat-wing logo:




Second, Chaplain Tikhon, with combi-melta, as per your helpful suggestions:




And finally, as-yet unnamed Sanguinary Priest in Terminator armor:






He'll get a Red Grail as soon as I can get a good press-moulding done of the Space Hulk Grail objective bit.


If you haven't noticed, I decided to give my army Russian names. I know this isn't in the fluff or anything, but I just like Russian, and wanted to throw in Cyrillic lettering in the banners, vehicles etc.


C&C always welcome. Thanks B&C BAs!



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Gorgeous models and a great start to the army!


Erk, correct me if Im wrong, but a prist in terminator armour cannot take a storm bolter, no? Unless you are removing the bolter and having him thrusting the grail out? That would be cool, I may have to steal it.

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Gorgeous models and a great start to the army!


Erk, correct me if Im wrong, but a prist in terminator armour cannot take a storm bolter, no? Unless you are removing the bolter and having him thrusting the grail out? That would be cool, I may have to steal it.


I think you're right about the storm bolter, and you're also right about my plan! I am going to put the grail in the right hand, so he's holding it out and up to inspire his battle brothers!



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Your sculpting work is really nice, good effort on the original conversions too. One thing you might want to try is using a flat ended sculpting tool water or oil to smooth over your work once you're done, as it seems a tad uneven in places.
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Your sculpting work is really nice, good effort on the original conversions too. One thing you might want to try is using a flat ended sculpting tool water or oil to smooth over your work once you're done, as it seems a tad uneven in places.


I'll admit I'm not the best at freehand sculpting - I try to avoid it if I can. Some of the roughness you see is the poor picture quality, and some is because the torso of the sarge is actually from a press mold. It's tough to get really sharp detail from even good press molds. And, some of it is my lack of skill. Hopefully this will improve as I continue to do this kind of thing. I think Ive already come quite a ways in the year or so I've been sculpting.


Keep your eyes peeled for more updates - I am working on Tikhon, have finished building an objective marker, and am working on Tac. sarge #2... Thanks again guys!



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I've done quite a bit of press moulding for my armies, so I get where your're coming from. Here's some tricks I've stumbled upon through trial and error.


1. Always use a base for your mould, I use an old 40mm base and keep several moulds on the same one. It'll make your mould keep its shape better with the initial cast (meaning a cleaner cast) and make it easier to re-use again. If it comes off the base you can superglue it back on


2. Use milliput for the mould and greenstuff for the cast. The milliput is more rigid and will keep its shape better, whilst the greenstuff is easier to get out in one piece. I'd recommend the terracotta or superfine milliputs which should set you back about £5-7 for a pretty large box. It's also really good for armatures and detailing bases, so you're getting a pretty sweet deal.


3. Use plenty of release agent. I paint the entire mould including the outside with a good layer of cooking oil between casts, as well as giving a thorough coat to the part I use to make it.


Hope this helps, I really like the way you're taking this project :teehee:

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I've done quite a bit of press moulding for my armies, so I get where your're coming from. Here's some tricks I've stumbled upon through trial and error.




Hope this helps, I really like the way you're taking this project ^_^


I've been using "Instant Mold" to make the press moulds. It hardens in minutes, and can be re-used (there was extensive discussion of it over on Dakka Dakka). No release agent is necessary with Instant Mold, which is another big advantage. I do use bases like you suggest also. I'm still figuring out how to best position/press/etc. the pieces to get maximum detail and best reproduction. There's been a learning curve, but for the most part, it's been allright. Without press molding, i wouldn't be able to do a project like this - I would have just gone with straight codex Blood Angels with standard iconography.


Thanks again for the advice and feedback! Hopefully tomorrow I'll post pics of the Objective marker I made, and the progress on the 2nd Sarge and Termie characters.



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Sounds good, looking forward to seeing the Sanguinary Guard too - I've got plans for using 'bat' wings on an Angels Encarmine Chaplain, what parts were you thinking of? I'm looking at Gargoyle wings atm.
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Sounds good, looking forward to seeing the Sanguinary Guard too - I've got plans for using 'bat' wings on an Angels Encarmine Chaplain, what parts were you thinking of? I'm looking at Gargoyle wings atm.


The new Nid plastic Gargolye wings are exactly what I am using. They actually fit rather well on the jump pack from the Sanguinary guard. The conversion requires patience and care, but is actually very straightforward and easy. I'll take a pic of what I have so far when I take pics of the objective and the other stuff I've been working on.


Also, I just cashed in my Amazon.com birthday gift cert. for a Baal Predator, a Furioso/DC/Librarian Dred, and a DC box. I think that will be the extent of my army purchases for some time. I already have:


-Full Space Hulk set

-Assault Termies set

-2 Tac. Squad sets

-1 Assault squad set


-Jump Pack Chaplain

-1.5 Devastator box sets

-half or so of DC and SG sets

-misc other bits


So it looks like the army will be very Terminator-centered, with a Death Company, and converted Sanguinary Guard. I need to sit down and hammer out an actual list with what I have, to get some advice on how to equip the various units and vehicles. As for the Dred, I think that I am going to go DC dred. But the Librarian dred is a nifty idea too, and maybe a Furioso with some gun on it might help fill out the fire support part of my list (which is a little lacking perhaps).


Thanks again for the advice and positivity! More pics this evening i think.



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Just a little progress update. I am working on my second tactical squad sargeant, equipped the same as the first, with Power Fist and Combi-melta. He get an extra special Fist from the Space Hulk set though, since I had to chop one off the Sanguinary Priest in Termie armor. Here he is:






Also, I made a little objective marker, a Red Grail partially buried in a little sand hillock riddled with bones and skulls:




Skulls and bones!



Retrieve the precious grail, Sons of Sanguinus!!



I hope to have some more guys done soon. The two test Tac. squad guys are basically done, and I think with them I have established a basic paint scheme/technique. In the pipeline are the Termies pictured above, the sargeants, and after them, more Tac squad guys. And 2 vehicles in the mail, though maybe I should start with the Rhino I have. Other projects (my Dark Eldar* and Necrons**) are distracting me a little, especially with all the neato new stuff set to be released soon. But I will try to give in to the Red Thirst more often, and post progress reports!


Thanks B&C!




PS: If interested in my other non-Space Marine projects, you can check them out here, over at Dakka Dakka:


*Dark Eldar:





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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a little update with my WIP Sanguinary Priest. Put together with all bits I have lying around...


frontal shot:




back shot with Sang. Priest Jump Pack details:




another angle:




One question/opinion I'd like: should I leave the flames in the grail or cut those off and hollow out the grail? Please let me know what you think as I am on the fence about this - the flames look cool, but they're not really appropriate...


He'll get primed in the next batch of Tac. squad marines & Sergeants, and hopefully soon I can show off some painted figs.



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